Thus ends our live broadcast of the match. We say goodbye with a warm greeting until next time. Thanks for joining us!
The referee signals the end of this period.
Zaza attempts a high shot with the left foot, but the ball goes to the left.
Throw in by Djidji (Torino), who puts the ball in play.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Ndoj (Brescia) to Zaza.
Martella (Brescia) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Lack! Berenguer (Torino) commits a foul on Joronen.
Martella (Brescia) takes the throw.
Goal kick from Sirigu (Torino) that puts the ball in motion again.
Donnarumma (Brescia) shoots high with his right leg, but the ball goes out to the side of the right post.
The ball goes out and Sabelli (Brescia) takes the throw.
The ball goes out and Martella (Brescia) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Aina (Torino).
Change in Torino: Djidji leaves and De Silvestri enters his place.
Change in Torino: Berenguer leaves and Belotti takes his place.
The referee blows his whistle and signals Ghezzi (Brescia) to Rincón.
Change in the ranks of Brescia: Ghezzi replaces Torregrossa.
Goal, goal, Zaza goal!
Nice shot from Zaza (Torino)! Launch with the right leg. Well run.
Meïté (Torino) tries with his right leg. The ball has ended between the three posts of the opposite goal.
Belotti (Torino) has a chance to score, but his left-footed shot goes wide.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Sirigu (Torino).
Missed shot. Ball that is lost low after hitting the body of Donnarumma (Brescia).
Skrabb (Brescia) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Belotti (Torino) has run offside.
Rincón (Torino) commits a foul on Torregrossa.
Donnarumma (Brescia) is shown a yellow card.
Lack! Skrabb (Brescia) commits a foul on De Silvestri.
Sabelli (Brescia) takes the throw.
Zaza (Torino) commits a foul on Papetti.
Throw-in by De Silvestri (Torino).
Ball to the area of Martella (Brescia) from the right.
The referee whistles for a Belotti (Torino) to Ndoj.
The Torino bench moves with the replacement of Lukic by Verdi.
Meïté has been fouled by Zmrhal (Brescia). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a lack of Meïté (Torino) to Viviani.
Yellow card for Zaza (Torino).
Zaza (Torino) commits a foul on Papetti.
Aina (Torino) takes the throw.
Change in the ranks of Torino: Aina replaces Ansaldi.
Mateju (Brescia) commits a foul on Zaza.
Change in Brescia: Skrabb leaves and Spalek enters his place.
Brescia's bench moves with the replacement of Ndoj by Dessena.
Mateju (Brescia) commits a foul on Zaza.
You will have to keep trying your luck Martella (Brescia) if you want to add something to your personal locker. He tried it with a shot with his left foot.
Ball to Spalek's (Brescia) area.
Spalek (Brescia) takes a corner from the right.
Ball to Spalek's (Brescia) area.
Brescia tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Spalek centers from the left wing.
Cross into the box: Spalek (Brescia) is the scorer from the left.
Spalek (Brescia) starts a dangerous move with a cross from the left wing.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Belotti (Torino) on Papetti.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Joronen (Brescia).
Throw-in by Ansaldi (Torino).
Goal kick by Joronen (Brescia) that sets the ball in motion again.
Goal kick by Joronen (Brescia) that sets the ball in motion again.
Belotti (Torino) commits a foul on Zmrhal.
Viviani (Brescia) commits a foul on Ansaldi.
Sirigu (Torino) takes a goal kick.
Donnarumma (Brescia) shoots with the right foot, but the ball flies high and to the right.
Torregrossa (Brescia) hits the header, but the ball goes wide.
Ball to Sabelli (Brescia) area.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Joronen (Brescia).
Throw-in by Sabelli (Brescia) who puts the ball into play.
Goal kick from Sirigu (Torino) that puts the ball in motion again.
Brescia tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Sabelli centers from the left wing.
The ball goes out and Martella (Brescia) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Ansaldi (Torino).
Goal kick by Joronen (Brescia) that sets the ball in motion again.
Donnarumma (Brescia) commits a foul on Meïté.
Joronen (Brescia) starts the play with a goal kick.
Belotti (Torino) header without aim. The goalkeeper does not have to intervene. The ball is lost high and to the left.
Torino tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Verdi centers from the left wing.
