The match has come to an end. As the teams leave for the locker room we say goodbye, encouraging you to stay connected to our page for the latest sports.
The referee ends this period of the match.
Ball to Kijera (Mirandés) from the right.
Mirandés tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Alexander González centers from the left wing.
Muñoz shoots low a ball that is directed to the goal and that the goalkeeper easily stops.
Cross into the Ohemeng (Mirandés) area.
Kijera (Mirandés) takes the throw.
Change in Oviedo: Obeng Gyabaa leaves and Alfredo Ortuño enters his place.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Ohemeng (Mirandés) to Sangalli.
Alexander González (Mirandés) takes the throw.
Ball to Merquelanz (Mirandés) area.
Muñoz has been fouled by Alfredo Ortuño (Oviedo). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Mirandés attacks from the right wing: Merquelanz puts the ball.
Mirandés tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Álvaro Rey centers from the left wing.
Sangalli (Oviedo) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Sangalli (Oviedo) takes a corner from the right.
Oviedo tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Sangalli centers from the left wing.
Ball to Sangalli (Oviedo) area.
Ball to Sangalli (Oviedo) area.
Ahijado (Oviedo) takes the throw.
Ball to Tejera (Oviedo) area from the right.
Lack! Álvaro Rey (Mirandés) has fouled Sangalli.
Mirandés tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Merquelanz centers from the left wing.
Merquelanz (Mirandés) takes a corner kick from the right.
Marcos André has been fouled by Arribas (Oviedo). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Goal kick by Lunin (Oviedo) that sets the ball in motion again.
The referee shows Lunin the yellow card.
Merquelanz (Mirandés) takes a shot with the left foot, but the ball doesn't end between the three poles.
Cross into the box: Alexander González (Mirandés) is the scorer from the left.
Throw-in by Alexander González (Mirandés), who puts the ball into play.
Change in Oviedo: Christian Fernandez leaves and Sanchez Laborde enters his place.
Mirandés tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Álvaro Rey centers from the left wing.
Muñoz (Mirandés) takes the throw.
Mirandés tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Muñoz centers from the left wing.
The ball goes out and Alexander González (Mirandés) takes a throw-in.
The referee whistles a violation of Luismi (Oviedo) for Malsa.
The ball goes out and Mossa (Oviedo) takes the throw.
There is a substitution: Ohemeng replaces Crisetig (Mirandés).
The referee blows his whistle and signals a fault from Ahijado (Oviedo) to Matheus Barrozo.
The referee decides to caution Álvaro Rey (Mirandés).
Tejera (Oviedo) commits a foul on Álvaro Rey.
Cross into the box: Alfredo Ortuño (Oviedo) is the one who gets the ball from the left.
Sanchez Laborde has been fouled by Álvaro Rey (Mirandés). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Foul by Ahijado (Oviedo) to Marcos André.
Mirandés tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Merquelanz centers from the left wing.
Mossa (Oviedo) hands that the referee interprets as voluntary and sanctions with a free kick.
Lunin (Oviedo) starts the play with a goal kick.
Shot with the left foot of Marcos André (Mirandés) who fails to go between the three poles.
Mirandés tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Alexander González centers from the left wing.
Cross into the box: Sanchez Laborde (Oviedo) is the scorer from the left.
The ball goes out and Álvaro Rey (Mirandés) takes a throw-in.
Kijera (Mirandés) takes the throw.
Matheus Barrozo (Mirandés) commits a foul on Gonzalez.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Lunin (Oviedo).
Marcos André (Mirandés) tries a high shot with the left foot, but the ball goes to the right.
Mirandés attacks from the right wing: Merquelanz puts the ball.
Merquelanz (Mirandés) takes a corner from the left.
Matheus Barrozo (Mirandés) has tried to shoot at goal, but has not managed to get the ball between the three poles.
Alexander González (Mirandés) shoots at goal with the right foot, but the ball does not take the desired direction and goes off target.
Muñoz (Mirandés) has tried to shoot at goal, but has not managed to get the ball between the three poles.
Kijera (Mirandés) throw-in.
Kijera (Mirandés) takes the throw.
Mirandés' bench moves with the replacement of Raúl by Limones.
