Categories: Football

Everton – Southampton in live

Min. 90The players leave the green and so do we. It has been a pleasure to comment on the game. On this page we tell you all the matches of the competition. A hug!

Min. 90The referee ends this period of the game.

Min. 90Ward-Prowse (Southampton) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.

Min. 90Ward-Prowse (Southampton) takes a corner from the left.

Min. 90Ball into Ward-Prowse's (Southampton) box from the right.

Min. 90Ball into Ward-Prowse's (Southampton) box from the right.

Min. 90Ball into Ward-Prowse's (Southampton) box from the right.

Min. 90Ings (Southampton) left-handed shot that fails to go between the three sticks.

Min. 90Southampton attacks from the right wing: Ward-Prowse puts the ball in.

Min. 90The ball goes out and Bertrand (Southampton) takes the throw.

Min. 90Throw-in by Bertrand (Southampton).

Min. 90The ball goes out and Digne (Everton) takes the throw.

Min. 90Pickford (Everton) takes a goal kick.

Min. 90There is a substitution: King replaces Richarlison (Everton).

Min. 90Ward-Prowse crosses closed from the right, but the ball goes straight out.

Min. 90Ward-Prowse (Southampton) takes a corner from the left.

Min. 90Vestergaard shoots low with his left leg between the three posts, but the goalkeeper takes the ball with ease.

Min. 90Armstrong (Southampton) takes a shot with his left foot, but the ball does not end between the three sticks.

Min. 90Out of! Shot with the right leg of Djenepo (Southampton), who sees how the ball goes away from the three sticks.

Min. 90Ward-Prowse (Southampton) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.

Min. 90Ward-Prowse (Southampton) takes a corner from the left.

Min. 90Southampton attacks from the right wing: Ward-Prowse puts the ball in.

Min. 90Cross into the Ward-Prowse (Southampton) area.

Min. 88Throw-in by Djenepo (Southampton).

Min. 88Change in the ranks of Southampton: Watts replaces Redmond.

Min. 88Throw-in by Digne (Everton), who puts the ball into play.

Min. 87Change in Everton: Iwobi leaves and Gomes enters.

Min. 86Forster (Southampton) starts the play with a goal kick.

Min. 85Pickford (Everton) starts the play with a goal kick.

Min 84Out of! Shot with the right leg of Djenepo (Southampton), who sees how the ball goes away from the three sticks.

Min. 83The ball goes out and Digne (Everton) takes the throw.

Min. 83Southampton tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Ward-Prow crosses from the left wing.

Min. 83Ward-Prowse (Southampton) takes a corner from the right.

Min. 82Bertrand (Southampton) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.

Min. 82Richarlison (Everton) commits a foul on Djenepo.

Min. 81Calvert-Lewin (Everton) commits a foul on Bednarek.

Min. 81Pickford's (Everton) goal kick that puts the ball back into motion.

Min. 80Ward-Prowse (Southampton) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.

Min. 80Tella (Southampton) is cautioned.

Min. 80Gomes (Everton) fouls Armstrong. The ball will be put into play with a stopped ball.

Min 79Djenepo (Southampton) takes the throw.

Min 79Throw-in by Djenepo (Southampton), who puts the ball into play.

Min. 78Throw-in by Djenepo (Southampton).

Min. 77Southampton's bench moves with the replacement of N'Lundulu by Adams.

Min. 77The referee decides to admonish Armstrong (Southampton).

Min. 76Calvert-Lewin wins a free kick from Armstrong (Southampton). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.

Min. 76The ball goes out and Bertrand (Southampton) takes the throw.

Min. 76Throw-in by Ings (Southampton).

Min. 76Out of! Shot with the right leg of Tella (Southampton), who sees how the ball goes away from the three sticks.

Min. 76Cross into the Ward-Prowse (Southampton) area.

Min. 76Ward-Prowse (Southampton) takes a corner from the left.

Min. 76Ward-Prowse (Southampton) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.

Min. 75The ball goes out and Djenepo (Southampton) takes the throw.

Min. 74Gomes (Everton) commits a foul on Adams.

Min. 74Digne (Everton) takes the throw.

Min. 73The ball goes out and Digne (Everton) takes the throw.

Min. 73Throw-in by Digne (Everton).

Min. 73Game underway with a pickford (Everton) kick off the door.

Min. 72Whoops! Redmond (Southampton) shoots with the right. The ball goes out of goal.

Min. 72Southampton tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Ward-Prow crosses from the left wing.

Min. 72Ward-Prowse (Southampton) takes a corner from the right.

