The players leave the green and we also withdraw. It has been a pleasure to comment on the game. On this page we tell you all the matches of the competition. A hug!
The referee ends this period of the match.
The referee blows his whistle: Goncalves (Gil Vicente) fouls Tanque.
Fonseca (Gil Vicente) commits a foul on Luiz Carlos.
Gil Vicente attacks from the right wing: Ruben Ribeiro puts the ball.
Ruben Ribeiro (Gil Vicente) takes a corner from the left.
Throw-in by Banguera (Gil Vicente) who puts the ball into play.
Lourency has been fouled by Reabcuik (Paços Ferreira). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
(Paços Ferreira) takes a goal kick.
Ruben Ribeiro (Gil Vicente) attempts a shot with the right foot, but the ball flies high and to the right.
Paços Ferreira tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Diaby centers from the left wing.
(Paços Ferreira) starts the play with a goal kick.
The shot with Hugo Vieira's right leg flies up and to the left.
What a chance for Hugo Vieira (Gil Vicente) !!! The player shoots directly into the goal.
Diaby (Paços Ferreira) commits a foul on Ruben Ribeiro.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Ruben Ribeiro (Gil Vicente) to Bruno Santos.
Lack! Baixinho (Paços Ferreira) commits a foul on Hugo Vieira.
Ball to the area of Bruno Santos (Paços Ferreira).
Throw-in by Bruno Santos (Paços Ferreira) who puts the ball in play.
Change in Paços Ferreira: Marco leaves and takes his place.
There is one substitution: Luiz Carlos replaces Amaral (Paços Ferreira).
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul from Nogueira (Gil Vicente) to Tanque.
Bruno Santos (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Banguera (Gil Vicente) who puts the ball into play.
The ball goes out and Banguera (Gil Vicente) takes the throw.
Banguera (Gil Vicente) takes the throw.
Foul by Goncalves (Gil Vicente) to Stephen Eustáquio.
The referee whistles a violation of Hugo Vieira (Gil Vicente) to Brito Gonzaga.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Marco (Paços Ferreira).
Ruben Ribeiro (Gil Vicente) has shot on target, but the ball goes wide.
Ruben Ribeiro (Gil Vicente) shoots with the right leg to the ball directly into goal, but the shot went off target.
The referee stopped the game after observing that Diaby (Paços Ferreira) touched the ball with his hand.
Ball to the Fonseca (Gil Vicente) area.
Throw-in by Fonseca (Gil Vicente), who puts the ball into play.
Change in the ranks of Gil Vicente: Banguera replaces Rúben Fernandes.
The referee shows Joao Afonso the yellow card.
Amaral has been fouled by Joao Afonso (Gil Vicente). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Gil Vicente tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Lourency centers from the left wing.
Ball into the box by Ruben Ribeiro (Gil Vicente) from the right.
Ruben Ribeiro (Gil Vicente) takes a corner from the left.
Gil Vicente attacks from the right wing: Ruben Ribeiro puts the ball.
Ruben Ribeiro (Gil Vicente) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Gil Vicente attacks from the right wing: Ruben Ribeiro puts the ball.
Ball into the box by Ruben Ribeiro (Gil Vicente) from the right.
Ball into the box by Ruben Ribeiro (Gil Vicente) from the right.
Gil Vicente attacks from the right wing: Ruben Ribeiro puts the ball.
Ruben Ribeiro (Gil Vicente) takes a corner from the left.
Gil Vicente's bench moves with the replacement of Vitor Carvalho by Kraev.
Change in Gil Vicente: Fonseca leaves and Pinto enters his place.
The referee blows his whistle: Foul by Reabcuik (Paços Ferreira) on Lourency.
Denis (Gil Vicente) takes a goal kick.
Cross into the box: Ze Uilton (Paços Ferreira) is the scorer from the left.
Reabcuik (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
Goal kick by Marco (Paços Ferreira) that sets the ball in motion again.
Lourency attempts a low shot with the right foot, but goes away from the left post.
Pinto (Gil Vicente) takes the throw.
Reabcuik (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
Ze Uilton (Paços Ferreira) commits a foul on Nogueira.
The ball goes out and Reabcuik (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
Reabcuik (Paços Ferreira) throw-in.
Change in the ranks of Paços Ferreira: Ze Uilton replaces Castanheira.
Goncalves (Gil Vicente) commits a foul on Tanque.
Throw in by Rúben Fernandes (Gil Vicente), who puts the ball in play.
Nice shot by Stephen Eustáquio (Paços Ferreira)! Launch with the right leg. Well run.
Nogueira (Gil Vicente) is shown the yellow card.
Lack! Nogueira (Gil Vicente) has committed a foul on Hélder.
The ball goes out and Bruno Santos (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
Marco (Paços Ferreira) starts the play with a goal kick.
Kraev (Gil Vicente) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Kraev (Gil Vicente) takes a corner from the right.
Lack! Bruno Santos (Paços Ferreira) commits a foul on Hugo Vieira.