Change in Mirandés: Matheus Barrozo leaves and Álvaro Peña enters his place.
Oviedo's bench moves with the replacement of Gonzalez by Ibra.
The referee shows Tejera the yellow card.
Ball to the area of Sanchez Laborde (Oviedo) from the right.
Mossa (Oviedo) takes the throw.
The ball goes out and Alexander González (Mirandés) takes a throw-in.
Change in Mirandés: Muñoz leaves and Vicente enters his place.
Change in the ranks of Mirandés: Alexander González replaces Martínez.
Mirandés tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Merquelanz centers from the left wing.
Merquelanz (Mirandés) takes a corner kick from the right.
Center to the Kijera area (Mirandés).
The ball goes out and Kijera (Mirandés) takes a throw-in.
Crisetig (Mirandés) shoots with his head at goal, but the goalkeeper stops him midway.
Merquelanz (Mirandés) starts a dangerous move with a cross from the left wing.
Merquelanz (Mirandés) starts a dangerous move with a cross from the left wing.
Merquelanz (Mirandés) starts a dangerous move with a cross from the left wing.
Lack! Tejera (Oviedo) has committed a foul on Álvaro Rey.
The ball goes out and Kijera (Mirandés) takes a throw-in.
Alfredo Ortuño (Oviedo) is offside and watches the line judge raise his flag.
Sagnan (Mirandés) commits a foul on Grippo.
Mirandés tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Merquelanz centers from the left wing.
Merquelanz (Mirandés) takes a corner kick from the right.
Crisetig shoots low with his left leg between the three poles, but the goalkeeper darts to the left for the ball.
Ball to the area of Martínez (Mirandés).
Marcos André (Mirandés) has tried to shoot at goal, but has not managed to get the ball between the three poles.
Tejera (Oviedo) commits a foul on Crisetig.
The ball goes out and Martínez (Mirandés) takes a throw-in.
Malsa (Mirandés) takes the throw.
Center to the Kijera area (Mirandés).
Throw-in by Martínez (Mirandés).
Ibra (Oviedo) is offside and watches the line judge raise his flag.
Mossa (Oviedo) commits a foul on Álvaro Rey.
Limones (Mirandés) takes a goal kick.
Throw-in by Ahijado (Oviedo).
Alfredo Ortuño (Oviedo) misjudges his career and is caught offside.
Alfredo Ortuño (Oviedo) commits a foul on Crisetig.
The ball goes out and Mossa (Oviedo) takes the throw.
Limones (Mirandés) takes a goal kick.
Ball to Tejera (Oviedo) area from the right.
Crisetig (Mirandés) commits a foul on Alfredo Ortuño.
Throw-in by Mossa (Oviedo), who puts the ball into play.
Sangalli (Oviedo) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
The match is already at stake.
The referee signals the end of this period.
Mossa (Oviedo) takes the throw.
Ibra (Oviedo) commits a foul on Álvaro Peña.
Tejera has been fouled by Álvaro Rey (Mirandés). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Grippo (Oviedo) on Marcos André.
Cross into the box: Ahijado (Oviedo) is the one who puts the ball from the left.
Throw-in Ahijado (Oviedo).
Lack! Marcos André (Mirandés) has fouled Arribas.
Center to the Kijera area (Mirandés).
Álvaro Rey has been fouled by Sanchez Laborde (Oviedo). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Goool !!!! The player gets it Alfredo Ortuño (Oviedo).
Good Alfredo Ortuño (Oviedo) hits a very good shot.
With the left foot, Alfredo Ortuño (Oviedo) was in charge of launching. The shot, well directed.
Good Alfredo Ortuño (Oviedo) hits a very good shot.
Álvaro Peña (Mirandés) commits a foul on Ibra.
Luismi has been fouled by Vicente (Mirandés). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
The ball goes out and Kijera (Mirandés) takes a throw-in.
Mossa (Oviedo) takes the throw.
The ball goes out and Mossa (Oviedo) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Mossa (Oviedo), who puts the ball into play.
Throw-in by Mossa (Oviedo), who puts the ball into play.
Lunin (Oviedo) takes a goal kick.
Marcos André (Mirandés) shoots with the right foot, but the ball flies high and to the right.
