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Juan Carlos I is already preparing his birthday 'party' and Felipe VI is not invited: his VIP celebration in Abu Dhabi

Just a month before welcoming his 86th birthday, the emeritus king is already preparing his birthday party. Juan Carlos I is preparing a party in Abu Dhabi to which personalities from different spheres will attend, and to whom the former monarch has been calling personally for a week. Of course, to his son, Philip VIthe phone hasn't rung.

In the most difficult moment of the reign of Felipe VI, His father does not plan to sit idly by until January 5. Being away from Spain and from your family and friends It is no problem for you to celebrate your anniversary in an environment that promises comfortas reported this Monday in Readings the journalist Pilar Eyre.

This “festival of self-homage”, As Eyre has defined it, it will have the presence of politicians like Felipe González, writers like Vargas Llosa and “new generations of titled nobles, hunters, bankers, journalists and soldiers with whom he continues to have a good relationship.” For this reason, it is understood that it will not be an intimate celebration, with the four typical and essential names. On the contrary: it will be a “multitudinous” event, whose guest list will go a long way. However, the emeritus asks for “discretion.”

It was on August 3, 2020 when the letter that Juan Carlos I issued to his son to inform him of his decision to leave Spain and settle in Abu Dhabi was made public. Since then, the distance between both parties is more than evident. It is physical, but also sentimental. Zarzuela gave the opportunity to see the emeritus move around Spain as much as he wanted and meet with authorities, and when he did so on his trip to Sanxenxo, Felipe VI entertained himself by attending to other commitments. Some time later, her husband Mrs. Sofia He was outraged before third parties by the photograph of his son with Jordi Pujol. “So, Jordi Pujol, yes; and I, no!” She said, in the words of Alessandro Lequio.

On October 31, day in which Princess Leonor, having just turned 18, swore the Constitution in Las Cortes, the emeritus only attended the private party that was held later in the Palacio del Pardo. He arrived in Madrid on a private plane from Abu Dhabi and, once the celebration was over, he left our country.

Aware that the location of your accommodation could cause more than one headache since It would not be well received by some sectors if he stayed in the palace of La Zarzuela or El Pardo., Don Juan Carlos headed to the United Kingdom when the dinner was over. In London he made a stopover and spent the night until reaching the United Arab Emirates. That was the last big celebration that brought together the royal family, a very different event from the one that, if all goes well, the emeritus will celebrate beyond our borders.

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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