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Matamoros denounces the “coven” of ‘Save me’ against him and his girlfriend: “I will not prevent Marta from taking action”

Kiko Matamoros suffered a power surge last Tuesday for which he had to leave the set of Save me and go through the hospital, where they performed an electrogram. It was altered after they announced information related to an alleged infidelity of Marta Lopez Alamowith whom he marries next June.

Read alsoKiko Matamoros explains why he suffered a power surge: they say that Marta López has been unfaithful to him

This Friday, the collaborator has exploded. At the beginning of the program, he has assured that he trusts the loyalty of his girlfriend: “I have absolute and total faith in my partner. I am not going to contribute another half minute to continue playing with this.”

Kiko has not been cut off and has warned the program with possible legal measures for Marta: “It is a television program that has many sentences against it and I am not going to prevent my partner from taking action.” For him, they are putting on a real show without evidence. He considers that everything is a “hoax” to fill hours of the program.

Read alsoThey try to boycott Kiko Matamoros’s wedding and he replies: “You don’t play with marriage”

After the publicity, he has shown himself to be more upset by the videos with which the program continues to add fuel to the fire: “The fucking deer whoever wrote that text will have passed through the deer room.” And he has added, furious: “I am fed up with speculation, hoaxes and bullshit. Whoever has proof, provide it and then prove it in court.” Finally, he has assured that he has rejected a juicy offer: “They have offered me to go with Marta to the Deluxe and I have told them that I will not contribute to this coven. I will be by his side in all the actions he commits.”

Throughout these days, different collaborators such as bethlehem esteban They have admitted that the rumor of a possible infidelity or approach of the model to one of her exes reached them. They also talk about the existence of compromised messages: “Marta makes fun of a very personal issue for Kiko,” the princess of the town confessed. javier javier he called these messages “derogatory”.

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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