Categories: General Sports News

“I have seen him twice and she…”

A surprise pregnancy has just made them a family, but the past they carry is not exactly the friendliest. Terelu has avoided the question about her current relationship with Sea Flowers until this Friday: “I don’t have any war with her, neither for Nuria González nor for anyone else. I met Nuria long before and for me she is family,” he assured. “We don’t have a bad relationship because we don’t have a relationship. Are we going to have one now? And what do I know… I will never refuse to meet her personally.”

It must be remembered that Terelu is a close friend of Nuria González, the widow of Fernando Fernández Tapias, who died last October. She was his (and later his wife’s) tearjerker when the businessman broke off his controversial relationship with Mar Flores and they claim that Campos, out of loyalty and respect for her friend, became an ‘enemy’ of the ex of Alessandro Lequio. This Friday, Mar has launched a pun in her ‘stories’ for Terelu’s interview on Telecinco but she has downplayed it: “I think it’s crazy. I don’t get angry, or offended, or anything at all.”

She has been more talkative when talking about Carlo, her new ‘son-in-law’: “I just can’t get used to you calling him that. Call him Alejandra’s boyfriend,” she said. Terelu has confessed to having met the Italian actor a few days after her daughter announced her pregnancy… and little else: “I haven’t talked to him about the pregnancy because we’ve seen each other twice and there were more people in front of us. We haven’t seen each other alone.”. However, that first impression was to his liking: “Carlo is a very calm man and he gives you peace of mind. He seemed to me to be a fairly intelligent person, who knows how to debate and refute”. And he added: “I want to thank Carlo for his words about me.”

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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