Categories: Football

Leaves arbitration after being threatened with death and beaten

The referee David Worth Ruiz32, has announced that he will not referee again after being threatened with death and beaten by a player in a match of the Huelva Labor Soccer League. A player from Bar Paremio, who visited the Zarrias CF, he told him “I’m going to kill you” when showing him a yellow card for protesting. After this threat she took out the red one and then hit him in the face.

According to what the referee told Efe, the meeting was taking place “within normality, it was not rough” and that, after admonishing a player who had protested his decisions with a yellow card, the footballer told him that he was going to “to kill”, for which he was expelled, after which the cautioned man addressed him and attacked him in the face.

“I was stunned and he was grabbed by his teammates and rivals,” he said. valuewho added that he went to the locker room “very nervous, in a state of anxiety”, and worried about the fact that the player could access that room.

“I was in shock and I didn’t know if that person could access the locker room. I called the National Police and then I went to the hospital and with the injury report I filed the complaint,” he explained.

“More than the blow itself, which, logically, also hurt me, it is more the psychological mark that you have left,” acknowledged the victim, who had been refereeing since he was 14 years old and who specified that “never in his life” had this happened to him. something similar on a soccer field”, so he feels “very emotionally affected” and does not consider “directing a game again”.

about the aggressor, David Wert He commented that he has not heard from him again and that the players told him that “he ran away before the police arrived and has not been located.”

All his teammates and the players from the other team condemned the attack, apologized and had “an exemplary attitude. They were well disposed, attentive and empathic with me,” he said.

Wert had the support of his colleagues, because the Huelva Association of Veteran Referees They issued a statement announcing that they refuse to direct matches for the aggressor footballer’s team, who in turn also announced his withdrawal from the competition. According to him, it is not the first incident involving a player from this team since at the beginning of this season another referee was already attacked.

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Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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