The Youth Sports Foundation (FDJ) of the Higher Sports Council (CSD) presented this Friday in Toledo during the conference ‘Fiscal Incentives for Sports Patronage and Next Generation EU Aid Plan’ its line of support for sports entities in Castilla-La Stain.
Organized by the FDJ, with the collaboration of the Government of Castilla-La Mancha, the digital newspaper and the Impulsa Castilla-La Mancha Foundation, this meeting is part of the foundation’s initiative to publicize throughout Spain the events of exceptional public interest (AEIP) and priority patronage activities (APM), managed by the CSD and the foundation, which bring significant tax benefits to companies that support the implementation of sports projects.
The forum, which was attended by 150 representatives of sports entities and companies, was attended by the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports of the Government of Castilla-La Mancha, Rosa Ana Rodríguez, and the director of the Cabinet of the Presidency of the CSD, Juan Fernández Carnicer.
The Minister of Education, Culture and Sports of the Government of Castilla-La Mancha has valued this initiative of the Government of Spain to provide fiscal incentives to those companies that support athletes and sports entities, something that coincides with the objectives on which it has been working Castilla la Mancha.
“Not only are the aids that we can provide sport from the different public administrations necessary, but also private companies must join in to make that leap in quality,” said Rodríguez.
For his part, the director of the Cabinet of the Presidency of the Higher Sports Council, Juan Fernández Carnicer, has stressed the importance of public-private collaboration and has predicted that “in the future, this axis will continue to be a hallmark of the model of Spanish sport”.
“The organization of sport is not conceived without the collaboration of companies, hence the existence of fiscal tools that contribute to the development of the sporting, economic and social potential that is attributed to sport as an element that generates employment, especially youth, and wealth” , he added.
The general director of the CSD Youth Sports Foundation, Félix Jordán de Urríes, explained the processes followed to formalize the collaboration of the entities, both as patrons and as beneficiaries, in each of the initiatives, the AEIP ‘Universe Woman III’, ‘ADB 2030’, ‘Inclusive Sports II’, ‘New Goals II’ and the APM ‘Spain Competes’.
He has also referred to the section on the tax benefits that these programs bring to patron companies, as in the case of the AEIP, the donor companies may deduct 15% of their total spending on advertising from the Corporation Tax quota, with a maximum deduction equal to 90% of the amount of the donation made.
In addition, there is the option of taking advantage of the Priority Patronage figure, which entails a deduction of up to 45% on the amount of the donation. The APM are adjusted to this same reduction formula.
Next, the project of the Futbolellas Women’s Soccer Club has been presented as a success story of the use of these tools. Its president, Ana Rodríguez Quirós, detailed the club’s experience as a participant in the priority patronage activity “Spain Competes”.
The deputy director general of Promotion and Innovation and Sports Promotion of the CSD, Aitor Canibe, has addressed the line of aid for sport, within the framework of the funds allocated by Europe to repair the damage caused by the COVID-19 crisis, in his paper ‘Sport and Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Program. Help Lines’.