Categories: Football

Rennes – Lille in live

Min. 90With the actions finished we say goodbye, but do not forget to keep up to date with the main sporting events on this page. See you soon!

Min. 90The referee ends this period of the game.

Min. 90Lack! Botman (Lille) has fouled Terrier.

Min. 90The ball goes out and Djaló (Lille) takes the throw.

Min. 90Maignan (Lille) starts the play with a goal kick.

Min. 90Grenier's right-leg shot flies up and to the left.

Min. 90The referee shows the yellow card to André.

Min. 90André (Lille) commits a foul on Doku.

Min. 90Maignan (Lille) goal kick that puts the ball in motion again.

Min. 90Whoops! Hunou (Rennes) shoots with the right. The ball goes out of goal.

Min. 90Rennes tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Traore centers from the left wing.

Min. 90Dalbert Henrique (Rennes) takes the throw.

Min. 90Renato Sanches (Lille) shoots at goal with his right foot, but the ball does not take the desired direction and goes astray.

Min. 90Game underway with a goal kick from Maignan (Lille).

Min. 89Nyamsi heads low, but the shot comes from the bottom of the left post.

Min. 89Ball to the Grenier (Rennes) area.

Min. 89Grenier (Rennes) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.

Min. 89Change in Lille: Renato Sanches leaves and David enters.

Min. 89There is a substitution: Djaló replaces Zeki Celik (Lille).

Min. 88Foul by Bamba (Lille). The referee interprets that he touched the ball with his hand and provokes an action against a set piece.

Min. 87The referee whistles a violation of Bamba (Lille) to Traore.

Min. 87There is a substitution: Dalbert Henrique replaces Maouassa (Rennes).

Min. 86Weah wins a free kick from Aguerd (Rennes). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.

Min. 86Rennes attacks from the right wing: Maouassa puts the ball in.

Min. 85Traore (Rennes) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.

Min 84Hunou shoots a ball with his right foot that rises towards the goal that the goalkeeper stops at the top left.

Min. 83Salin (Rennes) starts the play with a goal kick.

Min. 83Weah (Lille) tried to shoot at goal, but failed to get the ball between the three posts.

Min. 83Bamba (Lille) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.

Min. 83Bamba (Lille) takes a corner from the left.

Min. 82Traore (Rennes) takes the throw.

Min. 82Rennes tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Traore centers from the left wing.

Min. 81Maouassa (Rennes) takes the throw.

Min. 81Center to the Maouassa area (Rennes).

Min. 81Zeki Celik (Lille) takes the throw.

Min. 80The ball goes out and Maouassa (Rennes) takes the throw.

Min 79The ball goes out and Traore (Rennes) takes the throw.

Min. 78Throw-in by Zeki Celik (Lille).

Min. 78Throw-in by Zeki Celik (Lille).

Min. 78There is a substitution: Hunou replaces E. Camavinga (Rennes).

Min. 77The ball goes out and Maouassa (Rennes) takes the throw.

Min. 77Rennes attacks from the right wing: Maouassa puts the ball in.

Min. 76The ball goes out and Maouassa (Rennes) takes the throw.

Min. 75Throw-in by Maouassa (Rennes), who puts the ball into play.

Min. 75Change in Lille: Weah leaves and Yazici enters.

Min. 74Center to the Maouassa area (Rennes).

Min. 73Throw-in by Maouassa (Rennes), who puts the ball into play.

Min. 73Maouassa (Rennes) takes the throw.

Min. 72Del Castillo (Rennes) takes the throw.

Min. 72Zeki Celik (Lille) takes the throw.

Min. 71David shoots a volley that goes over the post but is cleared by the goalkeeper in the air.

Min. 70Yazici wins a free kick from Nzonzi (Rennes). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.

Min. 70Game underway with a goal kick from Maignan (Lille).

Min. 68The ball goes out and Zeki Celik (Lille) takes the throw.

Min. 67Del Castillo (Rennes) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.

Min. 66Lack! Doku (Rennes) has fouled André.

