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Osasuna – Real Madrid (1-4): Jovic awakens, Bale sleeps | LaLiga Santander 2019

Osasuna – Real Madrid (1-4)



The Serbian breaks three months of sequa with his goal while Bale does not take advantage of his ownership in El Sadar. Zidane: “They want us to have a problem with him, but he will continue playing”

Jovic is congratulated by Vinicius.


There was a time, not so long ago, when the companions of Luka Jovic they celebrated their goals before they even finished goalie. So blind was faith, also that of Jovic. And so different from now that Serbian himself acknowledges his confusion this week. Sometimes I watch videos on YouTube last year and I wonder, 'What's wrong with me?' Of the 28 goals of the past year to only one in his first 762 minutes with Real Madrid. His goal at El Sadar broke a drought that already lasted three months.

The goal was pure Jovic: a shot at the first touch inside the area. A volley halfway up with his left foot, his bad leg, which he sent near the squad. A goal unimportant for the victory, which was already clear, but s for the confidence of the Serbian, who had only sent four of his 17 shots on goal. Only one, also of consolation in another win against Legans, ended up in the zurrn. I'm glad for him, but that's what he needs because he's a pure forward. You can tell him that he trains well, that he plays well, you can tell him many things, but if he does not score a goal he is not happy, he pointed out Zidane.

Jovic's lace at Real Madrid is not being simple. He is a striker who needs more area than Benzema and it doesn't get noticed so much when it gets away from the goalkeeper. The injury of the French opened the door of eleven in three games in a row, but the balance was a single shot and two assists. However, Zidane has kept his faith. It is the future of Real Madrid, he said in the previous Super Cup. The goal against Osasuna gives him another chance to re-engage now that the big stretch of the season appears. In 15 days he already waits for Manchester City.

Back to eleven

How to be the thing that the news in the previous game was that Gareth Bale He will start at Real Madrid. Although Zidane insists on giving normality to his situation, the gals had been left out of the last three calls by technical decision and, of the last six games, he had only played against the Unionists of Salamanca in the Cup. Bale had not started in the League since five weeks ago against Getafe and, in the 70 minutes I played in Pamplona, ​​I went unnoticed again. Very far from the player who must make a difference.

The gals left no trace beyond the shot that gave rise to the goal of Isco. He was again the apathetic and reluctant Bale that justifies his limited participation this season, although Zidane saw it differently. He has made 65 good minutes offensively and defensively. He has tried. They want us to have a problem with him but we don't have it. There are many players, it is not easy to manage all that, but in the end it is a very important player and little by little it will continue playing like the others, said the Frenchman.

Until El Sadar had not exceeded the 1,000 barrier, although there are already seven players in the team that exceed 2,000. And although he has suffered some physical problems during the course, the absences of the last weeks were by technical decision. He has no problem, Zidane insists, but Bale is the fourteenth player in the squad for minutes.

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Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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