Ball to Kijera (Mirandés) from the right.
Cross into the box: Álvaro Rey (Mirandés) is the one who gets the ball from the left.
Throw-in by Mossa (Oviedo).
Mirandés attacks from the right wing: Merquelanz puts the ball.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul from Grippo (Oviedo) to Marcos André.
Lack! Crisetig (Mirandés) has fouled Ibra.
Cross into the box: Merquelanz (Mirandés) is the one who gets the ball from the left.
Merquelanz (Mirandés) takes a corner kick from the right.
Merquelanz (Mirandés) starts a dangerous move with a cross from the left wing.
Merquelanz (Mirandés) takes a corner kick from the right.
Mirandés tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Álvaro Rey centers from the left wing.
Martínez (Mirandés) takes the throw.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Limones (Mirandés).
Throw-in by Mossa (Oviedo), who puts the ball into play.
Kijera (Mirandés) throw-in.
The referee blows his whistle and signals Marcos André (Mirandés) to Tejera.
Cross into the box: Álvaro Rey (Mirandés) is the one who gets the ball from the left.
Throw-in by Mossa (Oviedo), who puts the ball into play.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a fault from Sagnan (Mirandés) to Ibra.
Foul by Vicente (Mirandés) to Ahijado.
Throw-in by Mossa (Oviedo).
Martínez (Mirandés) takes the throw.
Lack! Mossa (Oviedo) has fouled Álvaro Rey.
Sanchez Laborde (Oviedo) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Ahijado (Oviedo) takes the throw.
Limones (Mirandés) takes a goal kick.
Sanchez Laborde (Oviedo) shoots at goal with the right foot, but the ball does not take the desired direction and goes off target.
Sangalli (Oviedo) takes the throw.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Limones (Mirandés).
Oviedo attacks from the right wing: Sanchez Laborde puts the ball.
The goalkeeper stops the ball from Ibra's (Oviedo) low header without any problems.
Ball to Tejera (Oviedo) area from the right.
Center to the area of Tejera (Oviedo).
Martínez (Mirandés) is shown the yellow card.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Martínez (Mirandés) to Sanchez Laborde.
The ball goes out and Kijera (Mirandés) takes a throw-in.
Kijera (Mirandés) takes the throw.
The referee blows his whistle: Sagnan (Mirandés) fouls Sangalli.
Mirandés attacks from the right wing: Merquelanz puts the ball.
Merquelanz (Mirandés) takes a corner from the left.
Merquelanz (Mirandés) starts a dangerous move with a cross from the left wing.
Marcos André has been fouled by Arribas (Oviedo). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Throw-in by Martínez (Mirandés).
Throw-in by Kijera (Mirandés), who puts the ball into play.
Throw-in Ahijado (Oviedo).
Álvaro Rey (Mirandés) has fallen offside.
The referee whistles for a violation by Tejera (Oviedo) to Álvaro Peña.
Throw-in Ahijado (Oviedo).
Throw-in by Martínez (Mirandés).
Ibra shoots low a ball that is directed to the goal and that the goalkeeper stops down to the right.
Vicente (Mirandés) commits a foul on Ahijado.
Throw in by Martínez (Mirandés), who puts the ball in play.
Foul by Marcos André (Mirandés) to Sanchez Laborde.
The referee blows his whistle and signals Álvaro Rey (Mirandés) to Ibra.
The ball flies into the area after the corner kick made by Vicente (Mirandés) from the left …
Cross into the box: Merquelanz (Mirandés) is the one who gets the ball from the left.
Merquelanz (Mirandés) takes a corner kick from the right.
Ball to Merquelanz (Mirandés) area.
Mirandés tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Kijera centers from the left wing.
Kijera (Mirandés) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Álvaro Rey shoots with the right a ball that is rising towards the goal but that the goalkeeper stops at the top right.
Throw-in by Mossa (Oviedo), who puts the ball into play.
Throw-in by Ahijado (Oviedo).
The ball goes out and Kijera (Mirandés) takes a throw-in.
The referee interprets that there has been a hand from Alfredo Ortuño (Oviedo) and stops the play.
Throw-in by Mossa (Oviedo).
The referee signals the start of this period.
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