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Pablo Urdangarin changed Leonor’s party for a trip to see his girlfriend but he will be at his grandmother’s birthday

At from Pablo Urdangarin It was not one of the expected (or known in advance) absences at the private celebration of the 18th birthday of the Princess Eleanor.

The most handsome son of Infanta Cristina planned to join the rest of his family on such an important day for the Crown. The only Bourbons who had warned that they would not attend the party at the Royal Palace of El Pardo were his brother Juan Urdangarin, whose professional commitments with Formula E made his presence impossible, and his cousin party girl, influencer and little given to discipline, Victoria Federica de Marichalar, on a pleasure trip with friends in Peru.

However, Pablo was going to be at the party for the coming of age of the Princess of Asturias but in the end he did not attend because of love: He preferred to travel to Munich to visit his girlfriend Johanna Zott, who has been studying with an Erasmus scholarship in the German city since September. Love outweighed his family and instead of attending this historic celebration with his mother and brothers Miguel and Irene Urdangarin, he opted for his girlfriend, which is more than understandable, given that his work commitments, that is, his matches handball team, greatly reduce the possibilities of traveling to Germany.

But he will be at his grandmother’s birthday, Queen Sofia.

He missed Leonor’s birthday, but not Queen Sofía’s, who turns 85 this Thursday, November 2 and will celebrate with a family lunch at the Zarzuela Palace. Demonstrating the special relationship that he has with his grandmother, and 24 hours after his notable absence at the heir to the throne’s party, Pablo landed in Madrid this Wednesday afternoon.

Relaxed, smiling and as polite as ever, the second son of Infanta Cristina and Iñaki Urdangarin has walked through the Madrid airport at a brisk pace without revealing how he had fun in Munich or making any statement about his unexpected and surprising absence in most of age of the Princess of Asturias.

“Nothing to say thank you,” he stated when we asked him about Leonor’s swearing in of the Constitution, then acknowledging that he was “very happy, very happy” about how well everything went on a historic day for the Royal Family. “Very happy, thank you,” he added, very proud of her cousin, whom he did not hesitate to assure that she looked “very pretty” in the white suit that she chose at the institutional coming-of-age events in she.

Without losing his smile at any time, Pablo has avoided commenting on his absence, that of his brother Juan Urdangarín and that of his cousin Victoria Federica on such a special day for his family: “No” he has limited himself to answering when we asked him If you didn’t want to talk about this topic.

Perhaps to avoid sparking suspicions, the handball player has not confirmed that his trip to Madrid is to attend the 85th birthday of Queen Sofía, to whom he is very close. “I have nothing to say, thank you very much,” he assured, leaving it up in the air whether he will stay several days at the La Zarzuela palace taking advantage of his visit.

Demonstrating his education and his know-how, Pablo has endured the questions with good humor and with an “it’s what it is” and an expressive “what’s up!” He has made it clear that he is used to it and that the press has no reason to apologize for his questions, which he has masterfully dodged with a good face at all times. Of course, about the seriousness of King Juan Carlos on Leonor’s birthday, and about the relationship between her father and Leonor. Ainhoa ​​Armentia, not a word: “I have nothing to say.”

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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