On Wednesday night, Marta Riesco revealed on Instagram that she had been “lying” on the street in the middle of a “storm” and hours later, on Thursday morning, she announced that she was no longer with the former civil guard. In addition, on a photo of her with her suitcases in the background, she pointed out as the culprit Rocio Flores: “You have already achieved what you wanted.”
After the theories that have surfaced about the reasons for the breakup, Antonio David Flores He has opened his Instagram profile this Friday and, on the beach of Malaga, he has written: “Good morning”. She has not spoken about the breakup, although she knows very well that the focus is on him and that any of his movements on social networks will be looked at with a magnifying glass.
The mother of the former reporter Ana Rosa’s program, Camila, was forceful on her social networks, where she left revealing comments about what happened: “Rocío, last night, threw Marta out into the street. Who did she kill?” And she added: “There is no evil that does not come for good. I hope that from now on she forgets about that man and his daughter who have only brought her misfortune.”
Read also – Marta Riesco, on the street and with her suitcase on her back: the shady episode that hides after her break with Antonio David
Antonio David and Marta, despite everything, still follow each other on Instagram. Ro also follows Marta, although not the other way around. Whatever the reason for the rupture and the family outbreak, the truth is that everything comes at a time when media interest has decreased considerably because not a word is spoken about them anymore in Mediaset due to the Code of Ethics of the new Dome. Will they return to the magazines telling the latest disagreements? Only time will tell…
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