Categories: Football

Porto does not forget Herrera

Atlético's good season means that many of its players are being followed looking forward to other clubs. But in this case, it is an old love that, from Portugal, they see with the possibility of being resumed. Porto has Héctor Herrera on the agenda, his footballer until in 2019 the Mexican jumped to the rojiblanco team, according to media such as Record and To Ball.

Herrera, 30 (April 31), contract ends in June 2022. That is, next season would be the last and that letter wants to be used by Porto to capture the midfielder, for whom he did not enter anything when he left for AtléticoWell, he came out with the letter of freedom. But Sergio Conceição does not forget him And, if it were up to him, Herrera would return to Portugal this coming summer.

No luck with injuries

His career at Atlético has been irregular. He is a footballer to Simeone's liking, although he has not finished becoming indisputable. He has also been unlucky and when he has settled the most, he has been within the team, the injuries (and the coronavirus) have stopped him in his tracks. Last season he stayed in 1,530 minutes and this leads 679, but it is that so far in 2021 only has added 22, between a muscle ailment, COVID and a family matter that has left him out of a few games …

In that sense, Atlético's sports management will study any proposal that it arrives for a footballer without the title tag and with little possibility of progressing much more. In the mid-center position there is accumulation of men and the club, even so, looks for ways to improve and has noticed, among others, Fabián, from Napoli. But for now, Cholo will have Herrera, who picks up pace with Mexico to be relevant with the mattress team, as he has known how to be in some sections of these two courses.

Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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