Torino tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Verdi centers from the left wing.
There is a substitution: Zmrhal replaces Bjarnason (Brescia).
Change in Brescia: Viviani leaves and Tonali takes his place.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul from Bjarnason (Brescia) to Belotti.
Goal! Belotti scores with a high shot.
Verdi (Torino) has a chance to score, but his left-footed shot goes wide.
Shot with the left foot of De Silvestri (Torino) who fails to go between the three poles.
Torino attacks from the right wing: Ansaldi puts the ball.
Yellow card for Tonali (Brescia).
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Tonali (Brescia) to Verdi.
De Silvestri (Torino) commits a foul on Bjarnason.
Cross into the box: Belotti (Torino) is the scorer from the left.
Sirigu (Torino) takes a goal kick.
Donnarumma (Brescia) shoots with the right foot, but the ball flies high and to the right.
Spalek (Brescia) has a chance to score, but his left-footed shot goes wide.
Cross into the Ansaldi (Torino) area.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Joronen (Brescia).
The ball hits the right post after a low header from Belotti and goes out.
Ansaldi (Torino) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Yellow card for Papetti (Brescia).
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul from Papetti (Brescia) to Belotti.
Sirigu (Torino) takes a goal kick.
Too tall. Torregrossa header (Brescia) pointing to the left of the goal but the ball goes over the crossbar.
Brescia tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Spalek centers from the left wing.
Ball to Tonali (Brescia) area.
The referee blows his whistle and signals Rincón (Torino) to Sabelli.
Verdi (Torino) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Goal in his own goal from Mateju !!! Torino adds a bit to his marker.
Verdi (Torino) executes a shot with the left foot, but the ball does not end between the three poles.
The ball goes out and Ansaldi (Torino) takes the throw.
Lyanco (Torino) commits a foul on Donnarumma.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Joronen (Brescia).
Cross into the Verdi (Torino) area.
Verdi (Torino) takes a corner from the left.
Cross into the Verdi (Torino) area.
The referee marks the beginning of this period.
End of this period of the match.
Verdi (Torino) executes a shot with the left foot, but the ball does not end between the three poles.
Tonali (Brescia) commits a foul on Verdi.
The referee interprets that there has been a hand from Zaza (Torino) and stops the play.
The ball goes to De Silvestri's area (Torino).
De Silvestri (Torino) takes the throw.
Throw-in by De Silvestri (Torino).
Ansaldi (Torino) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Goal kick from Sirigu (Torino) that puts the ball in motion again.
Torregrossa (Brescia) tries to connect the ball with his head, although his shot cannot see the door.
Ball to Bjarnason (Brescia) from the right.
Sabelli has been fouled by Ansaldi (Torino). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Joronen (Brescia) takes a goal kick.
Belotti (Torino) tries a volley with his left foot, but the ball goes high up the left.
Cross into the box: De Silvestri (Torino) is the scorer from the left.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Joronen (Brescia).
Zaza (Torino) header without aim. The goalkeeper does not have to intervene. The ball is lost high and to the left.
Ball into Verdi's (Torino) area.
Torino tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Verdi centers from the left wing.
Ball into Verdi's (Torino) area.
Verdi (Torino) takes a closed corner from the right.
Verdi (Torino) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Belotti has been fouled by Papetti (Brescia). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
The referee blows his whistle: Sabelli (Brescia) fouls Belotti.
Chance for Brescia! It was thanks to a shot by Bjarnason with the right.
Ball to Sabelli (Brescia) area.
Zaza shoots low with his left leg between the three poles, but the goalkeeper jumps left for the ball.
Bremer (Torino) heads high between the three poles, but the goalkeeper takes the ball after jumping to cover the crossbar.
Verdi (Torino) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Verdi (Torino) takes a corner from the left.
Verdi (Torino) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Cross into the box: Verdi (Torino) is the scorer from the left.
Rincon drives away danger with an interception.
Donnarumma shoots low with his left leg between the three poles, but the goalkeeper takes the ball with ease.
Sabelli (Brescia) takes the throw.
Belotti (Torino) has a chance to score, but his left-footed shot goes wide.
Great shot with the left leg of Zaza (Torino), which adds a launch between the three sticks.
Ball into Ansaldi's (Torino) area from the right.