Min. 66Maouassa (Rennes) takes the throw.

Min. 65Salin (Rennes) goal kick that puts the ball back into motion.

Min. 65David (Lille) tries a low shot with his left foot, but the ball goes through the left post.

Min. 64Reinildo (Lille) takes the throw.

Min. 63Yazici (Lille) is offside and watch the linesman raise his flag.

Min. 62Rennes attacks from the right wing: Del Castillo puts the ball in.

Min. 62Zeki Celik (Lille) takes the throw.

Min. 62Change in the ranks of Lille: Ikone replaces Luiz Araujo.

Min. 61Aguerd (Rennes) tries to connect the ball with his head, although his shot fails to see the door.

Min. 61Rennes tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Grenier centers from the left wing.

Min. 61Grenier (Rennes) shoots a corner from the right.

Min. 61Rennes tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Grenier centers from the left wing.

Min. 61Terrier (Rennes) shoots at goal with his right foot, but the ball does not take the desired direction and goes astray.

Min. 61Traore (Rennes) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.

Min. 59Rennes attacks from the right wing: Maouassa puts the ball in.

Min. 58Maignan (Lille) starts the play with a goal kick.

Min. 57Rennes attacks from the right wing: Maouassa puts the ball in.

Min. 57Throw-in by Maouassa (Rennes), who puts the ball into play.

Min. 57Change in Rennes: Del Castillo leaves and Truffert enters.

Min. 56Throw-in by Zeki Celik (Lille).

Min. 56Throw-in by Zeki Celik (Lille), who puts the ball into play.

Min. 55Grenier (Rennes) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.

Min. 55Grenier (Rennes) shoots a corner from the right.

Min. 55Whoops! Doku (Rennes) shoots with the right. The ball goes out of goal.

Min. 54Maignan (Lille) takes a goal kick.

Min. 54Grenier tries a shot with his right leg, but the ball flies high and to the right.

Min. 54Grenier (Rennes) failed to see the door after a shot with his right foot.

Min. 53Lack! André (Lille) has committed a foul on E. Camavinga.

Min. 51The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by E. Camavinga (Rennes) to Luiz Araujo.

Min. 51E. Camavinga wins a free kick from David (Lille). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.

Min. 50The ball goes out and Zeki Celik (Lille) takes the throw.

Min. 48The ball goes out and Maouassa (Rennes) takes the throw.

Min. 48Throw-in by Maouassa (Rennes), who puts the ball into play.

Min. 48Throw-in by Zeki Celik (Lille), who puts the ball into play.

Min. 47Zeki Celik (Lille) takes the throw.

Min. 47Maignan (Lille) takes a goal kick.

Min. 46Grenier wins a free kick from Soumare (Lille). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.

Min. 46The referee signals the start of this period.

Min. 45The referee signals the end of this period.

Min. 45Throw-in by Traore (Rennes).

Min. 45Foul by E. Camavinga (Rennes) to Reinildo.

Min. 45Game underway with a goal kick from Salin (Rennes).

Min. 45Botman's high left-handed shot flies high up the left.

Min. 45Botman (Lille) shoots high with his left foot, but the ball flies over the crossbar.

Min. 45André wins a free kick from Grenier (Rennes). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.

Min. 45Lack! Traore (Rennes) has committed a foul on Reinildo.

Min. 44Foul by Soumare (Lille) to Grenier.

Min. 44Salin (Rennes) starts the play with a goal kick.

Min 40The referee shows the yellow card to Grenier.

Min 40Soumare wins a free kick from Grenier (Rennes). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.

Min 40Throw-in by Traore (Rennes).

Min 40Reinildo (Lille) takes the throw.

Min 39Outside! Shot with the right leg of Grenier (Rennes), who sees how the ball goes away from the three sticks.

Min 38Luiz Araujo (Lille) takes the throw.

Min. 36Center to the Maouassa area (Rennes).

Min. 36The ball goes out and Maouassa (Rennes) takes the throw.

Min. 35The ball goes out and Reinildo (Lille) takes the throw.

