Categories: Football

LaLiga denounces Juventus, PSG and Manchester City before UEFA

LaLiga goes on the attack against the financial irregularities of big clubs in Europe. He is about to present a complaint to PSG, but, in addition, Tebas has already made two others to UEFA. As AS has learned, they have presented them against Manchester City and Juventus. The objective is to protect Spanish and European clubs from competing in inferior conditions compared to others that the employers They consider that they do not comply with the rules and, in addition, they put the football ecosystem at risk.

The best known complaint is the one that is about to be carried out before UEFA and other French authorities. The one announced by LaLiga against PSG once Mbappé’s renewal was announced: “It is scandalous that a club like PSG, which lost more than €220M last season, after carrying accumulated losses of €700M in recent seasons (even declaring income from sponsorships of very dubious amounts), with a staff cost of around €650M for this 21-22 season, can deal with an agreement of these characteristics. This type of negotiations threatens the economic sustainability of European football.”

But the Mbappé case has not been the only one that has triggered alarms at the LaLiga headquarters. Those of Manchester City also jumped. “I would like to know how they did the operation. Mino Raiola asked for a large commission…”, the president of LaLiga dropped in Pro Foro Industria y Deporte 2022 this Wednesday. And it is that the signing of him has been one more drop in a glass that was already full. LaLiga had already reported City’s accounts and sponsorships to him before the announcement of the agreement with Haaland.

The cases of City and PSG have been because they are considered club-states and fail to comply with the UEFA Fair Financial Plan. It will be Ceferín now who has to enforce his own regulations. Moreover, the problem is big: if they do not comply with the current economic control, it will be more difficult for them to adapt to the new one, since it is much harder. In the case of Juventusthe third club denounced by LaLiga before UEFA, It is because of the investigation that began last November in Italy against the Bianconeri team for alleged accounting fraud. The Prosecutor’s Office accuses them of fictitious capital gains in some transfers. From LaLiga it has been denounced so that UEFA also investigates this matter.

It is not the first time that LaLiga has taken the initiative to denounce clubs. He already did it in the past with PSG and Manchester City. He took the case of the two club-states to UEFA and UEFA sanctioned them without playing the Champions League, although this punishment was later lifted by the sports arbitration court. “The TAS, in a strange decision, removed the sanction,” Tebas recently protested. But he added: “If last time we managed to get UEFA to sanction them, despite the CAS decision, why not now? We are going to lead these issues. These clubs are as dangerous as the Super League.” And said and done. Javier Tebas, and therefore the Spanish clubs, are back on the attack against the club-states and anyone who cheats. He already said it this week: “We look like a European Robin Hood.”

Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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