Categories: General Sports News

Mayte Zaldívar updates Julián Muñoz’s health status: “He doesn’t want to die because he says he is in one of his best stages”

Julian Muñoz live very delicate moments. Suffering from serious health problems for several years, he requested voluntary hospital discharge after spending three weeks in hospital to continue receiving outpatient treatment. Julian76 years old, is now resting at his daughter’s house Heloise and, on one of his little walks, the former mayor of Marbella confessed to having “a rampant cancer“. This Friday, Mayte Zaldivarex-wife of Julián Muñoz and one of his greatest supporters, spoke about the possible memories of Isabel Pantoja’s ex and updated the former mayor’s health status.

At the moment he doesn’t want to die because he says he is in one of his best stages. She forgot her family, but she never lost it. She is taking advantage of the last few seconds. There are days that are difficult because she has a strong treatment“Zaldívar revealed in Friday!

Likewise, the ex-wife of the former politician pointed out that Julián constantly asks for forgiveness and believes that he is ashamed of his past. “Ask for forgiveness because you have not forgiven yourself, you have to forgive yourself first“Mayte said.

During his interview on the set of Santi Acosta and Beatriz Archidona, Zaldívar stressed that he remains with the good moments he has experienced together with the former mayor of Marbella. “He is the father of my daughters, he has been a strong pillar in my life. We have shared many good things and we must remember that. Not the bad ones“he highlighted.

Regarding Muñoz’s memories, Mayte assured that Julián has been writing from the heart for some time. “Julián has had the habit of always writing everything down for many years. He did it a while ago but he does it from the heart and telling you about his life and not exactly his political life. Inside it there are many people, I guess it will be me“, he stated.

As expected, Telecinco wanted to know what part Isabel Pantoja plays in Julián Muñoz’s memoirs. “The people who were in your life are inside those sheets. I’m not here to judge anyone, I think that’s what they’ve experienced. If it is bad and someone feels harmed, it will be their problem“, clarified Mayte Zaldívar.

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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