Categories: Football

The Iker Casillas Ninth

Today is the day of San Isidro, patron of Madrid and symbol of a day that left its mark on the history of the Champions League. On May 15, 2002 Zidane scored the best goal of the European Cup finals, with his famous volley after an astronautic center of Roberto Carlos.

But although the history books remain logically with the aesthetic and resulting transcendence of the great goal of Marseille, that Novena would not have been possible without the stellar irruption of Casillas. The youth squad was sunk on the bench, since in that season César was the starter for much of the course.

But the Extremaduran had the misfortune to injure himself and that allowed Iker, winning 2-1 at Bayer Leverkusen, to play those last fifteen minutes in which the Germans attacked like hungry wolves in search of the goal that gave them the extension. But in that magical quarter of an hour the Mostoleño made three prodigious interventions, making the evening bitter for Ballack, Berbatov and company. Iker wept with joy and rage at the final whistle. He asked his mother not to travel to Glasgow so that she would not be sorry to see him as a substitute. Well, a handle of the Ninth belongs to your son …

Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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