Categories: General Sports News

the princess’s new decisive step

Princess Leonor, after a decisive year in Zaragoza, has another challenge ahead: her first official trip. She does it at the age of 18 and the country chosen by Casa Real has been Portugal, where on July 12 she will be received by Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, the socialist president of the neighboring country. This was announced this Thursday, June 27, by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs in a statement.

Thus, the daughter of Don Felipe and Doña Letizia will be accompanied during her trip by Minister José Manuel Albares. The Portuguese president, with whom her father has proven to have a good rapport, will welcome her at the Belém Palace in Lisbon. Part of the program will focus on the protection of the environment and the conservation of the oceans, priority issues for Portugal and Spain, as indicated in the statement.

The first official trip abroad of the heir to the throne will take place just nine days after she says goodbye to the General Military Academy of Zaragoza with the office of ensign that Felipe VI will give her.The princess thus completes her first year of military training, which she will resume at the end of August, this time at the Navy training centre in Marín, Pontevedra.

It must be remembered that Leonor already traveled abroad without the company of her parents in the summer of 2022. She traveled with her sister, Infanta Sofía, to a Spain match in the Women’s European Football Championship. The match was held in Brentford, England. Both sisters traveled on behalf of the crown, although the trip was not institutional in nature.

“The election of Portugal reflects and reinforces the ties of fraternity and closeness that unite both countries”indicates the ministry. Don Felipe and Doña Letizia have made the decision to travel, and later the approval was received from the Government. Going back, Felipe VI made his first official trip when he was 15 years old, three years younger than his daughter is now. On that occasion, the son of King Juan Carlos and Doña Sofía traveled to Colombia on behalf of the crown. It was for the 450th anniversary of the city of Cartagena de Indias, where he coincided with fifteen Ibero-American leaders.

Leonor has taken fundamental steps in recent years. Especially because of her departure to Wales to study the International Baccalaureate and then with her military training in Zaragoza.. A place that has also given her many joys on a personal level, thanks to the friends she has met at the General Military Academy and who have made her discover other worlds.

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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