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LIVE Follow the general elections of 20-N minute by minute – 11/19/11 –

Jauregui will lead the government team for the transfer of powers

The Minister of the Presidency, Ramón Jáuregui, will be in charge of leading the government team that will coordinate the transfer of powers to the Popular Party after the victory of this political force in yesterday's general elections.

Executive sources have informed Efe of that decision of the President of the Government, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, who has already spoken with the leader of the PP, Mariano Rajoy, to guarantee that the transfer of power will be exemplary.

On the part of the Popular Party will be the so far spokesman in Congress, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, who will lead the team of his political force to process that transfer, as Rajoy announced today at the meeting of the National Executive Committee of the PP.

The PSC admits that the 'useful vote' against the fear of PP is no longer useful

The PSC has recognized that its electoral strategy of appealing to the 'useful vote' against the fear of a PP government no longer serves them.

It has been admitted by the deputy first secretary and spokesperson of the party, Miquel Iceta, at a press conference, coinciding with a long meeting of the party's executive committee, which It started at 5:00 p.m. and that three hours later it was not finished yet.

Iceta has clearly admitted that the PSC has suffered a defeat without palliative this Sunday, and has indicated that Catalan socialists They currently have four open fronts through which they lose voters.

Rubalcaba vindicates before the Executive the validity of its program for the opposition

The socialist candidate in these elections, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, defended on Monday before the Federal Executive of the PSOE that the electoral program with which he presented himself will be valid and useful for marking the main lines of his opposition task.

As several attendees of the meeting have informed Europa Press, Rubalcaba has pointed out as a positive aspect of the election campaign that the PSOE has a recognizable speech that will be useful from now on. “We have a solid project for the opposition “, he said, according to management sources.

However, according to several respondents, Rubalcaba has not given no clue as to whether or not he will aspire to be general secretary of the party in the next Federal Congress, and neither has the Minister of Defense, Carme Chacón, whose candidacy is considered possible in the PSOE.

Mohamed VI asks Rajoy “respect” for the “territorial unity” of Morocco

The king of Morocco, Mohamed VI, congratulated this Monday the leader of the PP, Mariano Rajoy, for his victory in the generals, in a message in which offers you collaboration to “boost” the relationship and asks him to respect the “territorial unity” of Morocco in the litigation of Western Sahara.

The monarch has expressed to Rajoy his “warm congratulations” for the historic victory harvested yesterday as well as his “sincere wishes for full success” in a telegram broadcast by the official MAP news agency.

In that letter, he underlines the “permanent disposition of Morocco to continue coordination and cooperation between the two countries on the different issues of common interest and their Adherence to international efforts that pursue the establishment of security and peace in the different areas of tension in the world and the resolution of the differences in a peaceful manner under the respect of the territorial unity of the States and their national constants, “says the MAP.

Helmets personally congratulates Rajoy, with whom I had not spoken since September 2010

The president of the Forum of Citizens, Francisco Álvarez-Cascos, said Monday in Oviedo that he called on Monday the president of the PP, Mariano Rajoy, to personally congratulate him on the electoral victory.

In a press conference offered in Oviedo, Cascos has said that has offered a “loyal collaboration” Rajoy and said that he has also congratulated the president of the PP of Asturias, Ovidio Sánchez. Forum has obtained in the last elections representation in the Congress, with a deputy for Asturias.

The barons of the PP support Rajoy's decision on Sánez de Santamaría

The Autonomous Presidents of the Popular Party have supported the decision of their leader and next President of the Government, Mariano Rajoy, to elect the parliamentary spokesman in Congress, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, to lead the transfer of powers with the outgoing Government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.

So, the president of the Xunta de Galicia, Alberto Núñez Feijoo, has assured the media, that of La Rioja, Pedro Sanz, and the president of Murcia, Ramón Luis Valcárcel, at the exit of the first Steering Committee of the PP after winning the general elections this Sunday by an absolute majority.

“I think Sáenz de Santamaría is the right person because he has been in Congress every day and is a person who has been clear in the preparation of the program. We expected that appointment and when we heard it we thought it was perfect“, Feijóo commented, thus sharing the words of his party partners, Valcárcel and Sanz, who have highlighted the” very successful “decision of Rajoy and the” extraordinary formation “of the leader of the PP.

Rosa Diez considers justice and common sense that UPyD has its own group

The leader of UPyD, Rosa Díez, has considered today “of justice” and “common sense” that her party can form its own group in Congress for the next four years and has hoped that it will finally be so.

Díez has made this reflection in a press conference after the UPyD management meeting, in which they have analyzed the “extraordinary” results obtained by this young political formation, which has obtained more than 1,140,000 votes and five seats.

UPyD achieved five deputies, although it remained at the gates of being able to form its own group because the regulations of the Chamber of Congress establish that for this you have to have five percent of the votes, three tenths more than what was obtained in the elections (4.69 percent of the vote).

The PSOE estimates that more than half a million of their voters have gone to the PP

The director of the PSOE election campaign, Elena Valenciano, believes that more than half a million of her voters could have gone to the PP in yesterday's elections, while others would have gone to IU, UPyD, nationalist parties or abstention. “We have been very socialist and have distributed votes everywhere”, he joked in an interview.

