The match has come to an end. As the teams leave for the locker room we say goodbye, encouraging you to stay connected to our page for the latest sports.
The referee signals the end of this period.
Zappacosta (Roma) takes the throw.
Zappacosta (Roma) takes the throw.
Perotti (Roma) executes a corner kick from the left wing.
There is one substitution: Perotti replaces Mkhitaryan (Roma).
Dzeko (Roma) has been offside.
Veretout (Roma) takes a corner from the left.
Veretout (Roma) executes a corner kick from the left wing.
You will have to keep trying your luck Mkhitaryan (Roma) if you want to add something to your personal locker. He tried it with a shot with his left foot.
Game in progress with a goal kick by López (Roma).
Change in Torino: Adopo leaves and Singo enters his place.
Singo (Torino) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Zappacosta (Roma) who puts the ball into play.
Singo has been fouled by Kolarov (Roma). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Belotti (Torino) is offside and watches the linesman raise his flag.
There is a substitution: Aina replaces Berenguer (Torino).
Yellow card for Zaniolo (Roma).
Lack! Zaniolo (Roma) has committed a foul on Berenguer.
Ujkani (Torino) starts the play with a goal kick.
Mkhitaryan (Roma) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Kolarov (Roma) is offside and watches the linesman raise his flag.
Throw-in Zappacosta (Roma).
Throw-in Singo (Torino).
Torino attacks from the right wing: Berenguer puts the ball.
Lack! Diawara (Roma) has fouled Lukic.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Ujkani (Torino).
Kolarov (Roma) tries a high shot with his left foot, but the ball goes down the left side.
Goal kick by Ujkani (Torino) that sets the ball in motion again.
Zaniolo attempts a low shot with the right, but goes away from the left post.
Roma tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Veretout centers from the left wing.
The ball goes out and Verdi (Torino) takes the throw.
Ibanez (Roma) commits a foul on Djidji.
Change in the ranks of Torino: Belotti replaces Ansaldi.
Verdi (Torino) commits a foul on Smalling.
Ujkani (Torino) takes a goal kick.
Ball to Veretout (Roma) area from the right.
Ball to Veretout (Roma) area from the right.
Veretout (Roma) takes a corner from the left.
The bench of Rome is moved with the replacement of Zaniolo by Pérez.
Change in the ranks of Rome: Veretout replaces Cristante.
Change in the ranks of Rome: Ibanez replaces Bruno Peres.
Shot with the left foot of Pérez (Roma) who fails to go between the three poles.
Lukic (Torino) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
The referee blows his whistle: Lack of Cristante (Roma) on Meïté.
Zappacosta (Roma) has been offside.
Singo Goool! The shot is unopposed and crosses the goal line!
Nice shot from Singo (Torino)! Launch with the right leg. Well run.
Game in progress with a goal kick by López (Roma).
Verdi (Torino) shoots at goal with the right foot, but the ball does not take the desired direction and goes off target.
Nice shot by Cristante (Roma)! Launch with the right leg. Well run.
Dzeko (Roma) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Cross into the box: Zappacosta (Roma) is the scorer from the left.
Goal! He managed to score Diawara (Roma) !!!
Chance for Rome! It was a shot from Diawara with the right.
What an occasion for Diawara (Rome) !!! The player shoots directly into the goal.
Lack! Djidji (Torino) commits a foul on Dzeko.
Ball into Ansaldi's (Torino) area from the right.
The referee whistles a violation of Smalling (Roma) to Zaza.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a lack of Cristante (Roma) to Meïté.
Throw-in Zappacosta (Roma).
Throw-in by Zappacosta (Roma) who puts the ball into play.
Verdi (Torino) executes a corner kick from the left wing.
Ball into Ansaldi's (Torino) area from the right.
Ball to Cristante's area (Rome).
The referee shows Meïté the yellow card.
The referee whistles for a Meïté (Torino) to Mkhitaryan.
Zaza (Torino) has a chance to score, but his left-footed shot goes wide.
Ball into Ansaldi's (Torino) area from the right.
Meïté shoots a volley towards the goal that the goalkeeper easily stops.
The referee whistles for a violation by Kolarov (Roma) to Lukic.
Singo (Torino) commits a foul on Smalling.
Zappacosta (Roma) takes the throw.
Change in the ranks of Rome: Zappacosta replaces Spinazzola.
Lukic shoots low with his left leg between the three poles, but the goalkeeper lunges left for the ball.
Shot with the left foot of Verdi (Torino) who fails to go between the three poles.
Ball to the area of Spinazzola (Roma) from the right.
Bruno Peres (Roma) takes the throw.
Meïté (Torino) commits a foul on Dzeko.
