Categories: Football

“The new budgets give a lot of strength to the sport, with more than 250 million euros”

José Manuel Rodríguez Uribes (10-09-1968, 52 years old, Valencia) has given an interview to the newspaper AS to take stock of the unfortunate 2020, which will always be remembered, unfortunately, by the drama of the coronavirus. The Minister of Culture and Sports addresses a multitude of issues in one of his portfolios, much of them contingent on the evolution of the pandemic.

We have a decisive year ahead of us, with the Olympic Games, the Eurocup and the rest of the supranational and domestic competitions, and Spanish sport has been, in some way, a reference in terms of resistance to the coronavirus pandemic and organizational capacity. I would like you to take stock of how the year 2020 that we are about to abandon has been like and how you see 2021.

It has been a very difficult year, very tough in all areas, for all sectors of this country, for all citizens and also for sports. However, I believe that there are some positive, very positive elements that I must underline and that we must remember: firstly, the example given by our athletes in the most difficult moments, when the first State of Alarm led us to practically confinement total and many figures of our sport came out to make that appeal to citizens, as social references that they are, to stay at home and better combat this pandemic that we suffered and that we continue to suffer. At that time, our athletes got the best of themselves and highlighted something that I emphasize many times, that sport is a world of values ​​that this crisis has shown us that we must recover and reinforce: solidarity, teamwork, in that idea that we must get out of this crisis together and united, the 'fair play' and that honesty of the athletes setting an example. It is true that we had to make decisions that were not easy, but which, over time, have proven to be correct or adequate: in the first place, that we return to La Liga. I remember a conversation with my French colleague (Roxana Maracineanu) who told me that they were going to suspend their league, as they did, and suggested that in Spain we do the same; I thought at that moment that La Liga would continue, without an audience, but that we could finish it. I think that was done well, successfully, having matches every day … It seems to me that this helped many people, at home, to cope better with the situation. In that sense, soccer and basketball played an almost social therapy role. And since then we keep running sports. In non-professional federated sports we get a protocol so that there could be an audience, thinking about other reasons that have to do with their sustainability and that, always within the limits required by health criteria, they could be carried out. We have been doing things, in a very complicated, unprecedented, but reasonable context, that have allowed our sport to regain activity soon, in the de-escalation very quickly, and that now we have a very positive horizon.

“Soccer and basketball have played an almost social therapy role”

In this positive horizon, what relevance does sport have in the General State Budgets that have just been approved?

Its relevance is very important. The budget for sport is once again like the one we had, in quantitative and percentage terms, in the Barcelona '92 Olympic Games, that is, we put sport back in the budgets with great force, with more than 250 million euros. euros for the Higher Sports Council and everything that its activity implies. We quadrupled the aid for the Spanish Olympic Committee and the Paralympic Committee, for women's sport, we doubled the aid for the federations and, of course, for the recovery plans. I think we have resisted well this year and, despite everything, the horizon around sport is very positive and committed to the four pillars on which we are very focused: grassroots, university, inclusive and women's sports.

As Minister of Culture and Sports we would like you to explain to us why the public has been able to go to Raphael's concert at the WiZink Center and not, on the same stage, to see Real Madrid basketball or Estudiantes.

It is true that seen like this there is a paradox. But it can be explained for different reasons, the main one being health. Culture has shown these months that it is safe and sport, too. In both areas, what has been possible with the public has been organized with guarantees, at the entrances, at the gates … The image of Raphael's concert may clash, with so many people and at this moment we have a difficult situation again and so uncertain with the pandemic, but I am convinced that it was organized perfectly. It is no less true that there are aspects that cannot be organized, such as that all those people move when they leave the concert and meet other people, and with that you have to be careful. That is why I believe that for massive events you have to wait a bit, you have to be more prudent. Why is La Liga or the ACB without an audience? Because we can see them on television, although it may seem a little decisive argument. You have to be very contained and it seems to me that now we can afford not to go to the stadiums or the fields to watch football or basketball games and follow them on television. I am the first that I would like to go to the Bernabéu or to see Madrid basketball. In addition, it must be taken into account that non-professional sports, if they do not have an audience, do not resist, and therefore an effort had to be made, with reduced capacity, following health protocols.

“Attendance at professional football and basketball is not going to be decided by the minister, but by health criteria”

What, then, is the prospect of fans returning to soccer stadiums or basketball courts to watch professional sports?

The criterion remains the same, when the health authorities understand that we are in a situation, either due to the evolution of the pandemic, or due to the application of the vaccine and its effects, in which the risks do not exist or are minimal. Around Christmas we are going to return to the subject, seeing what the situation is like in January after these holidays, and we will make decisions within that framework. I insist, because I have already said it, the attendance to professional soccer and basketball matches is not going to be decided by the minister, but by health criteria. In due course, when the data give us more light and tranquility, I will have a meeting with the Minister of Health.

You were one of the architects of the unblocking so that the non-professional leagues could start. What or what were the reasons for that encystment?

I was not so important. A good job was done, promoted by the Spanish Olympic Committee and by all sports federations, a lot of progress had been made, but very at the end the CSD released a statement in which it stated that there could be no further progress and what I did was push a bit, and within 48 hours the president of the CSD, the COE and the federations reached an agreement. The difficulty was not so great. And it was a good decision that I had to explain to the different Sports Councilors of the autonomous communities, because the protocols for the different non-professional competitions between communities had to be organized. I found a good response and fortunately those tournaments have been carried out.

The signals that come from the IOC and Japan are that there will be the Olympic Games in 2021. Alejandro Blanco has commented that perhaps the group of Olympic athletes should be included among the people who have priority to get the vaccine, in order to be calm to prepare the Games Is it something that is contemplated by the Government?

