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“I don’t want to know anything about this person”

“It’s over. In order to avoid speculation and fake news and with the same naturalness with which I share other aspects of my life with you, I tell you that Álvaro and I are no longer together. It has not been the best ending for such a beautiful story, but as always I keep the good times lived in these three years that have been many.” This is the message with which Maria Jose Suarez announced last Wednesday, June 26, his breakup with Alvaro Muñoz Escassi after three years of relationship and days after denying, with a romantic cruise through Denmark and the Norwegian Fjords in the company of his son Elías, the rumors of crisis that had been pursuing them for weeks.

A brief statement in which, acknowledging that it had not been “the best ending for such a beautiful story”, the model hinted that it had been she who had made the decision and that the breakup would not have been friendly. And it seems that one of the reasons would be the rider’s alleged infidelities, which they talked about in Public mirror: “Escassi danced on other floors. Wild things would have happened and Escassi not only danced on other floors, but on one of those floors she went to dance, the floor was already occupied by another famous person. So that complicated the story a little” . One of those ‘clues’, in addition, has a name and surname, as announced Informalia: Hiba Aboukfrom whom Escassi did not leave this weekend at the party of José Luis López ‘El Turronero’. A party that María José did not go to, by the way, to avoid meeting her ex.

Escassi’s impudence has made María José explode, who has made it clear that she wants absolutely nothing to do with him: “I am in the process of assimilating everything that has happened in these ten days. I am not going to run away and tell you everything is fine, that is, things have happened. A week ago I was on a cruise with Álvaro. After having asked him for some time to spend more with my son, he decides to come on the cruise that I had scheduled, in an attempt to make more plans with me, with the child, to fix things. And the truth is, well, on the cruise we have been wonderful,” he explained to journalists this Monday, denying that their breakup was prior and that they kept their trip due to a commercial agreement. “The only thing they have paid us for is the trip, because Well, it was an exchange, like with a thousand trips, but they haven’t paid us anything, nor have we played any role. It wasn’t even a setup because Álvaro paid for his ticket, that is, because mine was already with the child, and Álvaro took his ticket in an attempt to fix things and for us to be okay with the child and so on.” .

María José, visibly affected, said that everything became complicated when she landed in Madrid: “On my way back from the cruise I found out some very unpleasant news, which I spent three or four days absorbing in shock, and now I also find out about Hiba. So, it’s all been like… let me process this.” “. “It is unpleasant news that affected both of us,” she admitted. He did not want to go into details about an alleged infidelity but he did say: “I’m not going to go into details, I’m simply telling you how I feel, because I need, I mean, I’m human and I need a process to heal what has happened to me.” , because from 10 days ago everything has been… too many things have happened. So, that’s where I find myself.” And she added: “Right now what I want is for time to pass, to recover, to heal and not to know anything about this person, obviously”she confesses without hiding how hurt she is with the Sevillian even though she does not want to tell the truth of what happened.

The model is clear that “You can get out of this and I have come out of worse, than this for me, I don’t know how to tell you… I have come out of worse,” But she admits that it is “a very unpleasant situation” and that both she and her closest circle “have had a very bad time.”

Asked about the nice words that Escassi said about her a few days ago, assuring that she was the woman of his life, María José responds bluntly: “Not even he knows. Goodbye, kiss.”

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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