Throw-in by Ansaldi (Torino) who puts the ball into play.
Ball to Rincón (Torino) 's area from the right.
Rincón (Torino) takes the throw.
The referee whistles a Torregrossa (Brescia) violation for Rincón.
Throw-in by Ansaldi (Torino) who puts the ball into play.
Sabelli (Brescia) takes the throw.
De Silvestri (Torino) commits a foul on Bjarnason.
Throw in by Martella (Brescia), who puts the ball in play.
Throw-in by De Silvestri (Torino) who puts the ball into play.
Lack! Zaza (Torino) commits a foul on Dessena.
Torino attacks from the right wing: Ansaldi puts the ball.
Torregrossa (Brescia) commits a foul on Meïté.
Brescia tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Tonali centers from the left wing.
Tonali (Brescia) takes a corner from the right.
Cross into the box: Sabelli (Brescia) is the scorer from the left.
Lack! Bremer (Torino) commits a foul on Torregrossa.
Throw-in by Sabelli (Brescia) who puts the ball into play.
Sirigu (Torino) starts the play with a goal kick.
Torregrossa (Brescia) heads high and without aim. The goalkeeper does not have to intervene. The ball is lost to the left.
Cross into the box: Sabelli (Brescia) is the scorer from the left.
The referee blows his whistle and signals Rincón (Torino) to Dessena.
Ball into Ansaldi's (Torino) area from the right.
Cross into the box: Verdi (Torino) is the scorer from the left.
The marker moves !!! Goal by Torregrossa (Brescia) !!!
Great shot with the left leg of Torregrossa (Brescia), which adds a shot between the three poles.
Nkoulou (Torino) commits a foul on Papetti.
Throw in by Martella (Brescia), who puts the ball in play.
Throw-in by De Silvestri (Torino).
Cross into the box: Spalek (Brescia) is the scorer from the left.
Mateju (Brescia) hits his head between the three poles, but the goalkeeper takes the ball after jumping to cover the crossbar.
Cross into the box: Tonali (Brescia) is the scorer from the left.
Spalek (Brescia) takes a corner from the right side.
Corner kick from the left sector. It is executed by Tonali (Brescia)
Mateju (Brescia) hits his head high between the three poles, but the goalkeeper takes the ball after jumping to the left side.
Tonali (Brescia) starts a dangerous move with a cross from the left wing.
Tonali (Brescia) takes a corner from the right.
Tonali (Brescia) starts a dangerous move with a cross from the left wing.
The referee blows his whistle: Nkoulou (Torino) fouls Joronen.
Ball into Verdi's (Torino) area from the right.
Verdi (Torino) takes a corner from the left.
Verdi shoots low with his left leg between the three poles, but the goalkeeper darts to the right for the ball.
Hand! The referee appreciates a Torregrossa (Brescia) infraction and signals the foul.
Lack! Rincón (Torino) commits a foul on Donnarumma.
Verdi (Torino) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Verdi (Torino) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Verdi (Torino) takes a corner from the left.
Ball into Verdi's (Torino) area from the right.
Outside! Shot with the right leg of Belotti (Torino), who sees how the ball goes away from the three sticks.
The referee stopped the game after observing that Meïté (Torino) touched the ball with his hand.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a lack of Bremer (Torino) to Torregrossa.
Sabelli (Brescia) takes the throw.
Ball into Verdi's (Torino) area.
Verdi (Torino) takes a closed corner from the right.
Verdi shoots high with the left foot, but the goalkeeper jumps to the left and takes the ball.
Throw in by Martella (Brescia), who puts the ball in play.
Lack! De Silvestri (Torino) commits a foul on Bjarnason.
Belotti (Torino) miscalculates his sprint and sees how the assistant invalidates his action. Offside.
Cross into the box: Verdi (Torino) is the scorer from the left.
Ball into Verdi's (Torino) area.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Bjarnason (Brescia) to De Silvestri.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul from Spalek (Brescia) to Ansaldi.
The ball goes out and De Silvestri (Torino) takes the throw.
Tonali (Brescia) starts a dangerous move with a cross from the left wing.
Bremer (Torino) commits a foul on Torregrossa.
Throw-in by Sabelli (Brescia) who puts the ball into play.
Sirigu (Torino) takes a goal kick.
The referee marks the beginning of this period.
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