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“He sold my mother because he couldn’t sell his own”

The boyfriend of Alejandra Rubio has sat down on the set of Bea Archidona and Santi Acosta to talk about his upcoming fatherhood with the daughter of Terelu Campos. Calmly but with a lot of irony, he has responded to all the questions from the collaborators and the criticism that both he and his girlfriend have received in recent days: “Lequio is a boring character. There is no need to insult and say if Alejandra has a face like a fart, I don’t know if he has looked in the mirror. He would have sold even his mother, well, he sold mine, so he is not the best person to give an opinion on what we sell or not.”

But the Italian count has not been the only one to name Carlo by name and surname: “Ana Rosa, if you’re looking at me, with your age and experience, how little education you have to give some opinions. He has said ugly words about a pregnancy and there is no need at all”, he said angrily while collaborators asked him for respect for the great communicator. “I’m speaking with respect, but she says that we live by exclusives and I have worked a lot as an actor and model before my legal problems.”

Mar Flores’ son has settled: “Our decision, instead of being criticized, should be valued, that of a woman who decides to move forward with a child despite the circumstances and problems. That says a lot about the woman she is. and what a great mother she is going to be, others would have rejected the idea. And he added: “And for all those who give me bedroom advice, I think I’m too old to decide if I put protection on or not.”

“The idea of ​​the exclusive was mine”

With a more relaxed and smiling attitude, he also told how the exclusive that has revolutionized the social chronicle was created: “The idea of ​​doing the exclusive was mine, because for others to talk I already told it. We don’t have a private life, everything is What we do is public and for it to be filtered in an ugly way we prefer to do something beautiful and positive,” he commented. “She told me she wanted to talk about it on her show, but I don’t eat her show and I preferred to do it another way. She understood and we did it.”

He also rules out that the motivation was monetary benefit: “It was not a question of economics, there is money behind it and who doesn’t like it, but it was not the main motivation.”

Carlo has also told how he found out the news: “Alejandra was in the bathroom with the test and she shouted at me ‘Come here!’ I ran and was very nervous, I tried to calm her down and told her that we would make the right decision.” He assures that it was “a shock” and that he was afraid: “At first there is vertigo. It is completely legal to be a little scared, especially when you are young and do not have the necessary stability. It shocked me and many things crossed my mind , the responsibility that this entails, which is the greatest of my life.

“My mother will be a beautiful and classy grandmother”

The Italian actor has confirmed that his mother, Mar Flores, found out about the pregnancy just one day before the exclusive was published, unlike Terelu, who found out two months earlier: “It doesn’t mean that I don’t trust my mother, I’ve decided that way, Alejandra has had her time to tell her family and I’ve had mine”And he added: “My mother finds out the day before the exclusive comes out, as does all my family and friends. I wasn’t afraid of leaks, I just did it that way. I would have liked to tell her in person and see her reaction, but I didn’t have time. I have spoken with her at length afterwards and she will be a very beautiful, gorgeous and incredibly classy grandmother.”

His father, he says, was the one who took it best: “He reacted better than I expected, with enthusiasm and joy even though it is a little premature, but very well.”

Carlo has stood up for his parents and also for his in-laws: he claims that Terelu notified them and asked for their approval to talk about the pregnancy in Friday and that Alejandro’s statements (“What are we going to do to him, that’s what it is”) do not seem negative to him: “I don’t know Alejandra’s father, but I don’t think he said anything wrong. It seems to me to be the normal reaction of a father who wants to protect his daughter.” and wants the best for her. How soon does it seem to you? It seemed soon to all of us.”

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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