Lourency (Gil Vicente) commits a foul on Stephen Eustáquio.
Goal kick by Denis (Gil Vicente) that sets the ball in motion again.
Goool de Lourency (Gil Vicente)! Volley to the net to beat the rival goalkeeper!
What an occasion !!! Lourency (Gil Vicente) has decided to shoot directly at goal, and has finished between the three sticks.
Outside! High header from Rodrigao (Gil Vicente) who can't find the three suits. No job for the doorman.
Ball into the box by Ruben Ribeiro (Gil Vicente) from the right.
Ruben Ribeiro (Gil Vicente) takes a corner from the left.
Ball into the box by Ruben Ribeiro (Gil Vicente) from the right.
Paços Ferreira's bench moves with the replacement of Diaby by Pedrinho.
There is a substitution: Hélder replaces Djalo (Paços Ferreira).
Outside! Shot with the right leg of Lourency (Gil Vicente), who sees how the ball goes away from the three sticks.
Cross into the box: Pinto (Gil Vicente) is the scorer from the left.
Outside! Shot with the right leg of Lourency (Gil Vicente), who sees how the ball goes away from the three sticks.
Kraev (Gil Vicente) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
Denis (Gil Vicente) starts the play with a goal kick.
There is a substitution: Lourency replaces Dias (Gil Vicente).
Change in the ranks of Gil Vicente: Joao Afonso replaces Soares.
The referee whistles a Soares (Gil Vicente) infraction for Pedrinho.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a Stephen Eustáquio (Paços Ferreira) foul to Ruben Ribeiro.
Throw-in by Pinto (Gil Vicente) who puts the ball into play.
Pinto (Gil Vicente) throw-in.
Denis (Gil Vicente) starts the play with a goal kick.
Goncalves (Gil Vicente) puts in a cross.
Cross into the box: Kraev (Gil Vicente) is the scorer from the left.
Kraev (Gil Vicente) takes a corner from the right.
Kraev (Gil Vicente) has tried to shoot at goal, but has not managed to get the ball between the three poles.
Castanheira (Paços Ferreira) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.
The ball goes out and Bruno Santos (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Bruno Santos (Paços Ferreira) who puts the ball in play.
The referee whistles a violation from Ruben Ribeiro (Gil Vicente) to Bruno Santos.
The ball goes out and Bruno Santos (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Bruno Santos (Paços Ferreira) who puts the ball in play.
Soares has been fouled by Tanque (Paços Ferreira). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Reabcuik (Paços Ferreira) throw-in.
Nice shot by Ruben Ribeiro (Gil Vicente) between the three poles!
What a chance for Ruben Ribeiro (Gil Vicente) !!! The player shoots directly into the goal.
Ruben Ribeiro (Gil Vicente) attempts a low shot with his right foot that the goalkeeper stops down with a good save.
Ruben Ribeiro shoots a low ball with his right foot that the goalkeeper stops below with a good save.
Lack! Baixinho (Paços Ferreira) commits a foul on Hugo Vieira.
The referee whistles for a violation by Bruno Santos (Paços Ferreira) to Ruben Ribeiro.
Castanheira (Paços Ferreira) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
The ball goes out and Reabcuik (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
Marco (Paços Ferreira) starts the play with a goal kick.
Kraev (Gil Vicente) takes a corner from the right side.
Gil Vicente tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Kraev centers from the left wing.
Gil Vicente tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Pinto centers from the left wing.
Pinto (Gil Vicente) throw-in.
Yellow card for Djalo (Paços Ferreira).
Goool! Djalo shoots a high shot that enters through the center of the goal, very close to the crossbar.
What an occasion !!! Djalo (Paços Ferreira) tests it with his left leg between the three poles.
Paços Ferreira attacks from the right wing: Tanque places the ball.
Denis (Gil Vicente) takes a goal kick.
Bruno Santos (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
The referee marks the beginning of this period.
End of this period of the match.
The ball goes out and Pinto (Gil Vicente) takes the throw.
Amaral (Paços Ferreira) misjudges his career and is caught offside.
Yellow card for Tanque (Paços Ferreira).
The referee blows his whistle: Bruno Santos (Paços Ferreira) fouls Denis.
Tanque (Paços Ferreira) hits a low header between the three posts, but the goalkeeper manages to stop the ball in the lower left half of his goal.
The referee shows Rodrigao the yellow card.
Rodrigao (Gil Vicente) commits a foul on Pedrinho.
Pinto (Gil Vicente) takes the throw.
Rodrigao has been fouled by Tanque (Paços Ferreira). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Nice shot by Stephen Eustáquio (Paços Ferreira)! Launch with the right leg. Well run.
Lack! Bruno Santos (Paços Ferreira) commits a foul on Ruben Ribeiro.
Bruno Santos has been fouled by Ruben Ribeiro (Gil Vicente). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Pinto (Gil Vicente) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Reabcuik (Paços Ferreira) who puts the ball into play.