Min. 34Zeki Celik (Lille) is shown a yellow card.

Min. 34Lack! Zeki Celik (Lille) has fouled Maouassa.

Min. 34Lack! Reinildo (Lille) has committed a foul on Doku.

Min 33The referee whistles a violation by Luiz Araujo (Lille) to E. Camavinga.

Min 33Throw-in by Reinildo (Lille), who puts the ball into play.

Min. 31Soumare (Lille) commits a foul on Doku.

Min. 31Throw-in by Zeki Celik (Lille), who puts the ball into play.

Min. 30The ball goes out and Maouassa (Rennes) takes the throw.

Min. 29Traore (Rennes) takes the throw.

Min. 27Truffert (Rennes) tried to shoot on goal, but failed to get the ball between the three posts.

Min. 27Crossing into the box: Grenier (Rennes) takes the ball from the left.

Min. 26Rennes tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Traore centers from the left wing.

Min. 23David (Lille) is offside and watch the linesman raise his flag.

Min. 23Reinildo (Lille) takes the throw.

Min. 22The referee shows the yellow card to Nzonzi.

Min. 22Nzonzi (Rennes) commits a foul on Soumare.

Min. 22Reinildo (Lille) takes the throw.

Min. 21Throw-in by Zeki Celik (Lille).

Min. 21Zeki Celik (Lille) takes the throw.

Min 20Bamba (Lille) commits a foul on Doku.

Min 20Throw-in by Maouassa (Rennes), who puts the ball into play.

Min. 19Good opportunity for Lille, who thanks to Yazici's left-foot shot creates danger in the opposite area.

Min. 19Maouassa (Rennes) takes the throw.

Min. 19Throw-in by Reinildo (Lille), who puts the ball into play.

Min. 18Maouassa (Rennes) commits a foul on André.

Min. 18Zeki Celik (Lille) takes the throw.

Min. 16Ball to the area of ​​Luiz Araujo (Lille).

Min. 16Goool! David (Lille) catches the ball and sends it low to the right to find the rival net.

Min. 16Great shot with the left leg of David (Lille), which adds a launch between the three sticks.

Min. 16Ball to the area of ​​Luiz Araujo (Lille).

Min. 16Yazici (Lille) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.

Min. 16Yazici (Lille) throws a closed corner from the right.

Min. 15David shoots low a ball that is directed to the goal and that the goalkeeper stops at the bottom left.

Min. 14Terrier (Rennes) fouls Botman.

Min. 14The ball goes out and Traore (Rennes) takes the throw.

Min. 13Throw-in by Reinildo (Lille), who puts the ball into play.

Min. 13Maouassa (Rennes) takes the throw.

Min. 12Zeki Celik (Lille) takes the throw.

Min. 11Throw-in by Maouassa (Rennes), who puts the ball into play.

Min 09Throw-in by Reinildo (Lille).

Min 08Yazici (Lille) miscalculates his career and is caught offside.

Min 08Yazici (Lille) is whistled offside.

Min 08Ball to the area of ​​Bamba (Lille) from the right.

Min 07Bamba (Lille) takes the throw.

Min 07Game underway with a goal kick from Salin (Rennes).

Min 06Game underway with a goal kick from Maignan (Lille).

Min. 05Rennes tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Grenier centers from the left wing.

Min. 05Lack! Reinildo (Lille) has committed a foul on Doku.

Min. 03Throw-in by Zeki Celik (Lille).

Min. 03The referee blows his whistle and signals Soumare (Lille) foul to Doku.

Min. 03Salin (Rennes) starts the play with a goal kick.

Min 02André (Lille) tries it by connecting the ball with his head, although his shot fails to see the door.

Min 02Ball to Yazici's (Lille) area from the right.

Min. 01The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Traore (Rennes) to Bamba.

Min. 01Maouassa shoots low with his left leg between the three posts, but the goalkeeper lunges to the left for the ball.

Min. 01Doku (Rennes) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.

Min. 01The ball is already rolling on the grass!

Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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