Categories: Football

Febas: “The return to Belmonte causes me melancholy”

– Will it be a special match to face Albacete?

– It is the first time that I will play against Albacete at Carlos Belmonte, it is a special game for me because there I had great memories and we were very close to achieving promotion.

– Mallorca is going like a rocket …

– We are very happy because we are having a very high scoring rate, but there is still a long way to go to achieve the goal. This season we will have to make a lot of points to get promoted, but we want to be in the fight.

– How do you see the good dynamics of Albacete?

– I have seen almost all their games and now they are a very solid team, they are barely conceding a goal and now with the new coach the results and luck are accompanying them. I am happy when they win their matches because I have great friends there and they have proven to be strong and have put a lot of cush … to get out of the bad situation they were in. I just want them to lose against us, I hope that Mallorca will achieve their goal and that Albacete will achieve permanence in the Second Division.

– Would you celebrate a goal against Albacete?

– No, because they always treated me very well and I am very fond of them. It is always a joy to score a goal but against Albacete I would not celebrate a goal.

– It will be strange to play without an audience …

– It's all very strange, but unfortunately we have gotten used to it. This situation is what we have to live in and we hope that this situation can end as soon as possible for the good of all.

– Many messages this week with former teammates?

– A few, especially with Fran García, with whom I have a good relationship. In Belmonte I will greet many colleagues because Albacete was very important to me and that year we lived in was beautiful.

Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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