Goncalves has been fouled by Pedrinho (Paços Ferreira). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Lack! Ruben Ribeiro (Gil Vicente) has fouled Pedrinho.
Center to the Amaral area (Paços Ferreira).
Amaral (Paços Ferreira) takes a corner from the left.
Tanque (Paços Ferreira) has a chance to score, but his left-footed shot goes wide.
Throw-in by Bruno Santos (Paços Ferreira) who puts the ball in play.
Goncalves has been fouled by Djalo (Paços Ferreira). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Goncalves has been fouled by Baixinho (Paços Ferreira). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
Paços Ferreira tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Amaral centers from the left wing.
Amaral (Paços Ferreira) takes a corner from the right.
Lack! Goncalves (Gil Vicente) commits a foul on Djalo.
Goool! No one has been able to prevent Tanque's high shot from finding the bottom of the meshes!
Good opportunity for Paços Ferreira, who thanks to Tanque's left-footed shot creates danger in the opponent's area.
Bruno Santos (Paços Ferreira) approaches the opponent's area with a cross from the right wing.
Cross into the box: Amaral (Paços Ferreira) is the scorer from the left.
Amaral (Paços Ferreira) takes a corner from the right.
Paços Ferreira tries to create danger to the opposite goal: Amaral centers from the left wing.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Marco (Paços Ferreira).
Throw-in by Pinto (Gil Vicente) who puts the ball into play.
Pinto (Gil Vicente) takes the throw.
The ball goes out and Reabcuik (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
The ball goes out and Pinto (Gil Vicente) takes the throw.
Game in progress with a goal kick by Denis (Gil Vicente).
Kraev's Goool! The shot is unopposed and crosses the goal line!
Chance for Gil Vicente! It was thanks to a shot by Ruben Ribeiro with the right.
Shot with the left foot of Tanque (Paços Ferreira) who cannot go between the three poles.
Rúben Fernandes (Gil Vicente) commits a foul on Djalo.
Denis (Gil Vicente) starts the play with a goal kick.
Baixinho (Paços Ferreira) tries to connect the ball with his head, although his shot fails to see the door.
Ball to the area of Amaral (Paços Ferreira).
Amaral (Paços Ferreira) takes a corner from the right.
Amaral (Paços Ferreira) starts a dangerous move with a cross from the left wing.
Ball to the area of Djalo (Paços Ferreira).
The ball goes out and Bruno Santos (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
Tanque (Paços Ferreira) has a chance to score, but his left-footed shot goes wide.
The referee blows his whistle: Soares (Gil Vicente) fouls Djalo.
Goal!! Rodrigao's high shot has entered the goal.
Cross into the box: Ruben Ribeiro (Gil Vicente) is the scorer from the left.
Cross into the box: Ruben Ribeiro (Gil Vicente) is the scorer from the left.
The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul from Tanque (Paços Ferreira) to Soares.
The ball goes out and Reabcuik (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
Throw-in by Pinto (Gil Vicente) who puts the ball into play.
Marco (Paços Ferreira) starts the play with a goal kick.
Pinto (Gil Vicente) throw-in.
The referee whistles for a violation of Bruno Santos (Paços Ferreira) to Goncalves.
Outside! Shot with the right leg of Castanheira (Paços Ferreira), who sees the ball go away from the three sticks.
Cross into the box: Bruno Santos (Paços Ferreira) is the scorer from the left.
Goal! He shot from Brito Gonzaga and the goalkeeper could do nothing to avoid the goal.
Ball to the area of Amaral (Paços Ferreira).
Amaral (Paços Ferreira) takes a corner from the right.
Amaral (Paços Ferreira) starts a dangerous move with a cross from the left wing.
Chance for Paços Ferreira! It was thanks to a pitch from Pedrinho with the right.
What an occasion for Pedrinho (Paços Ferreira) !!! The player shoots directly into the goal.
Nice shot by Pedrinho (Paços Ferreira) between the three poles!
Lack! Soares (Gil Vicente) has fouled Djalo.
Dias (Gil Vicente) commits a foul on Reabcuik.
Throw-in by Pinto (Gil Vicente) who puts the ball into play.
Throw-in by Reabcuik (Paços Ferreira) who puts the ball into play.
Denis (Gil Vicente) starts the play with a goal kick.
Castanheira has been fouled by Kraev (Gil Vicente). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.
The ball goes out and Reabcuik (Paços Ferreira) takes the throw.
The referee blows his whistle and signals Soares (Gil Vicente) to Reabcuik.
Denis (Gil Vicente) takes a goal kick.
Outside! Amaral (Paços Ferreira) heads the ball but can't find the goal.
Center to the area of Djalo (Paços Ferreira).
Lack! Goncalves (Gil Vicente) has committed a foul on Amaral.
Pedrinho (Paços Ferreira) commits a foul on Dias.
Cross into the box: Amaral (Paços Ferreira) is the scorer from the left.
The ball is already rolling on the grass!
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