The match has come to an end. As the teams leave for the locker room we say goodbye, encouraging you to stay connected to our page for the latest sports.
The referee's whistle decrees the end of this period.
Throw-in by Medina (Sporting Gijón).
Alfredo Ortuño's hands. The referee signals the foul and the ball rolls again with a pass.
Cordero (Sporting Gijón) takes the throw.
Barcenas (Oviedo) has a chance to score, but his shot with his left foot goes wide.
Ball to the Barcenas (Oviedo) area.
Yellow card for Pablo Pérez (Sporting Gijón).
Lack! Pablo Pérez (Sporting Gijón) has committed a foul on Tejera.
Lack! Salvador (Sporting Gijón) has committed a foul on Tejera.
Lunin (Oviedo) takes a goal kick.
Oviedo's bench moves with the replacement of Mossa by Sanchez Laborde.
Change in the ranks of Oviedo: Barcenas replaces Rodri.
Babin (Sporting Gijón) misjudges his career and is caught offside.
Álvaro Vázquez (Sporting Gijón) puts in a cross.
Álvaro Traver (Sporting Gijón) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Nacho Méndez (Sporting Gijón) has a corner from the right side.
Cross into the box: Medina (Sporting Gijón) is the one who gets the ball from the left.
Medina (Sporting Gijón) takes the throw.
The ball goes out and Christian Fernandez (Oviedo) takes the throw.
Oviedo's bench moves with the replacement of Gonzalez by Sangalli.
Lack! Alfredo Ortuño (Oviedo) has fouled Babin.
Rodri (Oviedo) is offside and watches the line judge raise his flag.
Ball to Sangalli (Oviedo) area.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Pablo Pérez (Sporting Gijón) to Sangalli.
Throw-in Christian Fernandez (Oviedo).
The ball goes out and Ahijado (Oviedo) takes the throw.
The Sporting Gijón bench moves with the replacement of Álvaro Traver by Murilo.
Cordero (Sporting Gijón) takes the throw.
Alfredo Ortuño (Oviedo) has fallen offside.
Lack! Ahijado (Oviedo) has committed a foul on Nacho Méndez.
García (Sporting Gijón) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Salvador has been fouled by Sangalli (Oviedo). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Throw-in by Cordero (Sporting Gijón), who puts the ball in play.
Oops! Tejera (Oviedo) shoots with the right. The ball is directed out of goal.
Ball into Alfredo Ortuño's (Oviedo) area from the right.
Throw-in Christian Fernandez (Oviedo).
Mariño (Sporting Gijón) takes a goal kick.
Oviedo attacks from the right wing: Christian Fernandez puts the ball.
Throw in by Christian Fernandez (Oviedo) who puts the ball in play.
Medina (Sporting Gijón) takes the throw.
Lack! Nacho Méndez (Sporting Gijón) has fouled Luismi.
Throw-in by Medina (Sporting Gijón), who puts the ball into play.
Sanchez Laborde's Goal! The shot is unopposed and crosses the goal line!
Chance for Oviedo! It was thanks to a shot by Sanchez Laborde with the right.
Ahijado has been fouled by Pablo Pérez (Sporting Gijón). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Goal kick by Lunin (Oviedo) that sets the ball in motion again.
The Sporting Gijón bench moves with the replacement of Pablo Pérez by Carmona.
There is a substitution: Álvaro Vázquez replaces Djurdjevic (Sporting Gijón).
Ahijado (Oviedo) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Christian Fernandez (Oviedo) takes the throw.
Lunin (Oviedo) takes a goal kick.
Cordero (Sporting Gijón) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Alfredo Ortuño (Oviedo) to Babin.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Lunin (Oviedo).
Foul by García (Sporting Gijón) to Hernández.
Cross into the box: Sangalli (Oviedo) is the scorer from the left.
Sangalli (Oviedo) takes a corner from the right.
Oviedo tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Alfredo Ortuño centers from the left wing.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Lunin (Oviedo).
There is a substitution: Alfredo Ortuño replaces Jimmy (Oviedo).
There is one substitution: Sanchez Laborde replaces Ibra (Oviedo).
Djurdjevic (Sporting Gijón) attempts a low shot with the right, but goes away from the left post.
Throw-in by Cordero (Sporting Gijón).
Ball to the area of Cordero (Sporting Gijón) from the right.
García (Sporting Gijón) has tried to shoot at goal, but has not managed to get the ball between the three poles.
Goal chance !!! Good header from García (Sporting Gijón).
Cross into the box: Medina (Sporting Gijón) is the one who gets the ball from the left.
Throw-in by Cordero (Sporting Gijón), who puts the ball in play.
The ball goes out and Cordero (Sporting Gijón) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Medina (Sporting Gijón).
Ball to Tejera (Oviedo) area from the right.
The referee decides to caution Molinero (Sporting Gijón).
Lack! Molinero (Sporting Gijón) has fouled Tejera.
Rodri (Oviedo) commits a foul on Cordero.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Babin (Sporting Gijón) to Ibra.
The ball goes out and Cordero (Sporting Gijón) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Medina (Sporting Gijón), who puts the ball into play.
Ahijado (Oviedo) takes the throw.
Ahijado (Oviedo) takes the throw.
Oviedo tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Ahijado centers from the left wing.
Lack! García (Sporting Gijón) has committed a foul on Tejera.
Sangalli (Oviedo) tries with his right leg. The ball has ended between the three posts of the opposite goal.
Center to the area of Tejera (Oviedo).
Tejera (Oviedo) takes a corner from the left.
Oviedo attacks from the right wing: Tejera puts the ball.
Ball to Tejera (Oviedo) area from the right.
