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The Vázquez effect: how to rescue a historical Deportivo destined to disappear

“We did not win a match or the ONCE, it is incredible how bad we are … really worrisome”, were the words of Deportivo central Peru Nolaskoain on December 2 after a new puncture of the club from Coruña. A few weeks later, the team hit the ceiling with a balance of two wins, nine draws and ten losses, placing itself in a situation that had not been experienced since its last era of Second B in the 80s. The Superdepor was in real danger of disappearing .

That was when Deportivo appointed Fernando Vázquez on December 31 as the new coach, becoming the third coach of the season. In his presentation, Castrofeito sent a message about his players, who until that moment had only won two games of 21 (that of day 1 and that of 21): “There are no good players in a team that does not yield and there are no bad players in a team that performs. Everyone thinks we have bad players, why? Because they are not working as a team. What level do they have? It is difficult to assess. “

Fernando Vázquez, 65, is known for being a great motivator, especially in delicate moments. It 'puts' the risk. Something similar to what is happening to the Leganés with the Mexican and tanned in a thousand battles Javier Aguirre. The Galician coach knows how to manage a group of more than twenty players and perfectly fulfills the functions of a leader. In addition, his charisma infects the amateur and has achieved one of his great goals as soon as he reaches Deportivo: fill Riazor, as happened in the last match against Las Palmas.

“I think the fans will have to take a step forward. The most important thing about a club is their hobby. If you are in Third and you have 8,000 fans, you are a great club. The category does not make you big, but the ability you have to drag people to the stadium. Please, so that Deportivo can survive, have the stadium full. The most reasonable thing is that people come to the stadium more than when we were in a comfortable situation in First. I feel that way, “he said. Just be introduced as a sports coach.

In addition, Vázquez, optimistic by nature, printed from the outset his conviction to the team and his positive thinking, key in these types of situations: “As impossible as it may seem, it is possible.” It was his first public prayer in his second stage (he was already between 2013 and 2014) as coach of Deportivo. “I come with that illusion, I do not come in negative, I think that it can be done, that it is possible. It was done a few times, but it was done, therefore it can be done.”

And so much that you can. The result so far has not been better. With Vázquez leading the bench, Deportivo has won the six games played in the Smartbank League (Numancia, Racing, Cádiz, Albacete, Las Palmas and Alcorcón) and has gone from being last and seven points of salvation to fourteenth and four points above the descent. With this winning dynamic it is not unreasonable to think that Deportivo finishes the season closer to the rise than the descent. In fact, sportsmen are seven points from the 'playoff' that gives access to the First Division.

Abanca Rescue

Fernando Vázquez has not arrived alone in this new adventure. Together with the Galician they have landed a new directive, with Fernando Vidal as the new president, and another responsible for the signings and right hand of the president, Richard Barral, in charge of bringing an old acquaintance of the fans, such as Emre Çolak, and the striker Sabin Merino, the recent scorer of the four-goal author team in four days. In addition, Keko, Beauvue, Uche Agbo and Hugo Vallejo (soccer player assigned by Real Madrid) have also been signed. A fresh air that has reactivated Deportivo, a team that after day 20 was totally evicted and with the mind set on the possible disappearance after the category decline.

Ten days after the arrival of Fernando Vázquez, the Coruña team reached an agreement with the financial entity Abanca for the granting of a participatory loan of five million euros. An agreement reached for the bank to help the club in the “critical situation” in which it finds itself, with a debt of more than 83 million euros.

With this loan, the League will allow Deportivo to expand its salary cap by just over two million to be distributed between the markets of January and next summer. “At the time of the capital increase, we want all shareholders to join to ensure the viability of the club,” says the financial entity. For his part, the candidate for the presidency of Deportivo, Fernando Vidal, said that this agreement “opens the light” to the club. “Dépor cannot live with water around his neck.”

With all this, Deportivo begins in February a new season with a squad, in addition to renewed by winter signings, which has gained in self-esteem and motivation. Some players that were not worth anything before and who knows if, with all the remaining days, they can fight for something else. With Vázquez it has been shown that everything is possible: “I would love to return to Dépor in First, put it in Europe and retire. It would be a dream to put it in Europe,” says recently one of the most charismatic technicians of Spanish football.

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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