Categories: Football

Pacheco: a revival of Primera

It was a full-blown revival. He made his debut a year ago and even the game against Atlético de Madrid had disappeared from the border map that divides the two supreme links of the vital chain of txuri urdin. Jon
Pacheco (Elizondo, 20 years old) came out for Sagnan. And he computed his second game with Real. This has just begun.

History writes the first passages taking into account the great hopes that are placed in which Pacheco sign a remarkable career in the Real. The re-release, of course, was top-class, not only in the First Division, but also in one of its high-standing stages. In the field of the highest aspirant to be proclaimed champion.

TO Pacheco it was not big. Absolutely. The Navarrese played the last half hour (31 minutes) of left central in a defense of five members. Three on the axis and two lanes. Exactly the same as in his official debut with the first team, against Getafe, in the throes of last season. La Real also lost 2-1 then. The baztandarra played 76 minutes.

Pacheco convinced in the Metropolitan. Improved the performance of Sagnan, He defended effectively, he excelled in the passing game, he was intoned at the start of the game, that is, he pointed out ways. The best minutes of the Real coincided with their presence on the field.

Overcoming the first stakes

Season of Jon
Pacheco, whose file belongs to Sanse, It has been an exercise of improvement. Something like the first stakes of football at the highest level for the young Navarrese defender, who has gone through incessant physical problems. This season he has only played 11 official games with the subsidiary. In the last month, only one, against Calahorra.

This little prominence in the most recent weeks is due to the fact that the youth squad had to confine himself due to being close contact of a positive in Covid19. Already free, Pacheco, was summoned by Imanol For the game against Atlético de Madrid, yesterday he trained in Valdebebas under the orders of Oriotarra and immediately afterwards traveled to Extremadura with Gaizka
Ayesa. From integrating the list against the leader of First, the center-back goes directly to reinforce Sanse in the playoff to Second that starts tomorrow.

The 29th passenger

La Real completed their 47th game of the season at the Metropolitano. Jon
Pacheco became the 29th player used by Imanol
Sheriff. The defender joined other Sanse members who have cooperated with the first team during the current exercise: Robert
Navarrese, Arambarri Y Gonzalez

Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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