Categories: Football

Fabián: “We seek revenge”

Fabián Ruiz (25 years old) is experiencing the best season of his career. The Spaniard, since the arrival of Spalletti, has found an impressive continuity that has made him one of the players with the highest performance in Europe in his position. The former Betis player is the Serie A footballer with the most points per game played, and is among the best in the top leagues for passes completed and towards the final third of the field. The palace, whose contract ends in 2023, receives AS in Naples before the Europa League match with Barça. He arrives at the appointment with enthusiasm, enthusiasm and confidence.

Fabián, first of all: how are you?

Good. I’ve been through a muscle injury in recent weeks, but I’ve gotten over it and picked up the pace. I feel very comfortable.

What does this crossing with Barça mean for Napoli?

“The loss of Messi was noticed: it always relieves that he is not in the rival team”

The first thing is that it is a historic match for Maradona. For Neapolitans he is a god, we feel the pain of the city after his death and we want to pay tribute to the team that took him to Europe. Then, I have to admit that we still have the thorn from the previous clash in the Champions League. That 3-1 in the second leg was too much punishment, and we want revenge. They are a great club, they have great values, but we arrive with confidence. I think it will be an even tie and hopefully this time the result will be different.

The azulgrana have changed a lot compared to the day of the draw.

We were all surprised how they started the course. The loss of Messi was noted: it is always relieved that he is not in the rival team. Like the Argentine there is none, but they have decisive players in each sector of the field and we have already seen that they have changed the dynamics.

His friend Pedri said that it will be difficult to beat Napoli.

“I am especially happy for Gavi, who is from Los Palacios and Villafranca like me. Since he was a child, at Betis, they talked about his quality, his potential”

He is a great boy, we had a good relationship in the National Team and from time to time we write to each other, wishing each other the best. He is right: we also like to have the ball, we will not be an easy opponent.

What will the incorporation of Ferrán bring?

He is at a great level, he is very good in one on one, and in his boots he has many goals. He is young, but it seems that he has been playing for many more years. Great signing.

Barça once again bet heavily on the quarry.

“COVID? I couldn’t say why, but as soon as I tested negative, I went back to the field and it was as if I had never stopped”

Yes, they have several very young players, but they have shown that they are ready. Among them, I am especially happy for Gavi, who is from Los Palacios and Villafranca like me. Since he was a child, at Betis, there was talk of his quality, of his potential, and he immediately stood out in the youth categories of Barça, but we have been surprised by how big a leap he has made. Those of us who come from a youth academy know how difficult it is to settle in the first team, and even more so at Barça. He knew how to do it, and all the palatial people are proud.

I imagine that you would like to play alongside him in the National Team.

Of course, I am working hard to be able to return. Representing Spain, for me, is the best, and I want to be ready for when the coach sees fit to return. I would love it: it is a goal that I have.

He was left off the list just in the season in which, perhaps, he is showing his best version. He is the Serie A player with the most points per game played.

Things are going well for me, on a personal and team level. Spalletti made me improve every day, bringing out the best in me.

His 4-2-3-1 has brought him closer to the area. He has five goals and four assists.

Yes, in this system I feel great. Having a partner next to me like Anguissa or Lobotka covering me gives me more freedom. Every time I can, I try to get to the rival area and finish. I am getting better at this facet.

What is it like to work with Spalletti?

He is a special trainer. He is totally obsessed with football, he loves it, he is thinking about it 24 hours a day. He has a very close relationship with all the players, he likes to talk, joke… he knows how to lead the group, and we are all happy. That is noticeable on the ground, we have clear ideas.

He had covid twice. After the first, in February 2021, paradoxically, his performance improved.

It’s true, we were talking about it with the doctors. It was a little strange, I can’t say why, but as soon as I tested negative, I went back to the field and it was as if I had never stopped, I had rhythm right away. Before getting infected, on the contrary, I was not living my best moment. It was a difficult year for everyone and stopping, perhaps, was good for me.

Napoli arrive with good feelings after a great start and a bad run.

Injuries, covid, stopped us… With so many casualties and so many games to play, everything was very difficult, and the same thing happened to us last year with Gattuso. We knew how to overcome difficulties and there we are, in the fight.

… Fighting for the scudetto, the great dream of the Neapolitans.

We know that it is complicated, but we are a great team and we can be there until the end, the data shows it. I have won a title in Naples, the Cup in 2020, and it left us with a bittersweet feeling for not having been able to celebrate it with our people due to covid. I’m not even capable of imagining what would happen in the city if we fulfilled that dream… The fans deserve it. We note your support not only in the stadium, which is normal, but also on a day-to-day basis, on the street, anywhere.

It is perfectly integrated into the city.

At first it was not easy. I was very young, I came alone, in a different country, but my classmates helped me a lot, and I learned the language right away. I made friends, this is already my second home. I am incredibly grateful to the city and all the people I met.

What do you like most about Naples?

I just couldn’t tell you what I don’t like. It is a city that has everything: a beach, beautiful places, you can eat very well, a good climate and the people are very similar to Andalusia. Every player who comes to the team and every person who visits me is delighted.

Which partner is Koulibaly?

He is a leader and a very good person, a piece of bread. He is always helping anyone who needs it. We are very happy about his victory in the African Cup.

Is Mertens as funny as he seems?

Dries is the one that made my adaptation easier. I am always with him, he is one of my family… What more can I say?

How did they take the news of the captain’s imminent goodbye, Insigne?

Lorenzo has spent his whole life in this club, but football is like that. It was sad, although at the same time we are glad that he lives this experience. You’ll be fine.

We end with a question about Spain. Are you following the Betis season?

Yes, of course, and they are very good in all competitions. Every time I can, I watch their games and I’m always happy for their successes.

Was it expected to see Ancelotti back in Madrid?

If I come to Naples it is above all because of him. He showed his interest in me and to be able to work with a coach like him is special. I didn’t know he was going to go back there, but he didn’t surprise me and I’m also not surprised that he’s doing well.

The greats of LaLiga have been interested several times in his signing. Do you think about going back to your country?

It is flattering that these clubs are interested in me, that is clear. Right now I only think about Napoli, I am very comfortable here and we have great challenges ahead of us. The idea of ​​returning to Spain in the future is always there: it is my home…

“The idea of ​​returning to Spain in the future is always there: it’s my home…”

Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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