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his office as an ensign and the trip to Lleida

Leonor has been at the General Military Academy of Zaragoza for ten months since her admission, in August 2023. For the princess, there have been two courses concentrated into one, just as her military training has been designed in the three armies. Now, the heiress goes one step further and receives the office of ensign from her father. She will be in a ceremony that will take place at the Academy this Wednesday, July 3. The princess is clothed by her mother, Letizia, and her sister, Sofía.

The scene repeats itself. Just as Don Felipe, at 18, received the rank of second lieutenant given to him by his father, Don Juan Carlos, 38 years later the King will give his daughter the same rank. The Princess of Asturias will close her time at the Academy, which has been for her the initiation course in her military training. “Like another skill”, “The heiress declared on the day she was named Adoptive Daughter of Zaragoza and awarded the medals of Aragon and the Cortes. “What I have experienced here far exceeds what I imagined ten months ago. In Zaragoza, in Aragon, I felt at home“I am welcomed and accompanied in a land that will always be a part of my life. There are only five weeks left before I leave, before I receive my commission as second lieutenant, and I am already beginning to miss you,” she said on that day of triple recognition.

His time in the Aragonese capital comes to an end this Wednesday, July 3. He will have the unwavering love of his parents and his sister. We will see the Royal Family reunited again after the events for the tenth anniversary of the proclamation of the monarch. A long journey awaits him.

To begin with, he will travel to Lleida this Friday, July 5, to attend with Don Felipe the delivery of the Royal Employment Office at the General Basic Academy of Non-Commissioned Officers of Talarn. This is the training center for future non-commissioned officers of the Army. It is located between the Lleida municipalities of Talarn and Tremp, in the Pallars Jussá region. Then your vacation will come. They will be short because he is awaiting entry into the Marín Naval Academy. He will enter the Navy in mid-August and will do so as a midshipman.

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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