Valenciano spoke in Zero Wave in full hangover of the electoral debacle of the PSOE, and noted that “the votes have to be somewhere”. He said the party will make a detailed study, but in principle he thinks that “people have taken refuge in other political options, rather than voting for the PP.”

However, he acknowledged: “We have lost and the Popular Party has won clearly. Now you have to work each in the place that citizens have given“.

Cospedal responds to journalists: “Government will be done as soon as possible”

Responding to journalists' questions, Cospedal notes that “there are legal deadlines to meet to form Government and we will try to advance everything that can be done within the law. But the Government is the Government. “

On Rajoy's conversation with Merkel, points out that it has expressed the need to make it clear that the countries that comply have to be helped by the institutions.

“Mariano Rajoy is going to adhere to the procedures established by the law because no one can break it”, has insisted on the constitution of the new Government.

I don't introduce myself as General Secretary, the president introduces me and we will have to wait to see who he proposes, “he replied.

“Shortening the deadlines, the shortest period to have a constituted Government … Rajoy wants to do it before Christmas Eve“, repeated Cospedal.

The groups that are respectful of the Constitution are the ones that the PP will talk about “and there are groups that do not comply”, in clear reference to Amaiur. “The Spaniards know that we would have preferred not to have this representation,” he added.

The secretary general, about a possible meeting with Merkel and Sarkozy, notes that “there have been conversations but physical meetings are not planned at the moment.”

Cospedal has first pointed out that meetings with other groups “They will not be public but I have not said that they will be secret”, answering the question of a journalist and pointing out that the PSOE will be the first.

About him CiU fiscal pact, Cospedal points out that Catalonia has also expressed a willingness to change by losing the PSOE and remarks that the PP was presented with its program and not with that of CiU. “We will dialogue with everyone but we will never go to what unites us but to what unites us,” Cospedal has finished.

Cospedal: “Rajoy is satisfied with the conversation with Zapatero”

María Dolores de Cospedal, after the PP Executive Committee, declares at a press conference that Mariano Rajoy already thinks of the Government after having traveled a “path of illusion”.

“There has been a very clear and resounding request for change”, and noted that the Committee has treated victory.

“Internally, the National Congress has been announced for the days February 17, 18 and 19 in Andalusia, “he announced.

Cospedal has also informed that “President Rajoy has pointed out that the formation of the Government takes place as soon as possible and we will work to make the investiture debate as soon as possible.”

“Rajoy is satisfied with the conversation with Zapatero” on the transfer of powers that Sáenz de Santamaría will pilot.

Stop, recession, sovereign debt… are issues for which “Rajoy has stated that we must tell the truth to the Spanish”, as the first rule.

“The PP and Rajoy want to have everyone to be the government of all Spaniards. We have to leave the crisis together,” said Cospedal.

For Rajoy, the Spaniards have given them the mandate “place order, fulfill the responsibilities, carry out the necessary reforms and preside with perseverance to get out of the crisis and fight unemployment. “

One of the issues that Rajoy has most highlighted is the “commitment to Europe, the European institutions and the euro” and Rajoy has shown his collaboration for the good of all Spaniards.

On the problems of sovereign debt, Rajoy, says Cospedal, has reiterated that “we can't do miracles” and has pointed to a unified strategy throughout the Euro Zone. “What is perfectly clear is that Spain cannot continue financing at 7%.”

Rajoy also understands that “the Spanish have given the PP a mandate of austerity, reforms and Europeanist”.

Cospedal transmits the thanks Rajoy has given to the PP for his treatment during his political life. “We have a very difficult challenge but knowing the PP has presented itself to the elections”.

Valencian believes that Rubalcaba has “strength” to continue

The campaign director of the PSOE, Elena Valenciano, said Monday that she sees Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba “strongly” but stressed that the party is “in a period of reflection”, so that “there is no decision” on whether the candidate for the elections will aspire to be general secretary of the PSOE.

“With force yes, it has been shown that Rubalcaba has strength, in the campaign he has left us all behind”, He said in an interview on Zero Wave collected by Europa Press, asked if he sees Rubalcaba hard to move on. “But we are in a period of reflection, there is no decision made about anything, you have to wait a few days to see all that,” he added however.

According to Valencian, now “It is not time to make these decisions” about the next leadership, given the deadlines and procedures that the Convocation call has, but not because of a supposed lack of support.

A Bureau with a majority of the PP will decide on the groups of Amaiur and UPyD

Once the new Courts are opened on December 13, the parties may become parliamentary groups, and although it is clear that the PP, PSOE, CiU, IU and PNV will have their own group, those of Amaiur and UPyD may raise doubts in the Table of the Congress, organ where there will be majority of the PP.

In the case of Amaiur, the objections may come from the fact that in Navarra, one of the four constituencies in which the abertzale left has been presented, has remained within a tenth of the minimum percentage of the 15 percent of votes that is required to be able to form its own parliamentary group.

Although this training has won seven seats – two more than those required to have a group – the Congress Regulation also requires a second requirement, that is, obtaining at least 15 percent of the votes in the constituencies in which the interested party is presented.

The abstention in the areas where it rained most it was similar or lower than average

The rains have barely affected the participation in the voting this Sunday, since in most places where it rained the most this weekend, between Saturday and Sunday, the abstention rates are similar or even lower to the national average, which stood at 28.31 percent, according to the Interior Ministry.

