UD Almería has started a trip this morning to Girona with the good news that emanates from the PCR tests carried out yesterday by the staff, after a positive diagnosed at the beginning of the week and which has caused two more tests to be carried out on the staff, coaching staff and personnel in contact with the former.
Those held yesterday have resulted in even the player who tested positive on the first day to test negative for the second consecutive study. However, UD Almería has commented, through its networks, that the aforementioned player, rated as 'inconclusive' by these 'variable' results', has not traveled to Girona.
The indálico team plays this afternoon in Montilivi, from 7.30pm hours, the first leg of the playoff semifinals for promotion to First Division.
He does it precisely against the same rival with whom he closed his last presence in a promotion tie, a fact that occurred in 2013 and that ended up leading to promotion to the First Division.