The big surprise of the season is Montoya con The island of temptations as mediaset lifeguards, which pushes next to Survivors To Telecinco to get out of his lethargy and has unleashed an earthquake in the competition. Meanwhile, in TVE, the strategy of José Pablo Lópezdetermined to convert the public chain into a version of Mediaset but paying the winks with public money, makes waters when its royal competitor shows the teeth.
It is no secret that the current direction of RTVE has decided to bet on a more commercial program, trying to emulate the entertainment model that Telecinco intended to flee to purify its image when it was loaded to Vasile and the Universe Save me That now comes to TVE. The problem is that, When the island of temptations re -roars with vertigo figuresany attempt to “telecuse” from the public becomes risk.
This Monday, the meeting of The island of temptations It reached a devastating 26.9% screen share and 1,269,000 viewers, a fact that makes any competition tremble. In 1, meanwhile, Bake Offa more proper format of private television, barely got 7.8%, demonstrating that the copy competes badly against the original. The 1 should not be a Telecinco substitute.
Antena 3, on the other hand, has managed to dodge the onslaught with intelligence. Instead of trying to fight directly with the reality of Telecinco, his series Be reborn He resisted dignity with 11.2%, taking advantage of a faithful and differentiated audience. TVE, meanwhile, remains in no one’s land: does not fulfill the service function public that should justify its existence, but Nor does it manage to seduce spectators of pure and hard entertainment.
The problem is not just the prime time. In his eagerness to compete with the private ones, TVE has signed María Patiño and Belén Esteban for a evening Magacin produced by Oscar Cornejo and Adrián Madrid who has not yet seen the light. Is this the solution to refloat the afternoons of the 1? Arrives with Fanfarria, with the telenovela The promise of hitch and with the curriculum of producers who led Telecinco afternoons for almost three decades. But that was with Jorge Javier Vázquez presenting and Paolo Vasile in the machine room.
He Argument of José Pablo López that “you have to make a public television for all” when what is offered are content that already exist and that private chains produce better (and free for the public treasury). If the spectators already have Telecinco or other options to see such formats, why were they going to look at 1 a decaffeinated version?
Meanwhile, Telecinco has found in Tar A way to stay afloat with 9.1%, driven in part by the phenomenon of the island of temptations. Sonsoles Onega, in Antena 3, remains firm with 10.6%, very well protected by the novel that precedes it and by Pasapalabrathe titan that sweeps everything in its strip.
If someone is suffering this gale of the Temptations It’s David Broncano. The resistancethat for years it was a cult phenomenon in Movistar Plus, it reached 1 with campaign and controversies, and with extraordinary data. Now, we discovered that the supposedly modern and intelligent public of the humorist placed in 1 by Moncloa to reduce the impact of El Hormiguero And its anti socialist roof is actually the same one that sees Temptations and who enjoys the morbid of the disgust of the histrionic Montoya and his profitable cornire.
The numbers do not deceive: The program has fallen below 1,600,000 viewers and 11% sharefigures that move him away from the impact he used to have. Meanwhile, El Hormigueroits great rival, continues strongly with 14.6% thanks to its solid interview formula and white humor for all audiences.
This is where another calculation error of José Pablo López enters: if his idea was to attract a young and modern audience with Broncano, he did not take into account that this same audience also enjoys The island of temptations. In the end, the data reveal that many of those spectators have preferred to see Montoya and company entangled in sentimental dramas before the irreverent humor of the comic of Jienense.
Another relevant fact is the Ana Rosa’s comeback in the morning of Telecinco, a success of Carullo returns her reign. Jorge Javier Vázquez also appreciates the change of schedule, and has begun to teach the teeth in the afternoon. Your program Jorge’s diary It reached 9.4%, and last week exceeded 10%, its best figure to date, demonstrating that it still has a pull.
This little success adds to resurgence from Better late in the sixth, with 8.5%, while Tar View improvements in your figures with Survivors o The island. Jorge Javier seems destined to expand his times in the afternoon. In this private television ecosystem with fierce competition, TVE still does not find its place.
If there is a point where there is no discussion, it is in the news. Vicente Vallés remains the king, with figures that are around 18% screen share and more than 2,260,000 spectators. That in a day that was not the best for Antena 3.
In comparison, news 2 of the 1 remains at 11.5%, and informative Telecinco, far from its worst moment, benefits from the improvement of the chain, but anchored to third place with 9.4% and a Franganillo more rigorous than effective from the point of view of the audience.
José Pablo López’s bet for an ultra commercial public television is failing At the moment in his attempt to compete on equal terms with private ones. Antena 3 has consolidated its model with a compact grill and Telecinco, although it has gone through a deep crisis, it is still able to resurface with its star products.
Meanwhile, TVE or offers the differentiation that a public chain should have, nor does it attract mass audiences seeking pure entertainment. With a 9.7% screen share, it is in a gray area where it is neither a reference for public service nor is a real alternative to private ones.
The question is how long José Pablo López will maintain this strategy. Or if the flight will continue forward with the new Save me Or whatever it comes to the one, realities and gossip spaces at all hours from Monday to Sunday.
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