Of the places where it rained most on Sunday, the only one that exceeds the abstention rate at the national level is Gerona, where 36.38 percent of the voters abstained and that accumulated 31 liters per square meter of rainfall.

In any case, if the average of the abstention between the elections of 2011 with respect to those of 2008 (26.15 percent) it is 2.16 percent higher, while in most of the provinces where it has rained most, the increase in the abstention rate has been slightly higher between one and two percent higher than the average.

Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría will pilot the transition

The leader of the PP, Mariano Rajoy, has called the National Party Congress for February 17, 18 and 19, about two weeks after the Socialist Party Congress.

In addition, and always as reported The country, Rajoy has entrusted the transfer of powers to Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría. The export speaker in the Congress of Deputies will be responsible for forming the team of the national leadership that will pilot the game at this stage.

The PP dome receives with a Rajoy ovation

Image uploaded to Rajoy's Twitter account.

The dome of the Popular Party received this afternoon to Mariano Rajoy with a great occasion in their first meeting after the general elections of November 20, in which this formation won the winner with a absolute majority of 186 seats.

Rajoy entered shortly after five in the afternoon to the National Executive Committee room, convened in Madrid to take stock of the election results, in which the popular have achieved the largest number of deputies in their history, above the record that José María Aznar obtained in 2000. Almost a hundred leaders who make up the National Executive Committee of the PP received Rajoy positions in foot and with a big ovation.

Among them, was the former president of the Government and honorary president of the popular, José María Aznar, who had not returned to such a meeting since in 2003 he chose Rajoy as successor and ceded all internal power to him.

Aznar returns after years of absence to the Executive Committee

The former President of the Government José María Aznar arrived on Monday at the headquarters of the party in Madrid's Genoa Street to participate in the meeting of the Executive Committee convened by the winner of the elections, Mariano Rajoy, one day after the electoral triumph and which, among other party leaders, the territorial 'barons' attend.

Aznar has arrived minutes before 5 pm – now scheduled for the meeting – to the party headquarters, which has caused a great stir among the media, more numerous than ever on Genoa street. The former president has not wanted to make statements and has simply confirmed that the result obtained by the PP in the generals has been “historic.”

The former president has returned to the national headquarters a day after he accompanied Rajoy on election night. Although the former chief executive and honorary president of the PP is part of the Executive Committee, It is the first time that he remembers participating in a meeting of this body since he left the Government in 2004.

The mayor of Lugo sees Rubalcaba as “a good candidate” for the Secretary

The mayor of Lugo, the socialist Xosé López Orozco, has defended on Monday that the PSOE candidate for the Presidency of the Government, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, “could be a good candidate” to occupy the General Secretariat of this party.

In reference to the ordinary congress that the PSOE will hold next February, he has indicated that “The current secretary general is not going to be secretary general” and, after the defeat of his party at the polls, he has concluded that “a good direction is needed for this stage of opposition that touches live.”

In fact, in his opinion, the PSOE “You have to look at what your path should be and mark the objectives of that path”, all this, “without being aware of what the opponents or the media say.”

Cospedal will give the press conference after the PP Committee, not Rajoy

It will be María Dolores de Cospedal who will give to the media the press conference after the Executive Committee of the PP and not Mariano Rajoy, as previously thought.

Shoemaker Lunch in Ferraz with part of the Executive of the PSOE but without Rubalcaba

The President of the Government in office and Secretary General of the PSOE, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, has left on Monday at 16.30 on Monday the headquarters of his party after having lunch in the building with part of the Socialist Executive, mostly members of the Electoral Committee by Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, but Without the candidate

According to PSOE sources, Rubalcaba had communicated beforehand that he had a prior commitment that would prevent him from attending the lunch. Among those who have been in the food are the Deputy Secretary General, José Blanco; the president of the party, Manuel Chaves; the campaign director, Elena Valenciano, and the vice coordinator, Antonio Hernando; the head of Autonomous Policy, Gaspar Zarrías; the secretary of Organization, Marcelino Iglesias, and the Aragonese deputy Pilar Alegría.

Bishops Spaniards offer collaboration to the new Government

The president of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (CEE), Antonio María Rouco Varela, has offered the “specific and humble” collaboration of the Spanish bishops to the new rulers and wished them, “In these difficult times, success, serenity and spirit of service in his noble and decisive task”.

“As the Church always does with the rulers, we offer them the spiritual support of our prayers and those of all Catholics,” he said during the inaugural address of the XCVIII Plenary Assembly of the EEC.

In this sense, Rouco Varela has set as an example the “exemplary cooperation” of all the concerned instances of the State, of one or another political color, between them and with various sectors of society -not only with the Church-, highlighted on the occasion of bringing to fruition the celebration of World Youth Day (WYD). “I hope it can be repeated in the future, not only for extraordinary occasions, but also in everyday life”, has wished.

Rita Barberá: “Today we started to emerge from the crisis”

The mayor of Valencia, Rita Barberá, has congratulated herself on the triumph of the PP in yesterday's general elections and has assured that with the confidence generated by the arrival of Mariano Rajoy to the Government of Spain “she has begun to emerge from the crisis”.

In a press conference to present the municipal budgets of 2012, the mayor has valued the “historic” electoral triumph of the popular against the “debacle” and the “severe defeat” of the socialist party.

He has assured that together with the lack of investment and credit and the high unemployment rate, the economic crisis has a crisis component “emotional and trustworthy” and has clarified that this “is the one that began to be solved last night” with the triumph of the PP.

