Categories: General Sports News

Terelu Campos, overwhelmed, talks about TVE’s tribute to her mother: “Carmen Borrego directs and I execute”

Terelu Campos counts the days until TVE broadcasts the tribute it is preparing for the great figure of communication, Maria Teresa Campos. It must be remembered that Telecinco ruled out a tribute to the matriarch of the Campos Clan before her death and finally it was the public entity that took the step of betting on this very special and long-awaited program. There is no release date yet, but everything indicates that it will be broadcast around Christmas time. The Campos sisters would have liked their mother, who died on September 5, to see this tribute in life, although it is never too late if the joy is good.

“I want to tell you that I am overwhelmed with everything that is being prepared for the tribute that we are going to pay to my mother. The one who is carrying the weight of the preparation is my sister, along with a great team. She directs and I execute“, he writes this Wednesday on his blog Readings.

Terelu, on everyone’s lips after the premiere of Every man for himself on Netflix, has all his hopes pinned on this tribute: “I just wish it lived up to our mother.. I am sure that Carmen and the entire team are doing everything possible to make this happen. “I’m counting the days for what you see,” adds Terelu, who has already overcome the Covid-19 that he contracted a few days ago.

In the tribute, directed by Cuarzo, artists linked to his mother’s life or who felt great admiration for her will participate: “I am very grateful to all the artists and all the people who, selflessly, are going to participate in the special. This will be our little gift to her.“.

The collaborator of Mornings He also has a few words of gratitude to the public: “Thank you to TVE for trusting that this tribute may be of interest to the public that has followed María Teresa Campos for so many years. I hope she gets the audience she deserves. and that people enjoy it and remember it sentimentally towards a woman whose life has been entertainment, information, journalism, entertainment, integrity and honesty.”

Terelu has written these words just a few days after the baptism of Carmen Borrego’s grandson, a family summit that has reunited the entire family after the quarrels that have raged in recent months over Carmen’s relationship with her son. Jose Mariaand his daughter-in-law, Paola: “Last weekend, after a few very sad months, We have had the joy of baptizing my mother’s great-grandson. “That has been the good news of last week: being able to all be together to attend the sacrament of Marc’s baptism.”

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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