Lack! Salvador (Sporting Gijón) commits a foul on Jimmy.
Throw in by Christian Fernandez (Oviedo) who puts the ball in play.
Center to the area of Tejera (Oviedo).
Lack! Medina (Sporting Gijón) commits a foul on Jimmy.
Salvador (Sporting Gijón) commits a foul on Rodri.
The referee marks the beginning of this period.
End of this period of the match.
The referee blows his whistle: García (Sporting Gijón) fouls Tejera.
Lunin (Oviedo) takes a goal kick.
A header from Djurdjevic (Sporting Gijón) goes away from the right post.
Ball to the area of Cordero (Sporting Gijón) from the right.
Throw in by Christian Fernandez (Oviedo) who puts the ball in play.
Ball into Jimmy (Oviedo) 's area from the right.
Throw-in by Cordero (Sporting Gijón), who puts the ball in play.
The referee blows his whistle and signals the lack of Ibra (Oviedo) to Salvador.
Mariño (Sporting Gijón) starts the play with a goal kick.
Tejera tries a high shot with the left foot, but the ball goes to the left.
Cross into the box: Murilo (Sporting Gijón) is the scorer from the left.
Murilo (Sporting Gijón) takes a corner kick from the right.
Ball to Ibra's (Oviedo) area.
Medina shoots low with his left leg between the three poles, but the goalkeeper jumps left for the ball.
The referee decides to caution Tejera (Oviedo).
Tejera (Oviedo) commits a foul on García.
Lack! Nacho Méndez (Sporting Gijón) has fouled Jimmy.
Murilo defuses the attack with an interception.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Lunin (Oviedo).
Throw-in by Medina (Sporting Gijón).
The ball goes out and Ahijado (Oviedo) takes the throw.
Cordero (Sporting Gijón) takes the throw.
Ball to the area of Cordero (Sporting Gijón) from the right.
Throw-in Ahijado (Oviedo).
Ahijado (Oviedo) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Lack! García (Sporting Gijón) has committed a foul on Tejera.
Sangalli (Oviedo) commits a foul on Carmona.
Oviedo attacks from the right wing: Rodri puts the ball.
Lack! Djurdjevic (Sporting Gijón) commits a foul on Arribas.
Lunin (Oviedo) takes a goal kick.
Cross into the box: Medina (Sporting Gijón) is the one who gets the ball from the left.
Throw-in by Cordero (Sporting Gijón), who puts the ball in play.
Throw-in by Cordero (Sporting Gijón).
The referee blows his whistle: Garcia (Sporting Gijón) fouls Christian Fernandez.
Lack! Carmona (Sporting Gijón) has fouled Christian Fernandez.
Sporting Gijón attacks from the right wing: Cordero puts the ball.
Ball to Medina (Sporting Gijón) area.
Hernández (Oviedo) shoots with a header but the ball goes wide.
Oviedo attacks from the right wing: Tejera puts the ball.
Center to the area of Tejera (Oviedo).
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Murilo (Sporting Gijón) to Ibra.
Molinero (Sporting Gijón) misjudges his career and is caught offside.
Murilo (Sporting Gijón) starts a dangerous move with a cross from the left wing.
Yellow card for Christian Fernandez (Oviedo).
Lack! Christian Fernandez (Oviedo) has committed a foul on Murilo.
Cordero (Sporting Gijón) takes the throw.
Ball into Salvador's area (Sporting Gijón).
Sporting Gijón tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Djurdjevic centers from the left wing.
Lunin (Oviedo) starts the play with a goal kick.
Nacho Méndez (Sporting Gijón) executes a shot with the left foot, but the ball does not end between the three poles.
Ball to the area of Cordero (Sporting Gijón) from the right.
Throw-in by Cordero (Sporting Gijón), who puts the ball in play.
Throw-in Ahijado (Oviedo).
Oviedo attacks from the right wing: Jimmy puts the ball.
Sangalli (Oviedo) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Lack! Salvador (Sporting Gijón) has fouled Ibra.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Lunin (Oviedo).
Sangalli (Oviedo) has tried to shoot at goal, but has not managed to get the ball between the three poles.
Ahijado (Oviedo) takes the throw.
Throw-in Ahijado (Oviedo).
Cross into the box: Ibra (Oviedo) is the one who gets the ball from the left.
Jimmy (Oviedo) shoots at goal with the right foot, but the ball does not take the desired direction and goes off target.
The ball goes out and Christian Fernandez (Oviedo) takes the throw.
Christian Fernandez (Oviedo) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Throw-in by Cordero (Sporting Gijón).
Cordero (Sporting Gijón) takes the throw.
Goal kick by Mariño (Sporting Gijón) that sets the ball in motion again.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Lunin (Oviedo).
The ball goes out and Cordero (Sporting Gijón) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Medina (Sporting Gijón).
Arribas has been fouled by Djurdjevic (Sporting Gijón). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
The ball goes out and Christian Fernandez (Oviedo) takes the throw.
Lack! Sangalli (Oviedo) has fouled Carmona.
Ball to the Ahijado (Oviedo) area.
Throw-in by Cordero (Sporting Gijón), who puts the ball in play.
Lack! García (Sporting Gijón) has fouled Jimmy.
The referee shows Luismi the yellow card.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul on Luismi (Oviedo) to Nacho Méndez.
Sangalli has been fouled by Nacho Méndez (Sporting Gijón). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Throw-in by Ahijado (Oviedo), who puts the ball into play.
The ball goes out and Ahijado (Oviedo) takes the throw.
Medina has been fouled by Jimmy (Oviedo). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Nacho Méndez has been fouled by Sangalli (Oviedo). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
The match is already at stake.
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