Muddy congratulate Rajoy and trust him to make “important decisions”

The president of the European Commission, José Manuel Durao Barroso, congratulated Mariano Rajoy on Monday for his victory in the elections this Sunday and has hoped that the leader of the Popular Party will take “important decisions” to face the crisis that hits Spain and the rest of the European Union.

“With clear and strong support from the Spanish people, his election intervenes in an important moment for Spain and for the European Union. We are facing one of the most demanding periods of recent decades, which requires important decision making, “said Barroso in a statement released Monday.

Barroso has shown “fully convinced” that Rajoy will make the necessary decisions with which “it will preserve the strong European tradition of all Spanish governments and thus contribute actively to the development of the European project”.

Pons, to Onda Cero: “The change is not only the PP”

Esteban González Pons has recognized for Onda Cero that it made him nervous “joy of triumph” and has pointed out that Rajoy is very “calm and serene” and thinking about the people who are having a hard time.

The change is not only the PP, there are many people who have voted for other political forces, “said Pons.

He has aimed to return to consensus, dialogue and dialogue: “We all go out or we don't go out”.

About what Rajoy has talked with Merkel, Pons has not revealed anything. What he has said is that “we will be present in Brussels and we will let you notice that in Spain there has been a change. “

Of the “mini-cohabitation” of Zapatero with Rajoy, Pons has said that the deadlines will be rushed but that “they will break us”, so he doesn't know if Rajoy will be in Brussels on the 9th.

“No one has a secure ministerial portfolio”, said Pons, who disagrees with quickly announcing the Minister of Economy to not “devalue” the newly elected President.

Zoido, “happy”, expects “benefits” to Seville

The mayor of Seville, Juan Ignacio Zoido (PP), said that this Monday is a “happy day in Spain, Andalusia and Seville” after the PP has won the general elections, a process that he hopes will bring “benefits also for the In addition, it has made it clear that this process cannot be compared with municipal elections, since they have “completely different connotations and circumstances”.

Zoido has made these statements to questions from journalists in an act with the president of the Genus Foundation, Cristina Pavón Caballero, to present the garments of the volunteers of the Davis Cup final, subsequently inaugurating the wall 'Sevilla, talisman city' .

Thus, he points out that in Seville capital the general and municipal electoral processes cannot be confused, “mixing churras with merines”, and affirms that the PP increased in the city 16,101 votes, that is to say, six percentage points more than in the previous elections, surpassing the PSOE more than 40,000 votes.

Reaction Analysis: Rajoy “content” and Rubalcaba “touched emotionally”

The president of the PP and winner of the general elections of November 20, Mariano Rajoy, showed a “contained joy” after knowing the results of the elections and addressing his followers from the balcony of the party headquarters on Genoa Street, while the PSOE candidate, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, “I was touched emotionally”, according to experts in nonverbal communication and 'coaching'.

The EEC trainer and ESSIN executive director, David Ganuza, said that, although Rajoy is usually “quite restrained,” during the victory celebration he was “more spontaneous and natural.” “You see content but cheerful”, Ganuza has detailed, which has explained that this control is reflected “in which the right part of his body is more present throughout his intervention.”

“When he addresses the militants, Rajoy has everything supercontrolled, even when his wife – Elvira Fernández – appears on the balcony. Nor do they look at each other because he knows that he will appear and will be placed on his right,” he explained. Nonetheless, the leader of the PP “was excited” although he needed “reassuring gestures” like the fact of playing the microphone before addressing his militants. In addition, he was seen in “committed attitude” when his followers sang some slogans such as “Long live Spain”.

As for the appearance before the media after knowing the election results, “Rajoy's message conveyed that he knows that it will be hard to get out of the crisis,” especially on the issue of unemployment, according to Ganuza. “It is seen that it is the subject that causes greater stress and causes a greater headache,” said the expert who also stressed that the leader of the PP “knows that the solution does not depend only on him.” “He has a stab in his face when he talks about the European Union,” he said.

Regarding the appearance before the media of the candidate of the PSOE, the expert has assured that “he was touched emotionally, with a contracted face”. “He touches his hands, which reflects the control of his emotions so as not to let them surface and also to reassure the public and transmit calm,” he said.

Barreda on the PSOE: “Today is the beginning of the return to the future”

The general secretary of the socialists of Castilla-La Mancha, José María Barreda, said Monday that the PSOE has started today its “return to the future”, although he did not explain the meaning of that reflection.

At the end of the meeting of the Federal Executive Commission of the PSOE, Barreda told the media that the debate internal was “very useful” as well as “exciting”.

However, nothing was said about the possible candidates who aspire to replace José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero in the General Secretariat of the PSOE. “You can't deduce any of that” of this meeting, he said.

Lara Cay will not stop until you achieve an “authentic democracy”

The leader of IU, Cayo Lara, said Monday that the federation will not stop until it achieves “a truly representative democracy” in Spain, where, after Sunday's elections, it has begun to “defeat the unfair bipartisanship” that dominates the polls, He has lost 4 million votes. In a press conference held at the IU headquarters in Madrid, Cayo Lara said that if all the votes had been worth the same, IU would have won 25 seats, then there are 14 that PSOE and PP will be distributed.

