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This is the minimum income that Iglesias wants to implement and that would affect 10 million Spaniards

The vice president of Social Rights and leader of United Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, appeared Thursday at his own request before the Commission on Social Rights and Comprehensive Policies on Disability to present the main lines of his department. In his intervention before the groups, Iglesias placed special emphasis on the implementation “as soon as possible” of “a minimum state income for all households”. However, it did not give figures on the amount to be received or the cost of putting it into practice. What is the minimum income that the 'purple' defend?

You have to go to the program with which Unidos Podemos appeared for the November 10 elections to find more precision. In the measure 213 of the same one speaks of a “guaranteed basic income”. Those of Iglesias commit themselves in the document to “guarantee by law that no one is left without a guaranteed basic income, regardless of their luck with employment or their pension. It is a benefit of sufficient income that will have a initial amount guaranteed per adult of 600 euros per month, which will increase depending on the number of household members up to 1,200 euros“.

In the same section, Podemos says that this income – which would be updated “periodically with the highest value between the CPI and salary growth” – it would affect “predictably 10 million people”. Although the program does not show an estimate of the cost, several party leaders in various interviews on horseback between the elections of 28-A and 10-N spoke between 10,000 and 12,000 million euros, to collect preferential taxes great fortunes According to him INE, 21.5% of the Spanish population lives at risk of poverty or social exclusion with incomes below 8,871 euros per year. That is, they are below 60% of the median income per unit of household consumption nationwide.

Before the possible damping of the PSOE To this extent, the only tangible reference is the agreement signed for the Coalition Government. In that document, socialists and 'purples' advocate “developing the Minimum Vital Income as a Social Security benefit.” To do this, they continue, “we will begin initially due to the decided increase in the benefit for dependent children for vulnerable families, and subsequently through a general income guarantee mechanism for families with no income or low income. “Neither deadlines nor amounts are specified.

Nor does the electoral program of the PSOE shed much light in November. In that document, those of Pedro Sánchez promise in a generic way “to move towards the establishment of a Minimum Vital Income as a basis for the freedom and rights of all persons” and “to improve the benefits for dependent children for households in a situation of poverty “, in addition to” developing a mechanism to guarantee income for highly vulnerable households “.

Focusing on that first phase of implementation, Podemos also speaks in its 10-N program to improve that child benefit in vulnerable families: “Benefit for the care of children and adolescents, which will reach 1,200 euros a year universally and 2,000 euros a year for situations of severe poverty, and that will start urgently with 600 euros per year for families at risk of poverty, with a 50% increase for single-parent or single-parent families. “

This assistance for dependent children was raised by the Government of Sanchez shortly before 28-A to 588 euros per year for families in severe poverty, those that fall below the threshold of 25% of the median income.

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Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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