Categories: Football

Mariano believes again

Mariano Díaz (27 years old) has regained hope. The 14 minutes that Zidane gave him at Mestalla represent little at the collective level, because the match was already resolved (4-1), although for the forward they meant a lot in the individual section. He sees it as proof that the coach is going to give him opportunities. Few, but there will be some.

He is perfectly aware of his situation. Madrid has insisted during the last two seasons that he look for a way out, and even from the white offices they have worked to bring you offers that could seduce you. But they have always hit a wall: Mariano wants to stay. It does not value another option. He is happy in Madrid, he is in the club of his heart and thinks that any exit would be a step back in his career. He has a contract until 2023 and his intention is to continue.

Zidane has told him on more than one occasion that he does not have him, although in the same way the Frenchman always prioritizes a good collective atmosphere. If it depended on him, Mariano would not be on the squad. But if he insists on staying, he will treat him like one of the others. First because the seasons are very long and second because he is an asset of the club and as long as he continues to wear the Madrid shirt, he will not devalue him.

With all these ingredients, the forward has recharged faith. Believe this is in a special season. With games every three days and a tighter schedule than ever, injuries on all teams are going to be constant. To these must be added the absences left by the coronavirus. For this reason, everyone will have opportunities and he only thinks about squeezing every minute that Zidane gives him, just as he did last year when he scored in the Classic discount.

Mariano knows the problems of this situation well, because he has experienced both possible setbacks. He overcame the coronavirus and has also suffered injuries. For this reason, those 14 minutes against Valencia have charged him with confidence to take these two weeks of national team break as a mini preseason. For him it is difficult to pick up a rhythm normally, because with matches every three days in which he usually does not play, he does not have any continuity. Now even less, with calls for 23 players in which everyone travels. Before he trained alone in Valdebebas when he was not called up, but now he always enters the list and on match days he usually remains blank. Therefore, these two weeks are essential for him. He wants to get in his best physical tone because he trusts that in this month and a half of 2020 that remains, he will have his chance …

Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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