In his opinion, the injustice of the Electoral Law not only has been patent in the distribution of seats between the two major groups, but also in other forces such as Amaiur, which each seat has cost 47,000 votes, while IU each seat in the Congress of Deputies has cost 152,801 ballots.

Zapatero has guaranteed maximum collaboration for the transfer of powers

Zapatero has guaranteed maximum collaboration for the transfer of powers.

The press wonders in Ferraz why Zapatero doesn't talk about primary

Zapatero has affirmed that the Executive agreed with the convening of the congress “as soon as possible”, but has omitted to speak of a leader election through the primary process.

As for the transfer of powers, Zapatero has only admitted that “there has been talk of it in the Executive.” “It is up to the militants in the Federal Congress to decide, my work,” he said, “is that develops freely. “

He has announced that he will have a conversation with Mariano Rajoy, “naturally.”

Shoemaker: “I have weighted the general interests ahead of those of the party”

Zapatero has assured during his appearance that he has weighted the general interests to those of the party, not without highlighting the difficult moments we are living.

Shoemaker announces an ordinary Congress of the PSOE for the beginning of February

The acting government president and general secretary of the PSOE has announced the holding of a federal party committee for Saturday and an ordinary congress for the beginning of February.

Zapatero admits that the PSOE has suffered “a strong deterioration of its popular support”

José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero has announced that the PSOE Executive has made different agreements and decisions that affect the future of the party.

“As Rubalcaba said yesterday, today the Executive Committee of the party has agreed to define the strong deterioration of its popular support,” he explained.

Rubalcaba reinvindicates a solid project to lead the opposition

According to Irene Rivas from Ferraz, Rubalcaba has reinvindicated before the executive a solid project to lead the opposition.

All the members of the executive recognize the bad result but they admit the great effort of Rubalcaba and the electoral committee and defend that they have made the best possible campaign.

Rubalcaba can be secretary of the PSOE and López is not aspiring

The PSE-EE spokesperson, José Antonio Pastor, said today that does not rule out that the PSOE candidate for the presidency of the Government, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba , be the next general secretary of this party, that will be elected in an ordinary congress.

Shepherd has rejected, however, that the lehendakari Patxi López aspires to that position and has ensured, in an interview at ETB, that López's vocation is to exhaust the legislature in the Basque Country and call regional elections “when they correspond, that is, in March 2013 and not before.”

“The requests for electoral advance only respond to the anxiety of the PNV; the results of some elections cannot be mixed with others, because in each case different things are chosen and the situations are different,” he said.

Rajoy has talked this morning 20 minutes with Merkel on economy

The next president of the Government, Mariano Rajoy, He talked about 20 minutes with German Chancellor Angela Merkel this morning. About the economic situation.

German politics congratulated Rajoy on the electoral success harvested yesterday and wish him luck. According to the sources cited, the bulk of the conversation focused on the serious economic situation as reported to Europa Press PP sources.

'El País' asks for the Zapatero's resignation in front of the PSOE

Bajo el título “Futuro sin demoras” el diario madrileño 'El País' ha pedido la dimisión de José Luis Rodíguez Zapatero al frente del partido socialista. Además ha reiterado en la necesidad de la presencia de Rubalcaba en el partido ya que se trata de una ifgura imprescindible.

“Váyase José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero en buena hora de sus responsabilidades al frente del mismo y permita a los socialistas reordenar su casa antes de que los vendavales de este invierno degeneren en tornado”, reza el artículo.

Rajoy reunido desde primera hora en su despacho de Génova con sus colaboradores

El presidente del PP y ganador de las elecciones generales, Mariano Rjaoy, ha llegado a primera hora de este lunes a su despacho en la sede del partido en la calle Génova y permanece desde entonces en contacto con sus colaboradores cercanos. En su primera comparecencia pública tras conocer que el PP ha obtenido una amplia mayoría absoluta en los comicios, Rajoy aseguró que comenzaría a trabajar desde esta misma mañana para sacar a España de la crisis. El candidato ganador aseguró que no va haber “milagros” pero se mostró convencido de que “cuando las cosas se hacen bien, los resultados llegan”.

Rosa Díez califica de “injusticia brutal” no tener grupo parlamentario

La líder de Unión Progreso y Democracia, Rosa Díez, ha calificado de “injusticia brutal” no tener grupo parlamentario, porque, aunque su partido haya obtenido cinco escaños, es necesario llegar al 5% de los votos para obtener la representación en el Congreso. “No se puede penalizar dos veces a los ciudadanos: una dejándoles sin representación política, como es el caso de los 710.000 votantes de UPyD y otra, quitarles el ejercicio de la tarea política que es el grupo parlamentario”, ha denunciado Díez, ha indicado que “es cuestión de que el Reglamento se interprete de forma en que se haga justicia y no se penalice doblemente”. Sin embargo, ha mostrado su felicidad porque, aunque estén cansados, 1.440.000 votos en unas elecciones como éstas es una “tarea notable”. “Ha habido muchísima confianza y tenemos que responder con mucha responsabilidad”, ha declarado.

Pons espera un traspaso de poderes “ejemplar y modélico”

El vicesecretario de Comunicación del PP, Esteban González Pons, ha señalado que su partido se “va a poner a trabajar desde hoy” para que haya un traspaso de poderes “ejemplar y modélico” entre el Gobierno de José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero y el gabinete de Mariano Rajoy y ha destacado para ello la “buena relación personal” entre ambos.

