Nagore Robles (41) has taken advantage of her social media window to vent and take stock of what was one of her hardest years.“One of the best experiences I had in 2023 was doing the Camino de Santiago. It was very special for me because I was coming from a very difficult time. I had just broken up with a partner, a family member, a job and a very special person in my life.“I was absolutely broken.”
The former contestant of Big Brotherwho has been in a relationship with the influencer Carla Flila (25) for months, made the Camino accompanied by her dog Nash, who stayed with her after her breakup with Sandra Barneda (48): “No one has saved me as many times as he has”dice. “There is a memory that will always remain in my heart, it was one of the best adventures of my life, doing the Camino de Santiago with Nash”remember about this very restorative trip.
In order to share this experience with other people so that they can feel equally helped, Nagore has launched an initiative: “I have found that by walking consciously and silently, you reset the natural rhythm of your mind and body, reduce stress and improve sleep. Would you like to do this experience with me, Nash and your dog? The adventure will start in Sarria on the 8th and will end at La Catedral De Santiago on the 13th of October.“, she tells her followers, who are more than a million on Instagram
“We will do it as a group, letting ourselves be inspired by other responsible people who also fight every day to fulfill their dreams and will encourage you to fulfill yours.”he explains.
On the comments wall, her TikToker girlfriend wrote: “You are incredible. A warrior. The people who walk the path with you don’t yet know how lucky they are.”
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