Categories: General Sports News

Kiko Rivera anticipates the chorus of his next single, ‘Mambo’: Will it be the new song of the summer?

One of lime and another of sand for Kiko Rivera: the DJ recently acknowledged that he boycotted himself as an actor for arriving late to the shooting of Torrente 4 (2011), and at the same time he is delighted to be the producer of the new anthem of Rayo de Barcelona. But from now on, if he finally gets things right at almost 40, he can only get better. We tell you why:

Things is the title of the new single by the son of Pantoja, very soon, it will sound on all the radios and Spotify. With a very reggaeton rhythm and a super catchy chorus, the new song has all the ingredients to be heard at any party this summer.

He himself publishes a small preview on his IG along with the image of the cover of the foreseeable hit, which has already had a great acceptance despite only listening to a few seconds of the production: Already more than 220.000 personas They are waiting to enjoy it in its entirety.

In the hands of Kiko is that Mambo is a musical success if you take it seriously and don’t make past mistakes. You just have to be responsible and formal with your future gigs and performances in towns and festivals.

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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