Arias Cañete: “Cuando la situación es así “hay que pasar por encima de los requisitos legales”

El presidente del comité electoral nacional del PP, Miguel Arias Cañete, ha señalado hoy que el resultado de Amaiur -siete diputados- “complica el mapa político” especialmente en un momento en el que “se tenían que centrar todas las energías del país en la recuperación económica”.

Cañete ha admitido que los resultados de Amaiur eran “previsibles” y “en democracia los resultados nunca se discuten”.

No obstante, también ha recordado que la formación abertzale se ha podido presentar a las elecciones porque “así lo han decidido los órganos constitucionales” y ahora “habrá que extraer las consecuencias”.

El dirigente popular se ha referido al Gobierno de Patxi López y ha comentado que tiene una mayoría parlamentaria suficiente para agotar la legislatura aunque ha apostado por “reflexionar” sobre “la explosión del nacionalismo abertzale”. La hoja de ruta del PP

A la pregunta de si el líder del PP, Mariano Rajoy, prevé alguna acción conjunta con el presidente en funciones, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Cañete ha aventurado que en el Comité Ejecutivo de hoy Rajoy podría establecer la “hoja de ruta”.

Ha explicado que cuando un sistema legal como el español tiene una transición “tan larga” y una situación económica financiera de “alta inestabilidad” mundial “hay que pasar por encima de los requisitos legales y establecer una coordinación muy profunda porque los mercados no esperan a que las Cámaras se constituyan”.

Sobre las próximas elecciones autonómicas andaluzas y las palabras del presidente del PSOE, Manuel Chaves, en las que ha dicho que “hay partido” y que el PP debería estar preocupado, Arias Cañete ha opinado que “la preocupación debería estar en otro barrio”, ya que los populares tienen una “seria posibilidad” de obtener también el respaldo de esta comunidad.

A la pregunta de si le ilusiona ser ministro, ha recordado que él ya lo ha sido y, en este momento, mejor que hablar de ilusión hay que hablar de responsabilidad “y si el partido te pide que des un paso adelante no puedes decir que no”, ha precisado.

Saénz de Santamaría pide acortar el traspaso de poderes ante la gravedad del momento

La portavoz del PP en el Congreso, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, se ha mostrado hoy partidaria de que se acelere al máximo el traspaso de poderes al nuevo Gobierno de Mariano Rajoy al considerar que se está en una situación “extraordinaria” por lo acuciante de la crisis.

Sáenz de Santamaría, en declaraciones a la COPE, ha defendido que se respeten los plazos sobre reclamaciones electorales, pero ha hecho hincapié en que es preciso que el nuevo Ejecutivo comience a trabajar con plenos poderes en el más breve tiempo posible.

Zapatero comparecerá a las 13:30 en Ferraz

El presidente del Gobierno, José Luís Rodríguez, comparecerá hoy en la sede del PSOE en Madrid.

Será la primera declaración por su parte desde que se conocieran los resultados de las elecciones generales de ayer noche. Y ayer, se preguntan algunos medios, ¿dónde se encondió Zapatero?

Ayer se esperaba su comparecencia, en principio de manera conjunta con Rubalcaba, pero a última hora, el candidato a las generales concurrió solo ante los medios.

La semana pasada, algunas informaciones apuntaban el interés de Zapatero por tutelar él solo la propia sucesión, una carrera que quedó ayer abierta tras el anuncio de Rubacalba solicitando un Congreso Ordinario.

Chacón: es tiempo de “reflexión profunda”

La ministra de Defensa en funciones y cabeza de lista del PSC por Barcelona en las elecciones generales del domingo ha reconocido este lunes que el PSOE ha sufrido “una severa derrota” y ha hecho un llamamiento a la “reflexión profunda”. “Es tiempo de responsabilidad, y es tiempo de unidad”, ha añadido a su llegada la reunión de la Comisión Ejecutiva Federal del PSOE.

Aumenta el voto en blanco y el voto nulo

El voto en blanco ha sumado en las elecciones generales de este domingo el 1,37% de los sufragios emitidos, lo que supone la tercera cifra más alta de la democracia, por debajo de los registros de 2000 y 2004.

Por otra parte el voto nulo ha sumado un 1,29% de los votos emitidos. Es decir, el doble que en las anteriores elecciones generales del 2008.

Cospedal no será minisitra

“Es incompatible ser presidenta de Castilla-La Mancha con ser ministra y yo ya he elegido”, afirma Cospedal sobre la posibilidad de ocupar un cargo en el Gobierno del PP. No obstante no descarta seguir compatibilizando su cargo al frente de la Junta castellano-manchega con la secretaría general del PP

Cayo Lara critica el reparto electoral

Cayo Lara ha recordado que la distribución de escaños de la Ley Electoral les ha otorgado menos escaños que los que les corresponderían. “A pesar de que hemos tenido un resultado extraordinario que nos da fuerzas para seguir luchando, hay que decir que con un sistema electoral proporcional, tendríamos unos 25 diputados en el Parlamento. Por tanto tendremos que seguir luchando para tener una mejor democracia”, ha manifestado en TVE.

