Tremendous Photoshop job on Harry’s new portrait. The son of Carlos III is once again in the debate in the British press. This time, by his hair. On the left, his natural hair, with that thinning as a consequence of the loss of density, a genetic tendency to baldness that he shares with his brother Guillermo’s. On the right, the photograph that BetterUp has shared on its website, a company dedicated to personal coaching of which the prince is responsible for the development of social, environmental and economic impact plans (in English, Chief Impact Officer).
British and Australian media, such as Daily Mail or the digital, have noticed this apparent aesthetic photographic retouching. The prince has also become a target of criticism on the networks, which makes him ugly that he has resorted to these filters. They also bring out the colors when comparing him with his brother, who shows off his impending baldness in the most natural way.
The truth is Daily Mail makes a tracking of the last appearances of Meghan Markle’s husband and the physical change in his red hair is evident. This new density that looks in BetterUp would only be possible after undergoing hair graft surgery, although it is most likely, they point out, that he has resorted to retouching the image.
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