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Fran Rivera says that his brother Cayetano is caught by bulls because he is “clumsy” and “lazy”

From a very young age Francisco Rivera Ordóñez and his little brother argued often. She told it many years ago his mother, the divine Carmina. In 2019, Cayetano became angry with Fran after her firstborn Paquirri will leave him out of the Goyesca bullfight, an event of which Fran manages three deliveries each season. That didn’t sit well with her ex-husband. Eva Gonzalez.

Nor the relationship between the presenter and Lourdes Montes, Francisco Rivera’s second wife was precisely that of some good friends while the Miss was married to her brother-in-law. The confrontations between Fran and Cayetano have occurred in recent years with more or less notoriety. It is also true that with the other siblings (from a different mother or father) it has not been all a bed of fraternal roses. If Fran and Cayetano are at enmity, let’s not talk about the Rivera Ordóñez’s relationship with Julian Contrerasor with the unpresentable Kiko Rivera Pantoja.

Now Fran Rivera, who from time to time likes to shock the media (much more than Cayetano), has called his brother Cayetano “clumsy” and “lazy” in his last conference in Seville. The former bullfighter has given some statements about his brother that show the level of distancing they suffer.

Cayetano answers

Francisco Rivera made reference to the beating that his brother suffered recently at the Cajasol Foundation in Seville: “The bull has broken Cayetano’s entire wrist all around here, they have put eight nails and three plates and the right one, also if the doctor “He was pessimistic and he is a little optimistic, but complicated,” Fran said.

“He is a very good bullfighter and transmits a lot, he has a lot of depth, a lot of truth, he gives himself, he gives himself to the bulls a lot, but he is very clumsy. It’s not a joke, the bulls take him a lot because he is very clumsy, very lazy ( to train), when he has to provide support he does, but he is a very good bullfighter, it doesn’t matter,” he reiterated. Cayetano Rivera has responded to his brother saying that something from “the 20,000 things” what happens to him, although he has not specified where he was directing his dart with this response. Will it be his business? Her marriage to him?

Chris Lawrence

Chris writes Football and General Sports News on Sportsfinding. He is the newest member in our team, and has a lot of new ideas which he discusses with us to take this portal to new heights. He is a sports maniac, and thus, writing about various sports. He is fond of tattoos.

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