Sáenz de Santamaría espera que la transición “sea transparente”

La número dos en la lista del PP por Madrid, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, ha manifestado este lunes que espera que el traspaso de poderes al futuro Gobierno liderado por Mariano Rajoy sea “transparente” ya que, a su juicio, “hay que empezar a hacer las cosas bien”.

La dirigente 'popular' ha indicado que desde la reforma constitucional mantienen diálogo con el Gobierno aunque ha subrayado que no es lo mismo estas negociaciones que un traspaso de poderes. “Tiene que ser muy completa y muy transparente”, ha añadido.

Zapatero comparecerá a las 13:30

El presidente del gobierno, José Luís Rodríguez Zapatero, comparecerá hoy a las 13:30 en la sede del PSOE en la calle Ferraz. Será la primera declaración por su parte desde que se han conocido los datos de las elecciones generales.

La imagen de Rajoy y su esposa en Génova copa las portadas de toda la prensa

Todos los periódicos nacionales publican hoy en portada la imagen de un triunfante Mariano Rajoy junto a su esposa, Elvira Fernández, en el balcón de la sede del PP en la madrileña calle Génova, agradeciendo a sus seguidores el triunfo electoral del domingo.

Sólo ABC, que incluye en la imagen a la secretaria general del PP, María Dolores de Cospedal, y Público, en cuya portada aparecen varios dirigentes del PP junto a Rajoy junto a otra fotografía del candidato socialista, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, no recogen la imagen del día: la de Rajoy y su mujer en el balcón de Génova.

“Los socialistas se desmoronan”
, “Debacle socialista”, “El PSOE sufre su peor descalabro” o “Rubalcaba se aferra al liderazgo de la oposición” son algunos de los titulares con los que la prensa recoge hoy la derrota electoral del PSOE en las urnas.

Al 100 por ciento escrutado, el PP vence en Madrid y casi dobla al PSOE en escaños

El PP ha vencido en las elecciones generales en la Comunidad de Madrid y se ha hecho con la mitad de los votos de la región, el 50,84%, lo que se traduce en diecinueve escaños en el Congreso, según los datos oficiales con el 100% de los sufragios escrutados.

El PSOE, por el contrario, ha sellado su peor resultado en Madrid y ha logrado un 26,03% de los votos, que supone diez asientos en la Cámara Baja.

La prensa vasca destaca la irrupción de Amaiur como primer partido vasco

La prensa vasca, a excepción de Gara, destaca en sus portadas que el PP logró en las elecciones generales celebradas ayer el respaldo en votos necesario para contar con mayoría absoluta y que Amaiur supera en número de escaños al PNV.

Bajo la fotografía del candidato del PP dando un beso a su mujer, El Correo titula “Poder absoluto para el PP. Rajoy obtiene 186 diputados y logra una mayoría histórica”, así como explica que “La izquierda abertzale adelanta al PNV”.

Según Diario Vasco, “Rajoy logra una mayoría histórica” Y “Amaiur se afianza como primera fuerza en Gipuzkoa con el retroceso del PSE”.

García-Escudero vuelve a ser el senador más votado

Pío García-Escudero, del Partido Popular, ha vuelto a ser el senador más votado al haber obtenido 1,6 millones de sufragios, una cifra ligeramente inferior a la de los anteriores comicios, en los que hubo más participación.

En el año 2008 el senador por Madrid consiguió convertirse en el más apoyado de la democracia con 1.657.655 votos, un récord que no ha podido romper por poco en estas elecciones, en las que ha obtenido 1.628.650 con el 99 % escrutado.

The Foro Ermua lamenta de que tantos vascos sean “tolerantes” con los crímenes de ETA

El Foro Ermua ha lamentado los siete diputados obtenidos por Amaiur en las elecciones generales de este domingo, puesto que a su juicio supone que hay miles de vascos que son '”tolerantes” con la historia de asesinatos de ETA.

Añadió que los escaños obtenidos por la coalición abertzale constituyen uno de los puntos negros que va a tener la democracia, algo que, a su juicio, se deriva del proceso negociador de Zapatero.

Los 350 diputados elegidos en las generales cobrarán su sueldo desde este lunes, aunque lo recibirán en diciembre

Los 350 diputados surgidos de las elecciones generales del domingo comenzarán a cobrar su sueldo desde este lunes, aunque no lo percibirán hasta diciembre, cuando se constituyan las nuevas Cortes. Su asignación básica será de 2.813,87 euros al mes, un salario que es 312 euros inferior al que empezaron cobrando quienes fueron elegidos diputados en 2008, debido a que la retribución parlamentaria se congeló en 2009 y en mayo de 2010 se rebajó un 10 por ciento con carácter general tras los recortes aplicados entonces a los funcionarios.

Además, los nuevos miembros del Congreso dispondrán de una tableta en lugar de un portátil, además de un Iphone y una línea de ADSL en casa.

The PP casi triplica al PSOE en el Senado, con el escrutinio al cien por cien

El resultado de las elecciones al Senado, una vez escrutado el cien por cien de los votos, da al PP la mayoría absoluta en la Cámara, con 136 de los 208 senadores elegidos en las urnas, con lo que casi triplica al PSOE, que obtiene 48 escaños, casi la mitad que en las anteriores elecciones generales.

Las direcciones del PSOE y del PP se reúnen para analizar los resultados

La Ejecutiva del PSOE se reúne esta mañana para analizar su debacle en las elecciones generales celebradas ayer, domingo, mientras que la dirección del PP, con Mariano Rajoy a la cabeza, lo hará por la tarde para comenzar a trabajar en su programa de gobierno.