Min. 72Adams (Southampton) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.

Min. 71The referee blows his whistle and signals Holgate's (Everton) foul to Tella.

Min. 71Ball into the area of ​​Richarlison (Everton) from the right.

Min. 70The ball goes out and Holgate (Everton) takes the throw.

Min. 69Cross: Ward-Prowse (Southampton) takes the ball from the left.

Min. 68Digne (Everton) commits a foul on Djenepo.

Min. 67Lack! Holgate (Everton) has fouled Tella.

Min. 66Ball to Digne's area (Everton).

Min. 66Cross: Digne (Everton) takes the ball from the left.

Min. 66Digne (Everton) throws a closed corner from the right.

Min. 66Richarlison (Everton) tries to connect the ball with his head, although his shot fails to see the door.

Min. 66Sigurdsson (Everton) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.

Min. 66Everton tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Sigurdsson centers from the left wing.

Min. 66Ball to the area of ​​Sigurdsson (Everton).

Min. 65Lack! Bertrand (Southampton) has fouled Holgate.

Min. 65Holgate (Everton) takes the throw.

Min. 65Throw-in by Holgate (Everton).

Min. 64Bertrand (Southampton) takes the throw.

Min. 63Richarlison (Everton) miscalculates his career and is caught offside.

Min. 63Pickford's (Everton) goal kick that puts the ball back into motion.

Min. 63Change in Southampton: Tella leaves and Salisu enters his place.

Min. 62Salisu (Southampton) header unrewarded. It ends up coming out elevated and to the right of the goal.

Min. 62Ball into the Ward-Prowse (Southampton) area.

Min. 62Ward-Prowse (Southampton) takes a corner from the right.

Min. 62Ball into the Ward-Prowse (Southampton) area.

Min. 62Southampton tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Ward-Prow crosses from the left wing.

Min. 62Ward-Prow crosses from the left but the ball goes straight out.

Min. 61Throw-in by Bednarek (Southampton).

Min. 61The ball goes out and Digne (Everton) takes the throw.

Min. 61The ball goes out and Bertrand (Southampton) takes the throw.

Min. 60Game underway with a goal kick from Forster (Southampton).

Min. 60Keane (Everton) heads but the ball is lost beyond the three posts.

Min. 60Digne (Everton) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.

Min. 60Digne (Everton) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.

Min. 59The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Bednarek (Southampton) to Richarlison.

Min. 59The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul from Adams (Southampton) to Gomes.

Min. 58Ball to Digne's area (Everton).

Min. 58Digne (Everton) throws a closed corner from the right.

Min. 58Digne (Everton) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.

Min. 58Cross: Digne (Everton) takes the ball from the left.

Min. 58Godfrey (Everton) has a chance to score, but his left foot shot goes wide.

Min. 57The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul by Djenepo (Southampton) to Richarlison.

Min. 56Ball into the area of ​​Sigurdsson (Everton) from the right.

Min. 56Sigurdsson (Everton) takes a corner from the left.

Min. 55Center to the area of ​​Richarlison (Everton).

Min. 51Ball into the Ward-Prowse (Southampton) area.

Min. 50Djenepo wins a free kick from Digne (Everton). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.

Min. 50Throw-in by Bednarek (Southampton), who puts the ball into play.

Min. 49Calvert-Lewin (Everton) commits a foul on Forster.

Min. 49Cross to the area of ​​Sigurdsson (Everton).

Min. 49Sigurdsson (Everton) takes a corner from the left.

Min. 48Sigurdsson (Everton) shoots with his right leg at a direct ball at goal, but the shot has gone wide.

Min. 48Dangerous launch! Sigurdsson (Everton) opts to shoot directly at goal, but the play ends outside the three suits.

Min. 48Sigurdsson (Everton) shoots with his right leg at a direct ball at goal, but the shot has gone wide.

Min. 48Dangerous launch! Sigurdsson (Everton) opts to shoot directly at goal, but the play ends outside the three suits.

Min. 47The referee signals a foul by Armstrong (Southampton) to Calvert-Lewin.

Min. 46Gomes (Everton) commits a foul on Djenepo.

Min. 46Throw-in by Bertrand (Southampton).

Min. 46The game is already on the line.

Min. 45The referee signals the end of this period.

Min. 45Throw-in by Bednarek (Southampton).

Min. 45Everton tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Holgate centers from the left wing.

Min. 43Throw-in by Bednarek (Southampton).

Min. 41Throw-in by Holgate (Everton), who puts the ball into play.

Min 40Throw-in by Holgate (Everton).

