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Mariló Montero’s great rebuke to a stylist for what she has said about Letizia and her “obsession” with her physique

María Patiño’s program has been transformed this Saturday, May 6 to cover the coronation of Charles III and the queen camilla. They have incorporated a discussion table with Hope Aguirre, Marilo Montero and the stylist Paloma Gonzalez Durantez, among others. However, when the program came to an end, the tension between Montero and González surfaced.

The assistance of kings Felipe VI y Mrs. Letizia, dressed by Carolina Herrera, has been highly commented. Patiño has assured that the Asturian consort did not like that they only talk about her outfits and her physical appearance in the media.

Paloma González has responded: “She is obsessed with the body, with aesthetics. It seems funny to me that Queen Letizia does not want us to focus on her image. She is very obsessed with her image to the point that sometimes she gives up A bit of fear”.

Read also: The image of Doña Letizia in London that buries the rumors of bad feelings with Marie-Chantal of Greece

And he added: “I no longer know if it is made of wax or flesh and blood. So, they cannot tell me that Queen Letizia is not concerned about the physique. She is extremely obsessed. Queen Sofía was not concerned, but Letizia is concerned and a lot”. On the set they have commented on Doña Letizia’s taste for sports (her toned arms from her have given much to talk about in the press here and there) and also the possible retouching of her.

Minutes later, Mariló Montero has resumed this debate to give his forceful opinion: “It seems to me that we have to reflect a bit and it seems to me that it almost borders on seriousness. To say that a woman because she is fired is obsessed… When we say that a man is fired is that he is a good guy”.

González has been alluded to and has responded: “I have not said it from woman to woman to do less, if the king was putting on Botox all day and marking the biceps he would also say it.”

María Patiño did not fully understand his position. He has told her that she also likes to take care of herself and play sports, and that is not why they have to label her as obsessed. The stylist has sentenced: “Yes, but do you know what happens? That the State does not pay you, the taxpayers do not pay you, and the Spanish maintain the monarchy.” Esperanza Aguirre, astonished, blurted out: “What’s wrong? Can’t you do gymnastics?”

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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