We are going to study it and I will transfer it to Health. It is true that the objective that these athletes have is also about the country and it may make sense, and we will discuss it around Christmas. It is difficult for me to speak beyond a week due to the pandemic, but in the meeting I had a few weeks ago with the Japanese ambassador in Spain I was able to verify that they have him very prepared and decided that the Games will be held.

“We made decisions that were not easy, but over time they have been correct”

A contingency plan has been developed to ensure that if the pandemic were to escalate, they can continue with their preparation. What do the technicians tell you about the medal forecast in Japan, after the ceiling was achieved in Barcelona with 22 and in the Rio edition there were 17?

I believe that we have some extraordinary athletes, from the point of view of their abilities and their values. I am optimistic because we are one of the most important countries in terms of team sports, in women's sports we are very much at the forefront and we are among the eight best in the world, and these data predict success both for individual athletes and for individual athletes. team sports.

What plans are there for women's sport?

It is one of the great objectives of this government. We have approved in the Council of Ministers the proposal for an Observatory for Equality in Sport, which we did not have and we did in Culture, which I think will be very useful to see what the relationship between men and women in sport is like and also the very dynamics of women's sport. In addition, in the Draft of the Sports Law, which we will resume as soon as normality progresses due to the pandemic, one of the axes is women's sports, which will have hitherto unknown amounts in the General State Budgets, with the endowment of resources, supporting our athletes, and also giving them visibility and recognition. Women's sport is a show. Watching girls' soccer or basketball games, to give two examples, is exciting.

“The Government is very excited about the joint candidacy of Spain and Portugal for the 2030 World Cup”

We would like to know your opinion about the European Super League of football clubs, which is championed by entities such as Real Madrid.

The other day I heard President Florentino Pérez launch the idea again and I think you have to think it through and discuss it with LaLiga and the Federation. You have to take a look at the pros and cons of that Super League. I can understand the arguments of the president of Real Madrid about how it is done in the NBA, but you have to see it. In any case, I think we have some extraordinary competitions.

One of the rivals we will face in the qualifying phase of the Qatar World Cup in 2022 is Kosovo, a state not recognized by Spain. How is this matter going to be resolved, taking into account that on March 31 he will face the National Team in our country?

One thing is geopolitics and international law or the recognition of states and another is sport. Furthermore, in this case, the situation is part of a private organization such as FIFA, in which competitors of different kinds participate. This must be normalized without extracting political consequences related to sport, which has to be outside these considerations. My point of view is that you don't have to mix, because it will be good for sports and for politics.

The reform of the ADO Plan, of the scholarship program that suppose the sustenance of elite athletes, is pending. In that sense, the CSD has had to contribute more than 60 percent of the funds in the last two years. What ideas does the Government have in this regard?

It is true that for about a decade we have had a progressive decrease in support for this great program, which I believe is one of the great successes of the past, which has been sustained over time and which guarantees that our athletes have the recognition and the financial support they deserve and need. The positive part is that the Government will always be there to support our athletes and the effort of the CSD in these last two years responds to that will, but in a conversation with Alejandro Blanco we agreed that we must give the model a spin. What we have to do is re-entice companies to support the ADO Program, but there are other circumstances that have affected in this sense: for example, when we declare events of special interest, many companies turn to them, which are more specific, like this year the Sailing Cup in Alicante. What is clear is that the ADO Plan must be strengthened, endowed with the resources it should have, but without inventing too much and knowing that the Government of Spain will always be behind.

“The new Anti-Doping Law is very harsh”

At what point is the 2030 World Cup organization project together with Portugal?

I know that we took some step in the last quarter of this year, in that common will with Portugal to advance in this project, which seems to me a very great idea, because Spain and Portugal, from the historical, cultural and, of course, football, because we are two great powers in this regard, we are closely linked. In addition, you have to think about what it would mean for America, the Spanish and Portuguese speaking. Everything that this project of two brother countries, Iberian, organizing a World Cup would entail seems wonderful to me. I am going to meet with the president of the Spanish Federation to address this matter and the support of the Government is absolute. We are very excited about betting on this candidacy.

We recently learned of the World Anti-Doping Agency's decision to exclude Russia from the Olympic and Winter Games. Is the minister calm about this serious issue of doping, both in Spain, where we have had cases in the past, and worldwide?

Very few weeks ago, I brought to the Council of Ministers the draft of the Anti-Doping Law to have it in a timely manner, with the aim that our athletes are not harmed. It is going to be a very tough and demanding law, which is going to take important steps in the fight against doping, against the bankruptcy of 'fairplay'. I must also say that our athletes, the vast majority, are exemplary in every way and I am very calm, also knowing that in any group there are always people who fail and do things wrong. I insist, we have a good rule prepared, in accordance with the world anti-doping code and reinforcing some aspects to fight against this scourge of sport.

“The Raphael concert? Sure it was well organized, but now you have to be more cautious”

We didn't want to fire him without asking him, first about Messi and his threat of leaving Barça and La Liga in the summer. How did you experience it as a minister and as a fan and if you can imagine Spanish football without the Argentine?

As the madridistas surpassed Cristiano's departure, the Barça fans would surpass him. If I think as a Madrid fan, Messi is a concern, but as a minister and Spaniard Leo is an extraordinary player, I wish him the best and for Barça, and if he can and wants to continue, let him continue. In any case, Spanish football is at a very high level and is recognized throughout the world.

And the last one: how do you see La Liga, with Atlético and Madrid as leaders?

Atleti is very solid offensively and defensively, it is a team that likes to see play, while Madrid has had an extraordinary streak in recent weeks. My prognosis? It is difficult, above all, because there is a lot of championship left.

Thank you very much for attending us.

To you.

Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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