Min 39Calvert-Lewin (Everton) has a chance to score, but his left foot shot goes wide.

Min 39The ball goes out and Holgate (Everton) takes the throw.

Min 38Cross to the area of ​​Bertrand (Southampton).

Min 37Game underway with a goal kick from Forster (Southampton).

Min. 36Richarlison (Everton) volleyed with his right leg, but the ball went far from the left post.

Min. 36Everton tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Sigurdsson centers from the left wing.

Min. 36Cross: Sigurdsson (Everton) takes the ball from the left.

Min. 35The referee takes a direct free kick for a foul by Vestergaard (Southampton) to Sigurdsson.

Min. 34Pickford (Everton) starts the play with a goal kick.

Min. 31Bertrand wins a free kick from Calvert-Lewin (Everton). The referee has seen it and has indicated the infraction.

Min. 31Throw-in by Holgate (Everton).

Min. 31Pickford's (Everton) goal kick that puts the ball back into motion.

Min. 30Ball into the area of ​​Armstrong (Southampton).

Min. 29Ball into Ward-Prowse's (Southampton) box from the right.

Min. 29Ward-Prowse (Southampton) takes a corner from the left.

Min. 28Cross into the Ward-Prowse (Southampton) area.

Min. 28Cross into the Ward-Prowse (Southampton) area.

Min. 27Holgate (Everton) commits a foul on Ings.

Min. 27The ball goes out and Bednarek (Southampton) takes the throw.

Min. 25Ball to Digne's area (Everton).

Min. 25Everton tries to create danger to the opposing goal: Digne centers from the left wing.

Min. 25Digne (Everton) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.

Min. 25Ball to Digne's area (Everton).

Min. 25Cross: Digne (Everton) takes the ball from the left.

Min. 25Holgate (Everton) is offside and watches the linesman raise his pennant.

Min. 25Digne (Everton) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.

Min. 24The referee blows his whistle and signals a foul from Redmond (Southampton) to Holgate.

Min. 24Throw-in by Digne (Everton), who puts the ball into play.

Min. 24Bednarek (Southampton) takes the throw.

Min. 23The ball goes out and Digne (Everton) takes the throw.

Min. 22Forster (Southampton) takes a goal kick.

Min. 22Digne (Everton) approaches the opposite area with a cross from the right wing.

Min. 21Everton attacks from the right wing: Digne puts the ball in.

Min. 21Throw-in by Bednarek (Southampton), who puts the ball into play.

Min. 21Armstrong (Southampton) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.

Min. 19Throw-in by Bertrand (Southampton).

Min. 18Pickford (Everton) takes a goal kick.

Min. 18Redmond volleyballs with his right foot, but the ball goes high and wide to the right.

Min. 18Ward-Prowse (Southampton) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.

Min. 18Ward-Prowse (Southampton) takes a corner from the right.

Min. 17Cross: Ings (Southampton) is the one who hits the ball from the left.

Min. 16Throw-in by Holgate (Everton), who puts the ball into play.

Min. 15Richarlison (Everton) miscalculates his career and is caught offside.

Min. 15Sigurdsson (Everton) starts a dangerous play with a cross from the left wing.

Min. 14The referee takes a direct free kick for a foul by Salisu (Southampton) to Calvert-Lewin.

Min. 13Digne (Everton) takes the throw.

Min. 12The referee blows his whistle and signals Holgate's (Everton) foul to Redmond.

Min. 11Holgate (Everton) takes the throw.

Min 09Goool! Richarlison's shot sneaks into the goal!

Min 09What an occasion !!! Richarlison (Everton) has decided to shoot directly at goal, and has finished between the three suits.

Min 08Digne (Everton) takes the throw.

Min 08Cross to the Digne (Everton) area.

Min 07Throw-in by Holgate (Everton).

Min 07Ball into Ward-Prowse's (Southampton) box from the right.

Min 07Ward-Prowse (Southampton) takes a corner from the left.

Min 06Bertrand disables the attack by intercepting the ball.

Min. 04Calvert-Lewin (Everton) is whistled offside.

Min. 03Throw-in by Holgate (Everton), who puts the ball into play.

Min. 01Throw-in by Bertrand (Southampton), who puts the ball into play.

Min. 01The ball is already rolling on the grass!

Gabby Barker

Gabby is someone who is interested in all types of sports, she loves to attend watching matches live. Whenever there is a match being played in her city, she makes sure to get the tickets in advance. Due to the love for sports, she joined Sportsfinding, and started writing general sports news. Apart from writing the news, she is also the editor for the website who checks and edits every news content before they go live.

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