Categories: Sports

Saviola says that Madrid does not need strikers and signs tables

Idol from a young age in River Plate, Javier Saviola I was already pointing ways. Ways that were visible when he was just 19 years old he signed for the FC Barcelona, although his culé stage was not as one might imagine. He left on loan to Monaco Y Seville, where he lived “beautiful” adventures as he narrates himself, and then set course for Real Madrid. An entertaining sports career to count, and which has been analyzed in Brand on the occasion of the previous Real Madrid-Seville, in a duel in which his two former teams will face for victory.

The match: “I would like it to be a 2-2, a draw, because I have a lot of respect for both clubs. I would love it to be a great game as they are always this kind of clashes between the Real Madrid and Sevilla. There has been a great rivalry for many years and many goals are always seen. “

The form status of the equipment: “The two clubs are in great shape, their football is being colorful. Whites are fighting for LaLiga and that is why it will be important for both one and the other. No one can relax. In recent years, at this point , Madrid was already off the hook by LaLiga but this year it is very close to first place and that will cause this game to be even more intense. ” (This will be the ‘11’ holder of Real Madrid to receive Sevilla)

A striker for Real Madrid: “For me they should not look for any striker. With those he has enough and enough to win any title. He has effective and fast battering. He has to be able to choose and also spare parts, so he must not have urgencies or look for anyone else to up there”.

His stage in Madrid: “In Madrid I was less time because I did not have so much continuity. But I am also happy to have played in one of the best clubs in the world that has an incredible history. I did not have so much participation but I felt valued and respected by the people of the club. I met its history, I was fine but I didn't play so much and that's why I couldn't score so many goals. “

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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