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Luis García Plaza: “We have to know how to get through the times when Atlético subdues us”


The coach of Deportivo Alavés, Luis García Plaza, has assured that they must know how to “pass the time” in which Atlético de Madrid, whom they will face this Sunday at the Cívitas Metropolitano, subdues them and, above all, “compete” with his own “weapons”, and explained that the Frenchman Antoine Griezmann is “the most complete player” of the rojiblanco team.

“We have to go with the idea of ​​winning. Are we going to dominate Atleti and put them in their field? It’s not easy. There are going to be times in which we dominate the ball and play our football, but we have to know how to live and pass the moments.” moments in which they subdue us and, no matter how the game goes, not break you. The games change in a moment, and you have to be in the game all the time,” he declared at a press conference.

Furthermore, he insisted that they must be themselves at the Cívitas Metropolitano. “When you face a situation like this, the most important thing is to be yourself and compete with your weapons. We are a recognizable team and so far it is allowing us to compete with any team. Will we ever come out shorn? Yes, because it is the First Division, but “Let’s hope it’s not tomorrow. Hopefully tomorrow we can give great joy. I have told the players that if they do something in a big stadium it will have a lot of repercussions for them,” he said.

In addition, he explained that the red and white team has “very definitive players.” “If the team is in the game, success can lead you to win or add. I ask them to play as they are playing until now, to pay great attention to the details. Sometimes, the great team does not play well, but the great players “They are capable of winning a game. You can be playing a great game and they are playing a bad game, and Griezmann or Morata appear and beat you. You cannot lose concentration for any moment,” he warned.

Precisely, the Madrid coach analyzed the state of form of both Álvaro Morata and the Frenchman Antoine Griezmann. “We will try to control ourselves, although it will not be easy. Morata is in a very good moment, he looks confident, he is dominant in the aerial game and in space,” he explained.

“Griezmann is the most complete player; is he the fastest? No. Is he the one who finishes the best? No. Is he the one who passes the best? No. He dominates, with a score of nine, all aspects of the game. He knows how to combine “He knows how to come between the lines, he knows how to finish, he is tactically intelligent… For me he is the most complete player. We will have to be very concentrated in the middle, covering Koke, Saúl…” he continued.

The babazorro coach, who assured that the only absence is Serbian defender Nikola Maras, recalled that the team “is giving a very good image.” “We are out of relegation, we compete every game, and this season we are seeing a recognizable Alavés,” he said. “We have a calendar left with the top five in the last nine games of the year: Atleti, Madrid, Barça, Girona and Real Sociedad,” he added.

Regarding Atlético, he acknowledged that they are “in a very good moment.” “They are always at the top, competing with the best and with their peaks of good and not so good moments. Right now they are at a good peak. They have very unbalanced, important players, and we have to play a great game to be able to win. We have won the right to play these games and try to get something and win. It will be difficult, because Atleti is a great team, but we are going to play our football and hopefully we will succeed,” he stressed.

In another vein, he explained that Samu Omorodion is an “option” this Sunday. “It could be that it is the option, he plays against his own team. He is a young kid who has to manage many things in his mind. He is in a very good moment, physically he is a bull and it may be time for him to return to participate,” he explained.

Finally, he appealed to maintain calm despite the team’s comfortable situation at this point in the season. “The team is very aware that this is going to be very long. We have to be like a little ant adding points. I think we deserve that victory that has been denied to us lately, we have done well to be able to win at least one of the last three games We have to continue our path, be very positive, keep improving things and never stop doing those good things. We are going to suffer all year, and just as we were promoted on the last day, maybe we will achieve salvation with one or two missing. I hope I eat my words and we save ourselves sooner,” he concluded.

George Williams

George is a football fanatic, and he himself is a good football player. He does cover Football news from around the world, and share on Sportsfinding. He makes sure that the news content he creates are factually correct, and written in good English to meet the readers’ expectations.

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