Categories: General Sports News

Terelu, the ‘collaborator-character’ that ‘De Viernes’ clings to, because the shadow of ‘Deluxe’ is still long

The signing of Terelu Campos as a collaborator in From Friday It is the latest move of this program in its goal of establishing itself in the same prime time in which the program was successfully broadcast for years. Deluxe. Alejandra Rubio’s mother debuts tonight, the same night in which her son-in-law, Carlo Costanzia, will be a guest. Campostanzia together on set.

Terelu will occupy a permanent seat in the program after having given one of the best data to Friday (12.4%) as a guest star on the show. Now she will move to the other side of the set, as a panelist, but she will inevitably continue to maintain that double aspect of collaborator and character that has developed in recent years. Because Terelu is of particular interest when she or someone in her family is in the news.It happened in the times of Save me and it has continued to happen these past few months. In fact, it must be remembered that his first visit to Friday It occurred in the middle of the soap opera involving Carmen Borrego and her son.

We will have to see how Terelu’s arrival affects Friday and to what extent it contributes to the Telecinco program gaining more weight after a rather irregular first six months, with ups and downs depending on the guests -some powerful and expensive, but unsuccessful- that it has brought, and with the difficulty of measuring itself against Your face is familiar to mea program that sweeps every week and against which it has not been able to do anything.

‘De Viernes’ still does not surpass ‘Deluxe’

If we analyze the average audience for the season, From Friday register a 11.2% and 945,000 viewers in the 31 programs it has broadcast so fara fact that allows it to be above the Telecinco average (10.1% in the 2023/2024 academic year). Of the chain’s new features, it is the one that has worked best, but has not yet managed to surpass the mark set by the Deluxe, whose shadow remains very long.

Cancelled a year ago, when Mediaset eliminated everything that smelled of Save mehe Deluxe closed its last season with 11.9%. In that case, the program also exceeded the Telecinco average, even though in that season (2022/2023) the channel averaged a higher figure than the current one (11.3% share).

Friday The show arrived on Telecinco on November 24 with Ángel Cristo Jr. and his controversial statements against his mother, Bárbara Rey (14%). Weeks later, the program also achieved its best rating with the son of the vedette (16.3%). Afterwards, it has been languishing – it has been in the ‘single digit’ for several weeks – with some upturns, especially in June (11.9% on average this month). Fran Rivera, Mayte Zaldívar, Colate Vallejo-Nágera, Cándido Conde-Pumpido, Gabriela Guillén, El Cordobés… the list of guests has been long and almost all the names that have appeared on the program – Sofía Mazagatos is also attending tonight – are more renowned (and prestigious) than those that were on the show. Deluxe in their times, especially in recent times.

Besides, From Friday has developed a curious strategy to get the most out of the money he pays his guests: a week before going to the set, he broadcasts a recorded interview with his most important statementsIt is as if he were offering, as an extensive bait, the previous interview that is always done with the guests.because the programs always talk to them to specify what they are going to tell live before going on set.

Terelu will be, from tonight, the main collaborator of Friday and will share a chair with Angela Portero, Antonio Montero, Patricia Cerezo, Jose Antonio Leon and Patricia Perez. Of course, the attention will be on her to the extent that she has a topic of her current affairs or a character related to her life. And the first, Charles Costanzait is and even the collaborators of As if we were“It’s a masterstroke.”

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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