The new Mediaset Code of Ethics has been made public thanks to a leak that publishes The world. By boat soon, we must congratulate the successors of Paul Vasily at the helm of the television giant for his courageous decision. Let’s not forget that, in addition to the terrible image that Telecinco exhibits, the hearings force them to change their strategy. Another thing is that they get it.
The rules that come into force seem to be positive and very reasonable but they sound like a shot to the waterline, the personality and essence of the icon and one of the star presenters of the group, Jorge Javier Vázquez, the producers of La Fábrica de la tele and the universe that forms the background and form of many of their products.
Without fights there is no paradise, we could summarize to explain to what point they have somehow charged Save me, at least as we know it. We must not underestimate the proven professionalism and creativity of those who built every day with Swiss precision and with the best trade the telebasura that they were entrusted with, that they have given so many triumphs, nor their ability to reinvent themselves if those responsible set the direction for them to follow and give them the time and adequate means.
But these new sacred commandments, carved on the legacy of Paolo Vasile, which are now imposed by the board of directors put on the ropes Save me and to other spaces of the same factory and to the group of characters that populate that tribe and that, let us not forget, feeds tens of hours of the grid of the main Mediaset chain, from Monday to Sunday, and contributes up to now, even in hours low, the highest audience revenues.
The Italian sent by Pier Silvio Berlusconi as a replacement for Vasile, Alessandro Salem, new CEO, has promoted this revolution. We already advanced days ago the veto of the chain to characters like Rocio Carrasco and your family, friends or enemies. But this new step, already in force, imposes ethical principles that go further and prohibit political rallies like the ones he used to hold when he felt like it. Jorge Javier Vázquez, renewed by Vasile with a large salary and for a couple of years shortly before being relieved and when he already knew he was leaving (Rome does pay presenters).
It will be difficult to eradicate the practices that have generated the most problems in recent years for the Italian group and at the same time fight for the audience. But it will be even more difficult to cross the Red Sea towards the new clean tv with a Moisés like Jorge Javier as a visible symbol of the listed company, and more so if the controversial presenter continues flanked in his media exploits with individuals like Kiko Hernandez, Kiko Matamoros, and other characters whose names are not worth remembering.
“No breach” of the code of ethics will be tolerated, reads the document to which it refers The world. If it is done, it will be considered “labor misconduct” and will be sanctioned as such. If firing Jorge Javier with his salary and the signed contract would cost a small fortune, perhaps this new Code of Ethics, which affects “all employees, collaborators, clients, suppliers and other third parties who maintain professional relations with Mediaset España” , it can be a minefield that converts the mischief and mischief of the Badalonian philologist into disciplinary offenses that make his daily work a hell of fines and files, until ending up, either being tamed and going through hoops, or reaching a an agreement that allows him to leave with a fresh wind to enjoy his substantial heritage or retire to practice as a writer. Make no mistake: Jorge Javier is very good at what he does; anything other than ‘his’ no longer suits Telecinco.
The previous Code of Ethics Approved on December 15, 2011, this review adds an epigraph that prohibits mixing politics or ideologies in spaces for pure entertainment, that is, those that are not informative or have a true political table, as is the case in The Ana Rosa Program, in four a day, by Ana Terradillos (both from Unicorn) or in Everything is a lie, by Risto Mejide, produced by The TV Factory. “Entertainment programs are just that, entertainment and, therefore, their presenters and collaborators must refrain from issuing opinions, preferences or political comments within the program,” reads the letter that imposes the new Mediaset discipline.
Nor is it allowed to abruptly leave a set, as usually happens in save me, deluxe or in the debates of some realities. These tragicomic abandonments, often staged as the culmination of violent moments of tension, will be considered definitive for labor and contractual purposes. No more lanterns and theatrics unless the offended or angry person on duty goes home with one hand in front and the other behind and never to return. Kiko Hernandez, Carmen Lamb, Bethlehem Stephen, Lydia Lozano, Paz Padilla or the very javier javier They are some of the fans to mount these antics although not the only ones.
The new ethical manual also prohibits attacking or criticizing other programs of the company itself or its presenters and collaborators. If it is fulfilled, we will not see wars like the one that broke out between the producer of Save me and of The Ana Rosa Program, especially as a result of docuseries by Rocío Carrasco, in which Save me positioned himself on the side of the daughter of Rocío Jurado and The Ana Rosa Program on the side of Rocio Flores. Jorge Javier Vázquez came to demand, looking at the camera live, from the Mediaset managers that he be treated like Ana Rosa Quintana. Nor should we forget Jorge Javier’s darts against Paz Padilla, who stopped co-presenting Sálvame, although she has now returned with another production company to present Let yourself be loved.
Not only will Jorge Javier not be able to give political or ideological sermons or insult or disqualify the guest, but he will have, like all presenters, the responsibility of maintaining manners, “leading and ordering” the course of the program, and aborting violent moments on the part of “any collaborator or participant that may give rise to an evident criminal or civil responsibility”.
Mediaset also imposes something as obvious as that the contents of the program “be consistent with the time slot in which it is broadcast” or that covert advertising cannot be done since from now on the producers of the programs will have to pay and not Mediaset , the large fines imposed for this cause.
But the rule that does the most damage to Save me and the nature of what its contents have been up to now is that it will not be possible to reveal personal data of third parties “that are not notoriously public”, something that on the other hand is already contemplated by law. It is prohibited to show images of victims of gender violence or bullying. From now on, it will be the presenter, collaborator or the producer who assume any sanction that the company may receive or pay, where appropriate, the compensation on duty to the injured parties.
Almost all of Mediaset is shaking. New and old production companies are looking for “white” characters, audience members and content. It will be necessary to see if, given the fear and nerves that move us, there are now in the corridors of Mediaset, those responsible for the content do not go too far and get bored because of the implacable self-censorship.
This movement of the new CEO, one month after his arrival, throws to the ground the entire culture of the chain in more than two decades and leaves at the feet of the horses to Paul Vasily, the intellectual author of this universe that is now prohibited and that wants to resemble a channel that not long ago was called “the sad chain”, as Jorge Javier used to say in his repeated sarcasm.
The winners are the informative, the white programs, the presenters with less rudeness, more rigor and a good image, and formats such as talent shows or contests, fiction and the commitment to sports, which are sometimes so expensive. The losers are Jorge Javier, the programs based on insults, violence and tension, La Fábrica de la Tele or the realities stickiers and their by-products, such as Nightmare in Paradise, that this Sunday marked less than a million viewers in its final and did not reach double digits. To carry out this transformation, it takes will, talent, time, creativity, new faces, a change of colors, tunes, decorations and above all a lot of investment. There is talk of one hundred million euros available for the metamorphosis.
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