Categories: General Sports News

money, money on the high seas

María José Suárez has been distracting us over the last few weeks by denying the rumours of a crisis with Álvaro Muñoz Escassi and stressing that they had only taken a break because she needed to be more involved with her son, little Elías, the fruit of her marriage to Jordi Nieto. And that was not all, because even when they returned from a cruise through Norway and Denmark, the Sevillians made fun of the press by saying that they had married on the high seas.

This Thursday, Miss settled the issue. And he did so by announcing that his relationship with the hummingbird rider was dynamited: “It’s over. In order to avoid speculation and false news and with the same naturalness that I share other aspects of my life with you, I tell you that Álvaro and I are no longer “We are together. It has not been the best ending for such a beautiful story, but, as always, I am left with the good memories lived in these three years, which have been many.”

It should be remembered that the rumors surfaced when they stopped following each other on Instagram. But they blamed it on a mistake. Then, on June 5, the model explained in Hello: “It is true that Álvaro and I have not seen each other for two weeks and rumors have arisen, but the truth is that It was a time that I asked for from Álvaro because I needed to spend more time with my son.. We both have a rhythm of work and travel that makes it difficult for me to spend the time I want with my son, who is only six years old, and At that point of being able to reconcile everything I find myself“. A few days later (only five to be specific) they began to brag on Instagram about a cruise they had embarked on with her son and two friends. Upon their return, on June 18, María José said in the airport: “We got married on the boat.”

And this Wednesday, June 26, we found the announcement of the breakup (while Escassi continued to mess around at an event). But what is behind everything? As they have told in It’s Federico’s Morning, they had already broken up when they embarked on the famous cruise but they had to do it because the cruise, which they boasted about on social networks naming the company, was sponsored. Already in Spanish lands, the story is different. Money, money, is Mr. Money a powerful knight? The images published by Escassi while they shared affection in a jacuzzi will remain to be remembered.

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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