The referee puts an end to this period of the game.
Florenzi deactivates the attack by intercepting the ball.
Cross: Khazri (St. Étienne) takes the ball from the left.
Youssouf (St. Étienne) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.
The referee takes a direct free kick for a foul by Mbappé (Paris Saint-Germain) to Camara.
Hamouma (St. Étienne) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.
Hamouma (St. Étienne) takes a corner from the left.
Green (St. Étienne) takes a goal kick.
Mbappé (Paris Saint-Germain) tries a shot with his right foot, but the ball flies high and to the right.
Lack! Kehrer (Paris Saint-Germain) has committed a foul on Monnet-Paquet.
Center to the area: Pablo Sarabia (Paris Saint-Germain) is the one who hits the ball from the left.
Pablo Sarabia (Paris Saint-Germain) takes the throw.
Center to the Mbappé area (Paris Saint-Germain).
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul from Khazri (St. Étienne) to Florenzi.
Herrera (Paris Saint-Germain) takes a corner from the right side.
Paris Saint-Germain tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Rafinha centers from the left wing.
Pablo Sarabia (Paris Saint-Germain) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Pablo Sarabia (Paris Saint-Germain) throws a closed corner from the right.
Rafinha shoots low with his left leg between the three sticks, but the goalkeeper throws himself to the left for the ball.
Center to the Mbappé area (Paris Saint-Germain).
Mbappé (Paris Saint-Germain) takes a corner from the left.
Center to the Mbappé area (Paris Saint-Germain).
The ball goes out and Florenzi (Paris Saint-Germain) takes the throw.
Khazri (St. Étienne) miscalculates his career and is caught offside.
The referee whistles a violation of Florenzi (Paris Saint-Germain) to Monnet-Paquet.
Trauco (St. Étienne) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.
Trauco (St. Étienne) takes the throw.
Center to the Trauco area (St. Étienne).
Game underway with a goal kick from Sergio Rico (Paris Saint-Germain).
High auction with the head of Cissé (St. Étienne). The ball does not see a door and goes to the right of it.
Cross: Hamouma (St. Étienne) takes the ball from the left.
Hamouma (St. Étienne) takes a corner from the right.
Hamouma crosses from the left but the ball goes straight out.
Hamouma (St. Étienne) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Lack! Kehrer (Paris Saint-Germain) has fouled Youssouf.
Game underway with a goal kick from Green (St. Étienne).
Outside! Shot with the right leg of Danilo Pereira (Paris Saint-Germain), who sees how the ball goes away from the three sticks.
Pablo Sarabia (Paris Saint-Germain) tries a low shot with his left foot, but the ball goes wide after hitting the right post.
It is executed by Pablo Sarabia (Paris Saint-Germain)! With his left foot, but he can't see the door.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Camara (St. Étienne) to Rafinha.
Florenzi intercepts the ball to ward off danger.
Khazri (St. Étienne) miscalculates his career and is caught offside.
Paris Saint-Germain tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Florenzi centers from the left wing.
Throw-in by Florenzi (Paris Saint-Germain).
Hamouma (St. Étienne) miscalculates his sprint and sees how the assistant invalidates his action. Offside.
The ball goes out and Florenzi (Paris Saint-Germain) takes the throw.
Herrera (Paris Saint-Germain) tried to shoot at goal, but failed to get the ball between the three posts.
Danilo Pereira (Paris Saint-Germain) will have to keep trying his luck if he wants to add something to his personal locker. He tried with a left foot shot.
Paris Saint-Germain tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Pablo Sarabia centers from the left wing.
Pablo Sarabia (Paris Saint-Germain) throws a closed corner from the right.
Pablo Sarabia (Paris Saint-Germain) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Goal kick by Sergio Rico (Paris Saint-Germain) that puts the ball back into motion.
Monnet-Paquet (St. Étienne) header without aim. The goalkeeper does not have to intervene. The ball is lost high and to the left.
Hamouma crosses closed from the right, but the ball goes straight out.
Hamouma (St. Étienne) takes a corner from the left.
Hamouma crosses closed from the right, but the ball goes straight out.
Cross: Debuchy (St. Étienne) takes the ball from the left.
Throw-in by Kean (Paris Saint-Germain).
Green's goal kick (St. Étienne) puts the ball in motion again.
Mbappé tries a high shot with his left foot, but the ball goes to the left.
Mbappé (Paris Saint-Germain) shoots at goal with his right foot, but the ball does not take the desired direction and goes astray.
Hamouma shoots a low ball that is aimed at the goal and that the goalkeeper easily stops.
The ball goes out and Pablo Sarabia (Paris Saint-Germain) takes the throw.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Kehrer (Paris Saint-Germain) to Hamouma.
Throw-in by Florenzi (Paris Saint-Germain).
Throw-in by Monnet-Paquet (St. Étienne).
Debuchy wins a free kick from Kean (Paris Saint-Germain). The referee has seen it and has pointed out the infraction.
Kean (Paris Saint-Germain) commits a foul on Camara.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Mbappé (Paris Saint-Germain) to Youssouf.
Green (St. Étienne) starts the play with a goal kick.
Left-handed shot by Rafinha (Paris Saint-Germain) who fails to go between the three sticks.
Paris Saint-Germain tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Florenzi centers from the left wing.
Bakker (Paris Saint-Germain) commits a foul on Youssouf.
Debuchy (St. Étienne) takes the throw.
Center to the area: Florenzi (Paris Saint-Germain) is the one who takes the ball from the left.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Khazri (St. Étienne) on Rafinha.
Trauco (St. Étienne) takes the throw.
Game underway with a goal kick from Green (St. Étienne).
Pablo Sarabia (Paris Saint-Germain) takes the throw.
The ball goes out and Bakker (Paris Saint-Germain) takes the throw.
Paris Saint-Germain attacks from the right wing: Pablo Sarabia puts the ball in.
Pablo Sarabia (Paris Saint-Germain) takes a corner from the left.
Rafinha disables the attack with an interception.
Mbappé (Paris Saint-Germain) takes a corner from the left.
Center to the Rafinha area (Paris Saint-Germain).
Mbappé (Paris Saint-Germain) takes a corner from the left.
Debuchy (St. Étienne) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Throw-in by Trauco (St. Étienne).
The referee signals the beginning of this period.
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