Categories: General Sports News

Terelu Campos reveals what Alejandra Rubio is experiencing the worst about her pregnancy: “She has had discomfort…”

Terelu Campos He has attended two programs in less than 24 hours to talk about his daughter’s pregnancy Alejandra Rubio, 24 years old. After facing all the criticism on Telecinco this Friday, the eldest daughter of María Teresa Campos revealed this Saturday on TVE what Alejandra is doing the worst about her pregnancy.

Alejandra is fine, days away… There are pregnancies that disrupt a woman’s body more, I just had a great one“, Carmen Borrego’s sister began by explaining in D Heartthe program where every weekend he comments on current social news.

Likewise, Terelu has revealed that, so far, Alejandra has not had cravings, but she has had discomfort. “No snacks that I know of, but he hasn’t told me either. He has had discomfort“, has manifested.

Beyond clarifying how Alejandra is physically, Pipi Estrada’s ex has assured that her daughter has a hard time accepting the criticism for announcing her pregnancy exclusively. “What Alejandra suffers the worst is the criticism that she makes it profitable (the pregnancy). Professional circumstances change and that has made him think. Now she has a responsibility, they have decided to bring a child into the world. I know why she did it“, the presenter has clarified.

Furthermore, Terelu has clarified that last week’s cover in Hello! It was the first exclusive for her daughter. “As such, she has never given an exclusive. She contacted me when she turned 18 because I told her ‘your face is going to appear even in the BOE’… why don’t we take some nice photos and she’s done“, he clarified.

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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