Categories: Football

Lopetegui: “Wolves are the ones that have spent the most after City”

Julen lopetegui, coach of the Seville, has assured that his team is very excited about this Tuesday's game against the Wolverhampton, in which his pass to the semifinals of the Europa League is played, but he flees from favoritism in a competition system, in addition, with single-match qualifiers.

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The one of Asteasu respects the rival enormously, a “powerful” team that, he assures, is the second that has spent the most in signings after the Manchester City. “The team arrives with enthusiasm and the normal tension of final matches. It is a different competition, as it has never been, that is going to force us to what it has forced us to do all season. It is a very powerful team, with great players, which will force us to make a great effort, ”said the coach at the official UEFA press conference.

“He is a tremendous rival. He has excellent footballers and has been playing the same way for years. It's the team after City that has spent the most worldwide. It is all said. Top-level players and within a continuous work dynamic, with a solid team dynamic. It is also a complex and difficult team, due to the way they compete, which is going to force us as always to have a great game. We will try to take it to the limit of its conditions ”, commented the technician.

Lopetegui is aware of the importance of the appointment: “They are a quarter-final, a one-off match, with a team that has equaled the Tottenham. The game will force both teams to go to the limit. That illusion has to guide us ”.

Therefore, it ensures that the victory over the Rome is past water and that the level that theirs gave is not a reference in a new game: “The Rome and the Wolves they are absolutely nothing alike. Despite playing with three centrals, they have nothing to do with it. Each game has a nuance. We have to be prepared, want and know that the illusion and desire to know how to go round have to guide us ”.

“He Wolves has equaled points to Tottenham, last year he got into Europe. It is the team that has invested the most money after City, with players of the present and future. The coach continues his third season due to solidity and with very high-level players. They are at a very high level ”.

Finally, he was also asked about the physical state of Fernando. “I do not individualize in anyone, Fernando played with his annoyances against the Rome and he played at a very high level like the rest of the team. But that is the past, the past is not lived, football is present and the present is the Wolves, with which we have to be very focused on tomorrow's game ”.

Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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