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The CSD requires the LPFF and RFEF to coordinate the calendar of the Women’s First Division


The Higher Sports Council (CSD) has required the Professional Women’s Football League (LPFF) and the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) to carry out the draw for the First Division of Women’s Football calendar in a “coordinated manner”, still without dates, and has canceled the respective calls for draws made, separately and without consensus, by both parties.

In a resolution to which Europa Press has had access, the CSD asks both parties to agree and hold the matchup draw for the calendar of the top women’s division “in a coordinated manner between both entities.”

The CSD, in use of the powers legally conferred by the Third Additional Provision of Royal Decree 1835/1991, of December 20, on the Spanish Sports Federations, resolves:

In the first place, “cancel the call for the matchup draw for the Women’s First Division Football League calendar carried out exclusively by the LPFF on July 26, 2022”.

Secondly, “cancel the call for the matchup draw for the Women’s First Division Football League calendar carried out exclusively by the RFEF on July 27, 2022”.

And, finally, “require the LPFF and the RFEF to hold the match-up draw for the First Division Women’s Football calendar in a coordinated manner between both entities, in accordance with the provisions of the Fourth Legal Basis.

A Fourth Legal Basis that provides that the LPFF states in its letter that it is the only organizing entity of the professional women’s soccer competition and, as such, the only one competent to hold the calendar draw.

The CSD has no doubt that the LPFF, from the moment of its constitution and effective existence, “stands as the organizing entity of the professional women’s football competition.” However, it does not follow that in any aspect related to professional competition the LPFF is the only entity with the capacity to carry out actions in this regard.

“According to article 41.4.a) of the LD, it is up to the professional leagues (such as the LPFF) to “organize their own competitions, in coordination with the respective Spanish sports federation” (in this case the RFEF)”, it resolves the Higher Sports Council.

Therefore, for the CSD there must be a double communication. First, between the clubs and the professional League in which they are integrated, in this case the LPFF. And, secondly, a communication between the professional league and the Spanish sports federation of which it is a part, the RFEF.

“The communication with the clubs that are part of the professional League for the determination of the conditioning factors of the LPFF, as the organizing entity of the competition (…) corresponds to the LPFF itself. Finding ourselves before a matter subject to coordination, for the celebration of the pairing draw, said conditions must be sent to the RFEF, so that it exercises the corresponding coordination function and proceeds to hold the draw”, understands the CSD.

For this reason, and given the “discrepancies” between the LPFF and the RFEF regarding the competence to organize and hold the draw, the CSD has chosen to cancel the independent calls and advocate for that single and consensual call that is “coordinated” by both entities.

“Consequently, finding ourselves in the present conflict of competences in the face of a matter subject to coordination, the LPFF cannot organize and hold the pairing draw for the calendar of the women’s professional competition independently of the RFEF,” argues the CSD.

In the same sense, they consider that “nor can the RFEF organize and hold the draw for pairings on the calendar of the women’s professional competition independently of the LPFF”. “There must be a coordinated action in the matter, in which each of the entities exercise their corresponding functions,” summarizes the resolution.

A resolution that is “definitive” although against it it is possible to file a contentious-administrative appeal before the Central Contentious-Administrative Courts.

George Williams

George is a football fanatic, and he himself is a good football player. He does cover Football news from around the world, and share on Sportsfinding. He makes sure that the news content he creates are factually correct, and written in good English to meet the readers’ expectations.

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