Categories: Football

La Real completes the best start in its history in Cádiz

The Royal Society of Imanol Alguacil continues to break historical records at a rate that gives vertigo. After its victory by the minimum in Ramón de Carranza, the txuri-urdin team has achieved the best league start in its history, surpassing even the team trained by Raynald Denoueix in the unforgettable season of the last runner-up. Winning next Sunday at Villarreal would be the absolute record alone, plus his best consecutive win streak in First by far.

The last, and only time in its history, that it had managed to win six games in a row in the First Division was in 1988. Since then, no Real coach had achieved it. Jagoba Arrasate was close in 2013, but stayed in five. Has had to arrive Imanol to turn things upside down and put the realistic team back on records that go back to its most glorious days. The Oriotarra coach has added his sixth consecutive victory with Carranza's 0-1. Interestingly, in 1988, the season of the two League and Cup runner-ups with Jonh Benjamin Toshack on the bench, he also won the sixth successive win over Cádiz. They must be the whims of football.

This spectacular record has allowed La Real de Imanol equaled the best start to the season in txuri-urdin history in the first ten days. Real has it from the 1981-82 season, which won the second league title. Then he achieved seven victories, two draws and one defeat, adding 16 points, now for the triple value of the triumphs they are 23. And he has better records in the scoring sections. That Real de Ormaetxea had scored 19 goals and received seven, while this Real de Imanol had 21 goals and only conceded four. What's more, of ten games played, in eight he has left his goal unpublished. Big words. These 23 points also leave behind the historic Real of the last runner-up, that of 2002-03, which had added 22 on matchday 10. It seemed impossible that the Real could return to these data, but with Imanol nothing is impossible. And is that Coach Oriotarra is also in his own right the Real coach with the best winning average, with almost 50% wins since he took over the first team.

But despite all these records that this Real is pulverizing, Imanol does not want to deviate and focuses only on how to achieve victories, on the good play of his team. “It is tremendous to be able to achieve what we are achieving and more in the way we are achieving it, it is what makes us proud. More than winning, I will always defend how.” And he does not look at the leadership either, although he also admits that he does not feel vertigo to see himself so high and that he begins to question himself about the candidacy for the title of the Real. “I don't know who will get vertigo, not me, because I don't think that we have won six games in a row, but the next one. The data tells us that the team is good, but it is not enough. We want to achieve something big and for this we have to give continuity to this, it is worth nothing to be the leader on matchday 10, even more so with pending games from some teams. The classification now does not tell me anything, we have to wait for five days to go. You have to go through the winter, it will be hard. ” Imanol, we will have to pay attention.

Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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