These last preseason days are looking too much like the last weeks of last season. As if the problems that threaten the Real with injuries and those infected by covid-19 were not few, the news that comes from Sweden is not encouraging. Alexander
Isak He has not been included in the call-up of 23 players from the Swedish national team for tonight's game against France corresponding to the Nations League as he is injured and has muscle discomfort.
Andersson, Swedish coach, has declared in TV4 than “Alex he has had some discomfort, which has made him not one hundred percent ready to play today. We hope that he can play Portugal on Tuesday, ”he said.
Isak He started the week with discomfort and will not play against France in the first match of the UEFA Nations League. More trouble for Imanol
Sheriff in case you're not ready to play Valladolid on September 13.