A la cita de la Ejecutiva Federal del PSOE asistirán tanto el presidente del Gobierno y secretario general del partido, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, como el candidato, Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba.

En el PP, será el Comité Ejecutivo Nacional quien analice la victoria electoral en una reunión que está convocada para las cinco de la tarde.

El PP sube hasta en Cazalla y Constantina

A pesar del revuelo que se originó cuando Mariano Rajoy ubicó por error en la sierra de Cádiz los pueblos sevillanos de Cazalla de la Sierra y Constantina, el apoyo al Partido Popular ha aumentado en las dos localidades.

Así, el porcentaje de votos para el Partido Popular ha pasado del 22 al 30 % en Cazalla y del 27 al 35 % en Constantina, pueblos que en todo caso muchas más personas son capaces de situar ahora en un mapa.

Y aunque se mantiene como la fuerza más votada, el PSOE ha seguido aquí la misma tendencia que en el resto de España, cayendo del 68 al 53 % en la primera y del 64 al 51 % en la segunda.

Rato, con Rajoy en Génova

El presidente de Bankia y ex vicepresidente del Gobierno con José María Aznar, Rodrigo Rato, ha acompañado también al presidente del PP, Mariano Rajoy, en la noche de su victoria electoral en la sede del partido en la madrileña calle Génova.

El PP consigue 6,8 millones en subvenciones por sus escaños y el PSOE 3,3

El PP recibirá más de 6,8 millones de euros en subvenciones electorales por los 246 escaños que ha conseguido en el Congreso y en el Senado en los comicios del 20N, mientras que el PSOE percibirá más de 3,3 millones por sus 158 diputados y senadores.

La Ley Orgánica del Régimen Electoral General (LOREG) establece que el Estado pagará por cada escaño 21.167,64 euros.

Tras el PP y el PSOE, se sitúa CiU, que recibirá 1,4 millones de euros; Izquierda Unida, 232.844; Amaiur, 211.670; PNV, 190.503; UPyD, 105.838; Coalición Canaria, 84.668; y ERC, 63.502 euros.

Duran i Lleida: “Catalanes, gracias por demostrar que sois diferentes al resto de España”

El candidato de CiU a las elecciones generales, Josep Antoni Duran, ha cumplido este domingo con la tradición y ha salido al balcón del hotel Majestic para celebrar la victoria de la federación, desde donde ha proclamado: “Catalanes, gracias por demostrar que sois diferentes al resto de España”.

Arropado por el presidente de la Generalitat, Artur Mas, y la plana mayor de la federación, Duran ha agradecido, ante las 200 personas que se habían congregado, que en Cataluña no haya ganado el PP, como en el resto de comunidades autónomas, y ha asegurado que se deben sentir “orgullosos de ser los protagonistas de una victoria sin precedentes”.

Ha celebrado así que la “familia del catalanismo haya demostrado estar más unida que nunca”, destacando que CiU seguirá luchando para mantenerse como primera fuerza en Cataluña.

El 15-M reacciona a las elecciones con una pancarta en Sun

The nuevas Cortes, el 13 de diciembre, y el government, antes de Nochebuena

El próximo 13 de diciembre se constituirán las nuevas Cortes en sendas sesiones del Congreso y el Senado, fecha con la que arranca el calendario político que culminará con el nombramiento del nuevo Gobierno del PP, previsiblemente antes de Nochebuena.

Las sesiones constitutivas de las dos cámaras legislativas se celebrarán de forma simultánea; los diputados y senadores tomarán posesión de sus escaños, elegirán a los presidentes de ambas instituciones y también la composición de las Mesas.

Eso sí, los electos deberán presentar primero las credenciales que les expedirán las Juntas Electorales y cumplimentar debidamente las declaraciones de bienes, actividades, ingresos y patrimonio exigidas por la ley.

El bipartidismo se reduce a cifras inéditas en España desde 1989

Las elecciones generales de este domingo han dejado un dato merecedor de análisis en lo que se refiere a la influencia del bipartidismo en el Congreso de los Diputados

Entre Partido Popular (186 diputados) y Partido Socialista (110) han obtenido un total de 296 diputados, en unas cifras que no se daban en España desde los comicios de 1989.

Lea aquí la noticia completa

Equo irrumpe en el Congreso gracias al tirón de Compromís en Valencia

El partido ecologista Equo ha obtenido representación en el Congreso de los Diputados en las elecciones generales de hoy gracias al diputado logrado en Valencia, Joan Baldoví, cabeza de lista de la coalición Compromís-Q que integraban el Bloc, Iniciativa, Verds y Equo.

Compromís, que logró unos resultados históricos en las elecciones autonómicas del pasado mayo en la Comunidad Valenciana, con 176.213 votos que se tradujeron en seis diputados autonómicos, ha conseguido de nuevo dar la “sorpresa” de estos comicios, y por primera vez se sentará en la Cámara baja.

La coalición repite así el que se ha llamado “efecto Compromís” y evidencia, como mantenía Baldoví, que no son “flor de un día” y que la oposición desarrollada en el Parlamento valenciano ha logrado romper el bipartidismo de PP y PSOE de las anteriores generales en la Comunidad Valenciana.

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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