Ansaldi (Torino) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
The ball is already rolling on the grass!
There is a substitution: Djidji replaces Lyanco (Torino).
End of this period of the match.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Zaza (Torino) to Kolarov.
Bruno Peres (Roma) commits a foul on Lukic.
The referee whistles for a violation of Lyanco (Torino) to Mkhitaryan.
Torino tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Lyanco centers from the left wing.
The ball goes out and Ansaldi (Torino) takes the throw.
Verdi (Torino) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Bruno Peres (Roma) commits a foul on Ansaldi.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Ujkani (Torino).
Mkhitaryan volleys with his left foot, but the ball goes high up the left post.
Cross into the Spinazzola (Roma) area.
Spinazzola (Roma) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Throw-in by Spinazzola (Roma) who puts the ball into play.
Ball into Verdi's (Torino) area from the right.
Verdi (Torino) takes a corner from the left.
Verdi centers closed from the right, but the ball goes directly out.
Torino tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Berenguer centers from the left wing.
The referee shows Mancini the yellow card.
Mancini (Roma) commits a foul on Berenguer.
Lack! Cristante (Roma) has fouled Lukic.
Launch in favor of Rome! Kolarov tries it with a direct shot on goal with his left foot, but it goes wide.
Zaza (Torino) commits a foul on Mkhitaryan.
Yellow card for Pérez (Roma).
Lack! Pérez (Roma) has committed a foul on Verdi.
Bruno Peres (Roma) takes the throw.
Lack! Dzeko (Roma) commits a foul on Nkoulou
Ball into Ansaldi's (Torino) area from the right.
The referee interprets that there has been a hand from Pérez (Roma) and stops the play.
Roma tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Bruno Peres centers from the left wing.
The ball goes out and Mancini (Roma) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Ansaldi (Torino).
The ball goes out and Ansaldi (Torino) takes the throw.
Goool! Smalling is successful and no one can stop the goal from going up!
Cross into the area of Pérez (Roma).
Pérez (Roma) takes a corner from the left.
Roma attacks from the right wing: Pérez puts the ball.
The referee decides to caution Lyanco (Torino).
Spinazzola shoots low with his left leg between the three poles, but the goalkeeper darts to the right for the ball.
Ansaldi (Torino) takes the throw.
Torino tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Singo centers from the left wing.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Ujkani (Torino).
Cristante attempts a shot with the right foot, but the ball flies high and to the right.
Pérez (Roma) takes a corner kick from the right side.
Outside! Smalling (Roma) heads the ball but misses the target.
Pérez (Roma) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Pérez (Roma) takes a corner from the left.
Ball to Pérez (Roma) 's area from the right.
Ball into Ansaldi's (Torino) area from the right.
The ball flies into the area after the corner kick by Verdi (Torino) from the left …
Shot with the left foot of Zaza (Torino) who cannot go between the three poles.
Lack! Kolarov (Roma) commits a foul on Verdi.
Spinazzola (Roma) takes the throw.
The ball crosses the line. Dzeko (Rome) scores!
What an occasion !!! Dzeko (Roma) tries it out with his left leg between the three poles.
Throw-in by Spinazzola (Roma) who puts the ball into play.
Goal! Berenguer scores with a high shot.
Nice shot by Berenguer (Torino)! Launch with the right leg. Well run.
Ujkani (Torino) takes a goal kick.
Cristante (Roma) tries a volley shot with his left foot, but the ball goes off the right post.
Roma attacks from the right wing: Pérez puts the ball.
Pérez (Roma) takes a corner from the left.
Roma tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Bruno Peres centers from the left wing.
Goal kick by Ujkani (Torino) that sets the ball in motion again.
Roma attacks from the right wing: Spinazzola puts the ball.
Throw-in Spinazzola (Roma).
The ball goes out and Mkhitaryan (Roma) takes the throw.
Roma attacks from the right wing: Mkhitaryan puts the ball.
Mkhitaryan (Roma) takes the throw.
Spinazzola shoots low with his left leg between the three poles, but the goalkeeper takes the ball with ease.
Torino attacks from the right wing: Ansaldi puts the ball.
Bruno Peres (Roma) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Bruno Peres (Roma).
Mancini (Roma) commits a foul on Berenguer.
Throw-in Spinazzola (Roma).
Goal kick from López (Roma) that puts the ball in motion again.
López (Roma) starts the play with a goal kick.
Verdi (Torino) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Verdi (Torino) takes a corner from the right side.
Lukic (Torino) has tried to shoot at goal, but has not managed to get the ball between the three poles.
Singo (Torino) takes the throw.
Singo (Torino) takes the throw.
The match is already at stake.
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